Hi Sunil, The messages in Kafka has a CRC stored with each of them. When consumer receives a message, it will compute the CRC from the message bytes and compare it to the stored CRC. If the computed CRC and stored CRC does not match, that indicates the message has corrupted. I am not sure in your case why the message is corrupted. Corrupted message seems to be pretty rare because the broker actually validate the CRC before it stores the messages on to the disk.
Is this problem reproduceable? If so, can you find out the messages that are corrupted? Also, are you using the Java clients or some other clients? Jiangjie (Becket) Qin On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 8:28 PM, sunil kalva <kalva.ka...@gmail.com> wrote: > can some one help me out here. > > On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 7:36 PM, sunil kalva <kalva.ka...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > > Hi > > I am seeing few messages getting corrupted in kafka, It is not happening > > frequently and percentage is also very very less (less than 0.1%). > > > > Basically i am publishing thrift events in byte array format to kafka > > topics(with out encoding like base64), and i also see more events than i > > publish (i confirm this by looking at the offset for that topic). > > For example if i publish 100 events and i see 110 as offset for that > topic > > (since it is in production i could not get exact messages which causing > > this problem, and we will only realize this problem when we consume > because > > our thrift deserialization fails). > > > > So my question is, is there any magic byte which actually determines the > > boundary of the message which is same as the byte i am sending or or for > > any n/w issues messages get chopped and stores as one message to multiple > > messages on server side ? > > > > tx > > SunilKalva > > >