

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 2:08 PM, William Grim <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm noticing that when we have a thread that comes up and calls
> KafkaConsumer.poll(long), it will pause for a much longer time than our 1s
> timeout.  It looks like this is probably happening when kafka gets down to
> calling ConsumerNetworkClient.epollWait after calling
> ConsumerNetworkClient.poll(Future), because that API seems to pass
> Long.MAX_VALUE as the timeout to the low-level libs.
> So, my question is if this is a known bug?  I couldn't find anything about
> it, but it seems like if I start generating random traffic to that topic,
> the timeout resolves sooner but not much sooner than now.
> Thanks!
> --
> *William GrimSr. Software Engineerm: 914 418 4115
> <914%20418%204115>e: <>
> <
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