Hey Joe,

This is great. A few comments on KIP-4

1. This is much needed functionality, but there are a lot of the so let's
really think these protocols through. We really want to end up with a set
of well thought-out, orthoganol apis. For this reason I think it is really
important to think through the end state even if that includes APIs we
won't implement in the first phase.

2. Let's please please please wait until we have switched the server over
to the new java protocol definitions. If we add upteen more ad hoc scala
objects that is just generating more work for the conversion we know we
have to do.

3. This proposal introduces a new type of optional parameter. This is
inconsistent with everything else in the protocol where we use -1 or some
other marker value. You could argue either way but let's stick with that
for consistency. For clients that implemented the protocol in a better way
than our scala code these basic primitives are hard to change.

4. ClusterMetadata: This seems to duplicate TopicMetadataRequest which has
brokers, topics, and partitions. I think we should rename that request
ClusterMetadataRequest (or just MetadataRequest) and include the id of the
controller. Or are there other things we could add here?

5. We have a tendency to try to make a lot of requests that can only go to
particular nodes. This adds a lot of burden for client implementations (it
sounds easy but each discovery can fail in many parts so it ends up being a
full state machine to do right). I think we should consider making admin
commands and ideally as many of the other apis as possible available on all
brokers and just redirect to the controller on the broker side. Perhaps
there would be a general way to encapsulate this re-routing behavior.

6. We should probably normalize the key value pairs used for configs rather
than embedding a new formatting. So two strings rather than one with an
internal equals sign.

7. Is the postcondition of these APIs that the command has begun or that
the command has been completed? It is a lot more usable if the command has
been completed so you know that if you create a topic and then publish to
it you won't get an exception about there being no such topic.

8. Describe topic and list topics duplicate a lot of stuff in the metadata
request. Is there a reason to give back topics marked for deletion? I feel
like if we just make the post-condition of the delete command be that the
topic is deleted that will get rid of the need for this right? And it will
be much more intuitive.

9. Should we consider batching these requests? We have generally tried to
allow multiple operations to be batched. My suspicion is that without this
we will get a lot of code that does something like
   for(topic: adminClient.listTopics())
this code will work great when you test on 5 topics but not do as well if
you have 50k.

10. I think we should also discuss how we want to expose a programmatic JVM
client api for these operations. Currently people rely on AdminUtils which
is totally sketchy. I think we probably need another client under clients/
that exposes administrative functionality. We will need this just to
properly test the new apis, I suspect. We should figure out that API.

11. The other information that would be really useful to get would be
information about partitions--how much data is in the partition, what are
the segment offsets, what is the log-end offset (i.e. last offset), what is
the compaction point, etc. I think that done right this would be the
successor to the very awkward OffsetRequest we have today.


On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 10:27 PM, Joe Stein <joe.st...@stealth.ly> wrote:

> Hi, created a KIP
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-4+-+Command+line+and+centralized+administrative+operations
> JIRA https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1694
> /*******************************************
>  Joe Stein
>  Founder, Principal Consultant
>  Big Data Open Source Security LLC
>  http://www.stealth.ly
>  Twitter: @allthingshadoop <http://www.twitter.com/allthingshadoop>
> ********************************************/

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