Hi Jay,

I agree and understood what you have mentioned in previous email.  But when
you have 5000+ producers running in cloud ( I am sure linkedin has many
more and need to increase partitions for scalability) then all running
producer will not send any data. So Is there any feature or setting that
make sense to shrink batch size to fit the increase.  I am sure other will
face the same issue.  Had I configured with block.on.buffer.full=true it
will be even worse and will block application threads.  Our use case is
*logger.log(msg)* method can not be blocked so that is why we have
configuration to false.

So I am sure others will run into this same issues.   Try to find the
optimal solution and recommendation from Kafka Dev team for this particular
use case (which may become common).



On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Jay Kreps <jay.kr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey Bhavesh,
> Here is what your configuration means
> buffer.memory=64MB # This means don't use more than 64MB of memory
> batch.size=1MB # This means allocate a 1MB buffer for each partition with
> data
> block.on.buffer.full=false # This means immediately throw an exception if
> there is not enough memory to create a new buffer
> Not sure what linger time you have set.
> So what you see makes sense. If you have 1MB buffers and 32 partitions then
> you will have approximately 32MB of memory in use (actually a bit more than
> this since one buffer will be filling while another is sending). If you
> have 128 partitions then you will try to use 128MB, and since you have
> configured the producer to fail when you reach 64 (rather than waiting for
> memory to become available) that is what happens.
> I suspect if you want a smaller batch size. More than 64k is usually not
> going to help throughput.
> -Jay
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 11:39 AM, Bhavesh Mistry <
> mistry.p.bhav...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi Kafka Dev,
> >
> > With new Producer, we are having to change the # partitions for a topic,
> > and we face this issue BufferExhaustedException.
> >
> > Here is example,   we have set 64MiB and 32 partitions and 1MiB of batch
> > size.  But when we increase the partition to 128, it throws
> > BufferExhaustedException right way (non key based message).  Buffer is
> > allocated based on batch.size.  This is very common need to set auto
> > calculate batch size when partitions increase because we have about ~5000
> > boxes and it is not practical to deploy code in all machines than expand
> > partition for  scalability purpose.   What are options available while
> new
> > producer is running and partition needs to increase and not enough buffer
> > to allocate batch size for additional partition ?
> >
> > buffer.memory=64MiB
> > batch.size=1MiB
> > block.on.buffer.full=false
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bhavesh
> >

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