I was just playing around with Streams’ join features, just to get a
feel for them, and I think I may have noticed a bug in the code, in
KStreamImpl.java on line 310:


(I’m linking to the latest commit that changed this file so that the
link will be stable, but line 310 is currently identical in this
commit and trunk.)

the line reads:

.withValues(otherValueSerializer, otherValueDeserializer)

but I think maybe it’s supposed to read:

.withValues(thisValueSerializer, thisValueDeserializer)

I took a look at the tests and it seems they’re not catching this
because in the current tests, the serdes for both streams are the same
— it might be a good idea to add a test wherein they’re different.

If Streams was stable I’d offer to prepare a PR but given that it’s a
WIP I figured it would be better to just share this observation.



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