Hi dev list, I have a few questions regarding KAFKA-1313 (

It is currently possible albeit in a kindof hacky way to increase
replication factor on a topic by using the partition reassignment tool with
a hand-crafted reassignment plan.

The preferred approach to making this better is to add support for
replication-factor in the alter-topic command. For example,

bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic test --alter
--replication-factor 2

Another approach is use the partition reassignment tool to auto-generate a
reassignment plan which results in increased replication.

The advantage of the alter topics approach is that it seems logical to
group this functionality with the other alter topic stuff. However, a
couple questions:
- Should partitions automatically be reassigned to brokers and shuffled
when the replication factor is changed?
- If so, it would be best to be able to update the replication factor of
multiple topics at once so that the automatic reassignment would take place
only once for the whole batch of changes.

One advantage of the partition reassignment approach is that it's easier to
generate a reassignment plan which updates multiple topics at once, and you
have a chance to review the reassignment plan before putting it into effect
with the --execute flag.


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