Hey Guys, Below are my notes from today’s hangout. Feel free to add/modify the content. KIP Hangout (May 19, 2015) KIP-12 (sasl/ssl authentication): status check
- Gwen has posted patch for KAFKA-1928, network refactoring. - Needed for sasl changes. - Pretty close to completion. - Harsh has added ssl renegotiation part and is adding more tests. Will send a new patch by EOD or tomorrow. - Some discussions around use of thread pool for delegated tasks? No clear option as ssl engine does not provide call back. Similar issue in netty and jetty. If you have 1000 clients with long running delegated tasks, all of them will get pretty much hosed. Harsha is planning to add thread pool with 3-4 threads by default. KIP-19 (Add a request timeout to NetworkClient) - Time out config will be kept around for next release, but will be marked as deprecated. Will be removed in 0.9. - Discussions around various timeouts Kafka has. Idea is to have finite number of timeouts, and should be as per users understanding. - Jiangjie, will summarize all the timeouts we have. KIP-21 (configuration management) - Discussion around how to go about config changes, via alter topic or alter config. Agreement on going with alter config and describe config. - Alter topic probably not required. - Some discussion on how to delete a config override. -- Regards, Ashish