ChengRen created KAFKA-1703:

             Summary: The bat script failed to start on windows
                 Key: KAFKA-1703
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: build
    Affects Versions:
            Reporter: ChengRen

The bat script in bin\windows can not start zookeeper and kafka correctly 
(where my os is just installed and only jdk ready). I modified the 
kafka-run-class.bat and add jars in libs folder to classpath.

for %%i in (%BASE_DIR%\core\lib\*.jar) do (
        call :concat %%i

#### added  begin####
for %%i in (%BASE_DIR%\..\libs\*.jar) do (
        call :concat %%i
#### added  end####

for %%i in (%BASE_DIR%\perf\target\scala-2.8.0/kafka*.jar) do (
        call :concat %%i

Now it runs correctly.

Under bin\windows:
    zookeeper-server-start.bat ..\..\config\

   kafka-server-start.bat ..\..\config\

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