Adding User Community to see if any one knows behavior of Producer for
issue #1) and status of 2).



On Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Bhavesh Mistry <>

> Hi Kafka Dev Team,
> I am following-up with you guys regarding New (Java) Producer behavior in
> event of network or firewall rules.  I just wanted to make Java Producer
> resilient of any network or firewall issues, and does not become
> single-point of failure in application:
> 1) Jira Issue
> What should be the behavior of the Producer when it can not reach leader
> broker, but metadata reported broker is leader for that partition (via
> other broker) ?  Should the record-error-rate be counted and Call Back
> should be called with error or not ?
> 1) *record-error-rate* metric remain zero despite following firewall
> rule. In my opinion, it should have called
> org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback but I did not see that happening
> either one or two are brokers not reachable.
> 2)  Is  jira ticket will
> be merged to 0.8.2 ?  This will give the ability to close the producer in
> event of lost connectivity to broker  if io thread misbehave (does not end)
> ?
> Thanks for your help !
> Thanks,
> Bhavesh

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