Ben Stopford created KAFKA-2908:

             Summary: Instance of Gap in Consumption after Restart
                 Key: KAFKA-2908
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Sub-task
            Reporter: Ben Stopford

Instance of the rolling upgrade test. 10s sleeps have been put around node 
restarts to ensure stability when subsequent nodes go down. Consumer timeout 
has been set to 60s. Proudcer has been throttled to 100 messages per second. 

Failure is rare: It occurred once in 60 executions (6 executions per run #276 
-> #285 of the system_test_branch_builder)

*Reported Failure:*

At least one acked message did not appear in the consumed messages. 
acked_minus_consumed: 16385, 16388, 16391, 16394, 16397, 16400, 16403, 16406, 
16409, 16412, 16415, 16418, 16421, 16424, 16427, 16430, 16433, 16436, 16439, 
16442, 1669 more

*Immediate Observations:*

* The list of messages not consumed are all in partition 1.
* The messages ARE present in the log file:
Examining missing value 16385. This was written to p1,offset:5453
=> there is an entry in all data files for partition 1 for this (presumably 
meaning it was replicated correctly)

kafka/bin/ --files 
worker10/kafka-data-logs/test_topic-1/00000000000000000000.log | grep 'offset: 

worker10,9,8 repectively:
offset: 5453 position: 165346 isvalid: true payloadsize: 5 magic: 0 
compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 1502953075
offset: 5453 position: 165346 isvalid: true payloadsize: 5 magic: 0 
compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 1502953075
offset: 5453 position: 165346 isvalid: true payloadsize: 5 magic: 0 
compresscodec: NoCompressionCodec crc: 1502953075 

These entries definitely do not appear in the consumer stdout file either. 

15:27:02,232 - Producer sends first message
..servers 1, 2 are restarted (clean shutdown)
15:29:42,718 - Server 3 shutdown complete
15:29:42,712 - (Controller fails over): Broker 2 starting become controller 
state transition (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
15:29:42,743 - New leasder is 2 (LeaderChangeListner)
15:29:43,239 - WARN Broker 2 ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller 2 
with correlation id 0 epoch 7 for partition (test_topic,1) since its associated 
leader epoch 8 is old. Current leader epoch is 8 (state.change.logger)
15:29:45,642 - Producer starts writing messages that are never consumed
15:30:10,804 - Last message sent by producer
15:31:10,983 - Consumer times out after 60s wait without messages

Logs for this run are attached

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