In 0.8.x, a topic doesn't necessarily get created on every broker. Each
topic can have one or more partitions. Each partition can have one or more
replicas. In general, the replicas are spread over the brokers in a
cluster. The producer obtains the metadata of a topic to determine which
broker to send a message to.



On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Sreenivasulu Nallapati <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am new to Kafka and trying to evaluate for one of our use case. I have a
> basic question regarding topic.
> Assume we have a 10 broker cluster. If a create a Topic, will it be created
> in all 10 brokers?
> If not, how it manages internally if we try to send a message to that
> perticular topic? assume we created a producer with all brokers
> Thanks in advance.
> Thanks
> Sreeni

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