- What is the record size?
- Is this a local setup? i.e., producer/broker running local?
- Any overrides apart from batch size? E.g., linger time.
- Can you establish a baseline - with the old producer's sync-send?



On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 12:58:43AM +0000, Roshan Naik wrote:
> Based on recent suggestion by Joel, I am experimenting with using flush() to 
> simulate  batched-sync behavior.
> The essence of my  single threaded producer code is :
>     for (int i = 0; i < numRecords;) {
>         // 1- Send a batch
>         for(int batchCounter=0; batchCounter<batchSz; ++batchCounter) {
>             Future<RecordMetadata> f =  producer.send(record, null);
>             futureList.add(f);
>             i++;
>         }
>         // 2- Flush after sending batch
>         producer.flush();
>         // 3- Ensure all msgs were send
>         for( Future<RecordMetadata> f : futureList) {
>             f.get();
>         }
>     }
> There are actually two batch size in play here. One is the number of messages 
> between every flush() call made by the client. The other is the  batch.size  
> setting which impacts the batching internally done by the underlying Async 
> api.
> Intuitively  .. we either want to
>   A) Set both batch sizes to be Equal, OR
>   B) Set the underlying batch.size to a sufficiently large number so as to 
> effectively disable internal batch management
> Below numbers are in MB/s.  The 'Batch' column indicate the number of events 
> between each explicit client flush()
> Setup is 1-node broker and acks=1.
>                 1 partition
>                 Batch=4k        Batch=8k        Batch=16k
> Equal batchSizes (a)    16      32      52
> large batch.Size (b)    140     123     124
>                 4 partitions
>                 Batch=4k        Batch=8k        Batch=16k
> Equal batchSz (a)       35      61      82
> large batch.size (b)    7       7       7
>                 8 partitions
>                 Batch=4k        Batch=8k        Batch=16k
> Equal batchSz (a)               49      70      99
> large batch.size (b)    7       8       7
> There are two issues noticeable in these number:
> 1 - Case A is much faster than case B for 4 and 8 partitions.
> 2 - Single partition mode outperforms all others and here case B is faster 
> than case A.
> Side Note: I used the  client APIs  from the trunk while the broker is 
> running 0.8.2 (I don't think it matters, but nevertheless wanted to point out)

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