I created a KIP for this suggestion:

Basically documenting what was already discussed here.  Comments will
be awesome!


On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Gwen Shapira <gshap...@cloudera.com> wrote:
> The errors are part of the KIP process now, so I think the clients are safe :)
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Kafka+Improvement+Proposals
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Steve Morin <steve.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Agree errors should be part of the protocol
>>> On Jan 15, 2015, at 17:59, Gwen Shapira <gshap...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I got convinced by Joe and Dana that errors are indeed part of the
>>> protocol and can't be randomly added.
>>> So, it looks like we need to bump version of ProduceRequest in the
>>> following way:
>>> Version 0 -> accept acks >1. I think we should keep the existing
>>> behavior too (i.e. not replace it with -1) to avoid surprising
>>> clients, but I'm willing to hear other opinions.
>>> Version 1 -> do not accept acks >1 and return an error.
>>> Are we ok with the error I added in KAFKA-1697? We can use something
>>> less specific like InvalidRequestParameter. This error can be reused
>>> in the future and reduce the need to add errors, but will also be less
>>> clear to the client and its users. Maybe even add the error message
>>> string to the protocol in addition to the error code? (since we are
>>> bumping versions....)
>>> I think maintaining the old version throughout 0.8.X makes sense. IMO
>>> dropping it for 0.9 is feasible, but I'll let client owners help make
>>> that call.
>>> Am I missing anything? Should I start a KIP? It seems like a KIP-type
>>> discussion :)
>>> Gwen
>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 2:31 PM, Ewen Cheslack-Postava
>>> <e...@confluent.io> wrote:
>>>> Gwen,
>>>> I think the only option that wouldn't require a protocol version change is
>>>> the one where acks > 1 is converted to acks = -1 since it's the only one
>>>> that doesn't potentially break older clients. The protocol guide says that
>>>> the expected upgrade path is servers first, then clients, so old clients,
>>>> including non-java clients, that may be using acks > 1 should be able to
>>>> work with a new broker version.
>>>> It's more work, but I think dealing with the protocol change is the right
>>>> thing to do since it eventually gets us to the behavior I think is better 
>>>> --
>>>> the broker should reject requests with invalid values. I think Joe and I
>>>> were basically in agreement. In my mind the major piece missing from his
>>>> description is how long we're going to maintain his "case 0" behavior. It's
>>>> impractical to maintain old versions forever, but it sounds like there
>>>> hasn't been a decision on how long to maintain them. Maybe that's another
>>>> item to add to KIPs -- protocol versions and behavior need to be listed as
>>>> deprecated and the earliest version in which they'll be removed should be
>>>> specified so users can understand which versions are guaranteed to be
>>>> compatible, even if they're using (well-written) non-java clients.
>>>> -Ewen
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 12:52 PM, Dana Powers <dana.pow...@gmail.com> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> clients don't break on unknown errors
>>>>> maybe true for the official java clients, but I dont think the assumption
>>>>> holds true for community-maintained clients and users of those clients.
>>>>> kafka-python generally follows the fail-fast philosophy and raises an
>>>>> exception on any unrecognized error code in any server response.  in this
>>>>> case, kafka-python allows users to set their own required-acks policy when
>>>>> creating a producer instance.  It is possible that users of kafka-python
>>>>> have deployed producer code that uses ack>1 -- perhaps in production
>>>>> environments -- and for those users the new error code will crash their
>>>>> producer code.  I would not be surprised if the same were true of other
>>>>> community clients.
>>>>> *one reason for the fail-fast approach is that there isn't great
>>>>> documentation on what errors to expect for each request / response -- so
>>>>> we
>>>>> use failures to alert that some error case is not handled properly.  and
>>>>> because of that, introducing new error cases without bumping the api
>>>>> version is likely to cause those errors to get raised/thrown all the way
>>>>> back up to the user.  of course we (client maintainers) can fix the issues
>>>>> in the client libraries and suggest users upgrade, but it's not the ideal
>>>>> situation.
>>>>> long-winded way of saying: I agree w/ Joe.
>>>>> -Dana
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Gwen Shapira <gshap...@cloudera.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Is the protocol bump caused by the behavior change or the new error
>>>>>> code?
>>>>>> 1) IMO, error_codes are data, and clients can expect to receive errors
>>>>>> that they don't understand (i.e. unknown errors). AFAIK, clients don't
>>>>>> break on unknown errors, they are simple more challenging to debug. If
>>>>>> we document the new behavior, then its definitely debuggable and
>>>>>> fixable.
>>>>>> 2) The behavior change is basically a deprecation - i.e. acks > 1 were
>>>>>> never documented, and are not supported by Kafka clients starting with
>>>>>> version 0.8.2. I'm not sure this requires a protocol bump either,
>>>>>> although its a better case than new error codes.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Gwen
>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Joe Stein <joe.st...@stealth.ly>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Looping in the mailing list that the client developers live on because
>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> are all not on dev (though they should be if they want to be helping
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> build the best client libraries they can).
>>>>>>> I whole hardily believe that we need to not break existing
>>>>>>> functionality
>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the client protocol, ever.
>>>>>>> There are many reasons for this and we have other threads on the
>>>>>>> mailing
>>>>>>> list where we are discussing that topic (no pun intended) that I don't
>>>>>> want
>>>>>>> to re-hash here.
>>>>>>> If we change wire protocol functionality OR the binary format (either)
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>> must bump version AND treat version as a feature flag with backward
>>>>>>> compatibility support until it is deprecated for some time for folks
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>> deal
>>>>>>> with it.
>>>>>>> match version = {
>>>>>>> case 0: keepDoingWhatWeWereDoing()
>>>>>>> case 1: doNewStuff()
>>>>>>> case 2: doEvenMoreNewStuff()
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> has to be a practice we adopt imho ... I know feature flags can be
>>>>>> construed
>>>>>>> as "messy code" but I am eager to hear another (better? different?)
>>>>>> solution
>>>>>>> to this.
>>>>>>> If we don't do a feature flag like this specifically with this change
>>>>>> then
>>>>>>> what happens is that someone upgrades their brokers with a rolling
>>>>>> restart
>>>>>>> in 0.8.3 and every single one of their producer requests start to fail
>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> they have a major production outage. eeeek!!!!
>>>>>>> I do 100% agree that > 1 makes no sense and we *REALLY* need people to
>>>>>> start
>>>>>>> using 0,1,-1 but we need to-do that in a way that is going to work for
>>>>>>> everyone.
>>>>>>> Old producers and consumers must keep working with new brokers and if
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> not going to support that then I am unclear what the use of "version"
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> based on our original intentions of having it because of the
>>>>>>> 0.7=>-0.8.
>>>>>> We
>>>>>>> said no more breaking changes when we did that.
>>>>>>> - Joe Stein
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 12:38 PM, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <
>>>>>> e...@confluent.io>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Right, so this looks like it could create an issue similar to what's
>>>>>>>> currently being discussed in
>>>>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1649 where users now get
>>>>>>>> errors
>>>>>>>> under conditions when they previously wouldn't. Old clients won't
>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>> about the error code, so besides failing they won't even be able to
>>>>>>>> log
>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> meaningful error messages.
>>>>>>>> I think there are two options for compatibility:
>>>>>>>> 1. An alternative change is to remove the ack > 1 code, but silently
>>>>>>>> "upgrade" requests with acks > 1 to acks = -1. This isn't the same as
>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>> changes to behavior since the interaction between the client and
>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>> remains the same, no error codes change, etc. The client might just
>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>> some increased latency since the message might need to be replicated
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> more brokers than they requested.
>>>>>>>> 2. Split this into two patches, one that bumps the protocol version
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> message to include the new error code but maintains both old (now
>>>>>>>> deprecated) and new behavior, then a second that would be applied in
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> later release that removes the old protocol + code for handling acks
>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>> 2 is probably the right thing to do. If we specify the release when
>>>>>> we'll
>>>>>>>> remove the deprecated protocol at the time of deprecation it makes
>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> lot easier for people writing non-java clients and could give users
>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>> predictability (e.g. if clients are at most 1 major release behind
>>>>>>>> brokers,
>>>>>>>> they'll remain compatible but possibly use deprecated features).
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 3:51 PM, Gwen Shapira <gshap...@cloudera.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Kafka Devs,
>>>>>>>>> We are working on KAFKA-1697 - remove code related to ack>1 on the
>>>>>>>>> broker. Per Neha's suggestion, I'd like to give everyone a heads up
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> what these changes mean.
>>>>>>>>> Once this patch is included, any produce requests that include
>>>>>>>>> request.required.acks > 1 will result in an exception. This will be
>>>>>>>>> InvalidRequiredAcks in new versions (0.8.3 and up, I assume) and
>>>>>>>>> UnknownException in existing versions (sorry, but I can't add error
>>>>>>>>> codes retroactively).
>>>>>>>>> This behavior is already enforced by 0.8.2 producers (sync and
>>>>>>>>> new),
>>>>>>>>> but we expect impact on users with older producers that relied on
>>>>>>>>> acks
>>>>>>>>>> 1 and external clients (i.e python, go, etc).
>>>>>>>>> Users who relied on acks > 1 are expected to switch to using acks =
>>>>>>>>> -1
>>>>>>>>> and a min.isr parameter than matches their user case.
>>>>>>>>> This change was discussed in the past in the context of KAFKA-1555
>>>>>>>>> (min.isr), but let us know if you have any questions or concerns
>>>>>>>>> regarding this change.
>>>>>>>>> Gwen
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Ewen
>>>>>>> --
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>>>> --
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ewen

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