Hey Dana,

Have a look at this wiki, which has more detail on the consumer's embedded

At the moment, the group protocol supports consumer groups and kafka
connect groups. Kafka tooling currently depends on the structure for these
protocol types, so reuse of the same names might cause problems. I will
look into updating the protocol documentation to standardize the protocol
formats that are in use and to provide guidance for client implementations.
My own view is that unless there's a good reason not to, all consumer
implementation should use the same consumer protocol format so that tooling
will work correctly.


On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 4:16 PM, Dana Powers <dana.pow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all - I've been reading through the wiki docs and mailing list threads
> for the new JoinGroup/SyncGroup/Heartbeat APIs, hoping to add functionality
> to the python driver. It appears that there is a shared notion of group
> "protocols" (client publishes supported protocols, coordinator picks
> protocol for group to use), and their associated metadata. Is there any
> documentation available for existing protocols? Will there be an official
> place to document that supporting protocol X means foo? I think I can
> probably construct a simple working protocol, but if I pick a protocol name
> that already exists, will things break?
> -Dana

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