Hi, Parth,

How does this work in Hive? I thought authorization in Hive always goes
through it's SQL cli for any authorization plugin. When integrating with
Ranger(Argus), does Hive do authorization through a separate CLI?



On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Parth Brahmbhatt <
pbrahmbh...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> We could do this but I think its too simplistic plus now we are adding
> authorization related options in CLI which I thought everyone wants to
> avoid.
> When I say its too simplistic I mean there are missing options like
> —hosts, what happens when we start supporting group now we will probably
> end up adding "—grant —groups”. I think we will just endup polluting kafka
> create CLI with all the different acl options or we will have 2 CLIs one
> for the basic stuff and for anything advance you will have to use a
> different tool. It might be better to just have a single separate ACL
> management CLI.
> Thanks
> Parth
> On 4/17/15, 10:42 AM, "Gwen Shapira" <gshap...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> >I've probably been a DBA for too long, but I imagined something like:
> >kafka-topic --topic t1 --grant user --action action
> >kafka-topic --topic t1 --revoke user --action action
> >(i.e. the commandline equivalent of "grant select on table1 to
> >gwenshap" and "revoke select on table2 from gwenshap")
> >
> >When you need gazillion of them, you generate a script with gazillion
> >of those and execute.
> >
> >Maybe it just looks reasonable to me because I'm used to it, though :)
> >
> >Or maybe including the json parsing code in TopicCommand is not so bad?
> >
> >
> >
> >On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Parth Brahmbhatt
> ><pbrahmbh...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
> >> * Yes, Acl pretty much captures everything. Originally I had resource as
> >> part of Acls, we can go back to that.
> >> * The describe can call getAcl and I plan to do so. addAcl is tricky
> >> because the user will have to specify the acls through command lines,
> >> which will probably be a location to some file. Basically the CLI won¹t
> >> know how to parse user input and convert it to a principal/acl that the
> >> plugin understands. We could add an API in authorizer that can take a
> >>file
> >> as input if we want ‹acl as an option during create.
> >> * Yes also getAcls(Principal principal).
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Parth
> >>
> >>
> >> On 4/17/15, 10:05 AM, "Gwen Shapira" <gshap...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>>On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Parth Brahmbhatt
> >>><pbrahmbh...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
> >>>> I was following the storm model but I think this is a reasonable
> >>>>change. I recommend changing the API names to addAcls, removeAcls and
> >>>>getAcls.
> >>>
> >>>And they probably just need to get List<Acl> instead of everything I
> >>>specified? Looks like Acl encapsulates everything we need.
> >>>
> >>>> Couple of points to ensure we are on same page:
> >>>> * With this approach the kafka command line will not provide a way to
> >>>>add/edit acls during topic creation, neither it will provide a way to
> >>>>modify the acls. It will be up to the authorizer to either define a
> >>>>command line utility or to allow other means to add acls(CLI/UI/REST).
> >>>>For the default implementation we can provide CLI.
> >>>
> >>>You looked into this deeper than I did - is there a reason
> >>>TopicCommand can't invoke addACL and getACL?
> >>>
> >>>> * We probably want to add List<Acl> getAcls(Resource resource) so
> >>>>users
> >>>>can list all acls on a topic.
> >>>
> >>>Also getAcls(Principal princ)?
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I haven¹t looked at how consumer offsets are currently stored so I
> >>>>will
> >>>>have to take a look but I think that is implementation detail.
> >>>>
> >>>> Gwen,Jun and other interested parties, do you have time to jump on a
> >>>>quick hangout so we can go over some of the lower level details?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>> Parth
> >>>> From: Tong Li <liton...@us.ibm.com<mailto:liton...@us.ibm.com>>
> >>>> Reply-To: "dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>"
> >>>><dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>>
> >>>> Date: Friday, April 17, 2015 at 7:34 AM
> >>>> To: "dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>"
> >>>><dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>>
> >>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] KIP-11: ACL Management
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Gwen,
> >>>>          There is one product called ElasticSearch which has been
> >>>>quite
> >>>>successful. They recently added security, what they actually did is
> >>>>quite nice. They really separated Authentication and Authorization
> >>>>which
> >>>>many people get really confused about and often mix them up. I looked
> >>>>through what they did and quite impressed by it, I think there are many
> >>>>things we can borrow from. Here is a link to it.
> >>>>http://www.elastic.co/guide/en/shield/current/architecture.html. The
> >>>>product name is called "shield" which is implemented as an
> >>>>ElasticSearch
> >>>>plugin. The promise here is that you can have a running ElasticSearch,
> >>>>then you install this plugin, configure it, then your ElasticSearch
> >>>>service is secured. The goal should be really the same for Kafka, you
> >>>>have a Kafka service running, you install a new plugin (in this case
> >>>>security plugin), configure it, then your Kafka service is secured. I
> >>>>think that the key here is that we should introduce a true pluggable
> >>>>framework in Kafka which allows security, quota, encryption,
> >>>>compression, serialization/deserialization all being developed as
> >>>>plugins which can be all easily added and configured onto a running
> >>>>Kafka service, then the functions/features provided by the plugins will
> >>>>start working. Once we have this framework in, how a security plugin
> >>>>works internally becomes the really the concern of that plugin, for
> >>>>example, how a new user gets registered, permission granted, revoked,
> >>>>all these will be the concern of that plugin, rest of the Kafka
> >>>>components should not really be concerned about them. This way we are
> >>>>really following the design principal (Separation of concerns).  With
> >>>>all that, what I am proposing is a true pluggable framework
> >>>>introduction
> >>>>into Kafka which I have also talked about in a previous email. For
> >>>>security we can implement a simple file based security plugin, other
> >>>>plugins such as LDAP, AD for authentication can come later, plugin for
> >>>>authorization such as RBAC can also come later if people care so much
> >>>>about using them.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks.
> >>>>
> >>>> Tong Li
> >>>> OpenStack & Kafka Community Development
> >>>> Building 501/B205
> >>>> liton...@us.ibm.com<mailto:liton...@us.ibm.com>
> >>>>
> >>>> [Inactive hide details for Gwen Shapira ---04/16/2015 12:44:54 PM---Hi
> >>>>Kafka Authorization Fans, I'm starting a new thread on a]Gwen Shapira
> >>>>---04/16/2015 12:44:54 PM---Hi Kafka Authorization Fans, I'm starting a
> >>>>new thread on a specific sub-topic of KIP-11, since
> >>>>
> >>>> From: Gwen Shapira
> >>>><gshap...@cloudera.com<mailto:gshap...@cloudera.com>>
> >>>> To: "dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>"
> >>>><dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>>
> >>>> Date: 04/16/2015 12:44 PM
> >>>> Subject: [DISCUSSION] KIP-11: ACL Management
> >>>>
> >>>> ________________________________
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi Kafka Authorization Fans,
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm starting a new thread on a specific sub-topic of KIP-11, since
> >>>> this is a bit long :)
> >>>>
> >>>> Currently KIP-11, as I understand it, proposes:
> >>>> * Authorizers are pluggable, with Kafka providing DefaultAuthorizer.
> >>>> * Kafka tools allow adding / managing ACLs.
> >>>> * Those ACLs are stored in ZK and cached in a new TopicCache
> >>>> * Authorizers can either use the ACLs defined and stored in Kafka, or
> >>>> define and use their own.
> >>>>
> >>>> I am concerned of two possible issues with this design:
> >>>> 1. Separation of concerns - only authorizers should worry about ACLs,
> >>>> and therefore the less code for ACLs that exist in Kafka core, the
> >>>> better.
> >>>> 2. User confusion - It sounded like we can define ACLs in Kafka itself
> >>>> but authorizers can also define their own, so "kafka-topics
> >>>> --describe" may show an ACL different than the one in use. This can be
> >>>> super confusing for admins.
> >>>>
> >>>> My alternative suggestion:
> >>>> * Authorizer API will include:
> >>>> grantPrivilege(List<Principals>, List<Privilege>)
> >>>> revokePrivilege(List<Principals>, List<Privilege>),
> >>>> getPrivilegesByPrincipal(Principal, Resource)
> >>>> ....
> >>>> (The exact API can be discussed in detail, but you get the idea)
> >>>> * Kafka tools will simply invoke these APIs when topics are added /
> >>>> modified / described.
> >>>> * Each authorizer (including the default one) will be responsible for
> >>>> storing, caching and using those ACLs.
> >>>>
> >>>> This way, we keep almost all ACL code with the Authorizer, where it
> >>>> belongs and users get a nice unified interface that reflects what is
> >>>> actually getting used in the system.
> >>>> This is pretty much how Sqoop and Hive implement their authorization
> >>>>APIs.
> >>>>
> >>>> What do you think?
> >>>>
> >>>> Gwen
> >>>>
> >>

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