On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Allen Wang <allenxw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Updated KIP regarding how broker JSON version will be handled and new > procedure of upgrade. Thanks Allen. In the following text, I think we should replace 0.9.0 with "Due to a bug introduced in 0.9.0 in ZkUtils.getBrokerInfo(), old clients will throw an exception when it sees the broker JSON version is not 1 or 2. Therefore, *a minor release is required* to fix the problem first so that old clients can parse future version of broker JSON in ZooKeeper. That means 0.9.0 clients must be upgraded to before 0.9.1 upgrade can start. In addition, since ZkUtils.getBrokerInfo() is also used by broker, version specific code has to be used when registering broker with ZooKeeper" Also, I posted a PR for supporting version > 2 in and trunk: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/773 Ismael