
Jayson Minard commented on KAFKA-1207:

Hi John, what is the current status of this patch, looks like pending review 
since January.  

How does it stand in terms of "working" :-)  In case someone wants to use it 

> Launch Kafka from within Apache Mesos
> -------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-1207
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1207
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Joe Stein
>              Labels: mesos
>             Fix For: 0.9.0
>         Attachments: KAFKA-1207.patch, KAFKA-1207_2014-01-19_00:04:58.patch, 
> KAFKA-1207_2014-01-19_00:48:49.patch
> There are a few components to this.
> 1) The Framework:  This is going to be responsible for starting up and 
> managing the fail over of brokers within the mesos cluster.  This will have 
> to get some Kafka focused paramaters for launching new replica brokers, 
> moving topics and partitions around based on what is happening in the grid 
> through time.
> 2) The Scheduler: This is what is going to ask for resources for Kafka 
> brokers (new ones, replacement ones, commissioned ones) and other operations 
> such as stopping tasks (decommissioning brokers).  I think this should also 
> expose a user interface (or at least a rest api) for producers and consumers 
> so we can have producers and consumers run inside of the mesos cluster if 
> folks want (just add the jar)
> 3) The Executor : This is the task launcher.  It launches tasks kills them 
> off.
> 4) Sharing data between Scheduler and Executor: I looked at the a few 
> implementations of this.  I like parts of the Storm implementation but think 
> using the environment variable 
> ExectorInfo.CommandInfo.Enviornment.Variables[] is the best shot.  We can 
> have a command line bin/kafka-mesos-scheduler-start.sh that would build the 
> contrib project if not already built and support conf/server.properties to 
> start.
> The Framework and operating Scheduler would run in on an administrative node. 
>  I am probably going to hook Apache Curator into it so it can do it's own 
> failure to a another follower.  Running more than 2 should be sufficient as 
> long as it can bring back it's state (e.g. from zk).  I think we can add this 
> in after once everything is working.
> Additional detail can be found on the Wiki page 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=38570672

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