
Thomas Weise updated KAFKA-1754:
    Comment: was deleted

(was: [~acmurthy] Thanks for the support. Disk reservation will benefit Kafka
greatly. Will reach out with a few other questions.


> KOYA - Kafka on YARN
> --------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-1754
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1754
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Thomas Weise
>         Attachments: DT-KOYA-Proposal- JIRA.pdf
> YARN (Hadoop 2.x) has enabled clusters to be used for a variety of workloads, 
> emerging as distributed operating system for big data applications. 
> Initiatives are on the way to bring long running services under the YARN 
> umbrella, leveraging it for centralized resource management and operations 
> ([YARN-896] and examples such as HBase, Accumulo or Memcached through 
> Slider). This JIRA is to propose KOYA (Kafka On Yarn), a YARN application 
> master to launch and manage Kafka clusters running on YARN. Brokers will use 
> resources allocated through YARN with support for recovery, monitoring etc. 
> Please see attached for more details.

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