
took me some time, and sorry for the long email, but it's complicated...

First, I just re-read the latest version of the KIP. Thanks for all the updates.

One thing that I an missing in the motivation is, that we really want to stop support direct upgrades from older versions, to cut down our upgrade matrix for testing. The motivation does somewhat touch on it, but I think it would be good to be more explicit. Even if it isn't something users care about, it's a second main motivation for us, in addition to the complexity to actually keep the versions compatible.

I also want to further clarify my understanding of the KIP. The goal is not to define what upgrades are possible, right? What is possible is much more nuanced. -- But we rather want to define what we recommend? Is this understanding correct? If yes, it might also be worth to add to the motivation section.

I also think, we actually need to more explicitly distinguish three categories of compatibility, but did so far only discuss two of them. Even if the KIP does mention all three. Ideally, we should have a section in the motivation, explaining the three different types of compatibility, and explicitly state which one this KIP is concerned with, and which ones it's not concerned with.

(1) protocol compatibility: ie, what client-broker versions are compatible

This one is not in the focus of the KIP, but it might still be good to be explicit about it. Could be explained in the motivation for completeness, and maybe refer to KIP-896 for 4.x related changes.

Btw: there is also some additional limitations for KS-broker compatibility: https://kafka.apache.org/39/documentation/streams/upgrade-guide#streams_api_broker_compat

Many of you know this, but wanted to mention it for completeness. Not sure if we need to mention it on the KIP.

(2) API compatibility (ie Java/Scala API).

This is only mentioned briefly in the KIP, and again, it's not the core of the KIP, but I think it is still important to include it more explicitly, because we talk about "bridge version".

Given the rule that we are allowed to break API compatibility in major release, but still guarantee API compatibility for the last three minor releases, it can be confusing and it would be great to explain it better.

In the end, directly upgrading from 2.5 or older to 4.x is practically impossible as we went through two major releases which did remove deprecated APIs, and I would not recommend to do such a direct upgrade.

From an API POV, if one is on 2.5 or older, they should first upgrade to 2.6/2.7/2.8, and than lazily migrate off any older stuff what is removed with 3.0. Afterwards, they can upgrade to 3.7/3.8/3.9 following the same pattern, and only upgrade to 4.0 in a third step.

If they want to be "advantageous", they could make it a two step upgrade I guess, and go from 2.5 (or older) directly to 3.x and apply all required code changes in a single upgrade step, and repeat the same to upgrade to 4.0. But I would not necessarily recommend to do an non-API compatible upgrade directly, and for sure officially discourage it for two major releases.

Thus, the information in the KIP about "bridge version" to 4.x begin "2.4.x - 3.9.x" seems to fall short, and mentioning

To minimize code refactoring, we recommend the following bridge versions that 
maintain API compatibility with Kafka 4.x:

Kafka Client: 3.3.x - 3.9.x
Kafka Streams: 3.6.x - 3.9.x

seems not to be sufficient to me.

Hence, the provided "Upgrade Examples" might be oversimplified, and we might want to refine them.

(3) Runtime compatibility. This one is specific to Kafka Streams, but not to clients from my understanding. Client are stateless and thus they don't face any issue, but Kafka Streams is stateful, and thus need to take care of it. Please correct me if I am wrong.

The KIP so far, seems to only consider this one, and what is proposed make sense to me on a high level. However, I am confused why Kafka Clients are mentioned here, too, as this type of compatibility should not really be relevant for them? Even if clients might also have some semantic changes, these should always align with API changes (ie, old deprecate API might have slightly different semantics than new API).

Now about the currently proposes ranges from Kafka Streams:

Kafka Streams
Current Version 0.11.x - 2.3.x
Bridge Release 2.4.x - 3.9.x
Target Version 4.x

This could make sense for "eager vs cooperative" rebalancing, however, at the current point, we did not remove "eager" in 4.0 yet. I was actually just syncing up with Sophie about it, and it was a slip, and we want to propose to remove "eager" in 4.0 (Sophie will prepare a PR), so we can avoid keeping "eager" until 5.0.

We did officially deprecate "eager" in 3.1 release, so we are covered to actually remove it with 4.0.

If we would not drop "eager", using `2.4.x to 3.9.x` would not make sense though. If we keep "eager" in 4.0, user can still upgrade from 2.0.x to 4.0.x w/o issues from a runtime perspective.

If we drop "eager" we also need to drop the corresponding system tests that upgrade to 4.0, and also stop testing upgrading from "eager to cooperative" with 3.9 being the highest target version in this system test. And if we don't test it, it's not officially supported any longer... (even if people could still upgrade via an offline upgrade -- what really breaks if we remove "eager" is "only" the online [two-]rolling bounce upgrade...)

However, there is another change we want to consider: we did remove EOSv1 in 4.0 release, which was replace with EOSv2 in Kafka Streams 2.6 via KIP-447.

Thus, for EOSv1 users, they cannot directly upgrade to 4.0 either, but only EOSv2 users can. Thus, it might make sense to actually use "bridge releases 2.6.x - 3.9.x" just to keep it simple... Or we can distinguish between ALOS and EOS and have an "bridge release version range" for both cases.

Btw: using EOSv2 required broker version 2.5+, that we might also want to call out.

Last but not least, while we are very explicit in the KS upgrade docs, it might be worth to call out that some upgrades require a two-rolling bounce approach, and users should always consult the upgrade docs... We use two-rolling bounce upgrade to bridge runtime backward incompatible changes (similar to what we do broker side, when IBP version is bumped).

So overall, it seems that we need to really have two guidelines, not just one? For for API compatibility, which is much stricter, and one for runtime compatibility?

If we really want to make a recommendation that is most easy to understand, we might want to only go with API compatibility. Not sure if this might be "too restrictive" though?

Curious to get you though on all this.


On 2/19/25 5:51 PM, Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
Hi Lianet,

Thank you for your feedback!

Yes, the current KIP focuses solely on the client upgrade for 4.x. I have 
updated the title accordingly and also included the KS upgrade link in the KIP.

Thanks again!

Best regards,

On 2025/02/19 16:59:25 "Lianet M." wrote:
Hello all, sorry a bit late, just minor comments on this one:

- Should we clarify in the title or at the beginning of the KIP that it is
proposing a client upgrade path for 4.x? The broader considerations for
upgrades discussed in this thread will be tackled separately (seems we all

- The KS upgrade path seems to be the tricky one, and all that the user
needs to consider to successfully follow the provided path for KS is not
clear in the KIP, but it's all well explained on the KS upgrade notes for
3.9, should we add a ref to that?

Thanks Kuan Po!


On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 11:22 AM Kuan Po Tseng <brandb...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello everyone,

If there are no other opinions, I would like to start a vote tomorrow,
thank you!

Kuan Po

On Sat, Feb 8, 2025 at 1:51 AM Kuan Po Tseng <brandb...@apache.org> wrote:

Hi all,

Based on our discussion, I added a section on choosing the appropriate
bridge version from an API compatibility perspective for upgrading to
4.0. Let me know if you have any thoughts. Thank you!


On 2025/02/07 03:34:46 Kuan Po Tseng wrote:
Hi Chia-Ping,

Sorry for the delayed response. I’ve checked all relevant JIRAs using
the following Jira Query Language:

project = KAFKA AND status in (Resolved, Closed) AND fixVersion = 4.0.0
AND text ~ "Remove" order by updated DESC

Based on this, I checked the JIRAs related to removing deprecated
methods in client modules. The minimum backward-compatible client
for client 4.0 are as follows:
- Producer: 3.3.0
   Reason: Partitioner#onNewBatch was deprecated in 3.3.0, and was
removed by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18295
- Consumer: 2.4.0
   Reason: Consumer#committed was deprecated in 2.4.0, and was removed
- Admin: 3.3.0
   Reason: ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions was deprecated in 3.3.0 and
was removed by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18291

You can find a list of all related JIRAs and pull requests in this
Google Sheet:


There are also some public methods removed in 4.0, such as:
- KafkaFuture#Function, KafkaFuture#thenApply
- JmxReported(String)
, but I'm uncertain about how we should handle these.


On 2025/02/06 19:08:49 Chia-Ping Tsai wrote:
hi Kuan-Po

any update? Now that an upgrade path for bridge versions exists, we
can introduce additional "conditions" to assist users in selecting the
"best" bridge version. For example, we can provide guidance on which
versions offer backward compatibility with Kafka 4.0 client or are
compatible with Kafka 4.0 server.


On 2025/01/22 04:48:36 Chia-Ping Tsai wrote:
- If we support 2.0+ to 4.0 client/KS upgrade it's simpler, but
course brokers cannot be 4.0 yet -- but I guess this would be something
natural? Given that the clients would be on 2.0, brokers cannot be 4.0
or clients would have crashed already... Thus, I think I slightly prefer
this one.

Using a major version as a bridge is a viable approach. We can
emphasize the limitations of this method to guide users in selecting the
most suitable bridge version.

For KS, from an API compatibility POV, upgrading from anything
older than 3.6 might not work any longer (for DSL users; of course,
depending on what APIs they are using). And for PAPI, the old API was
removed too, so only if the new one is use (introduced in 2.7) a seamless
upgrade would work smoothly.

You make a valid point. The previous discussion overlooked the APIs
that were removed in version 4.0.

We could also emphasize the BC advantages. As an example, users
the option of using version 2.7 as a bridge and subsequently upgrade
without code alterations or recompilation. Of course, we need to check
version of other PAPI removal.


Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> 於 2025年1月22日 凌晨2:55 寫道:
For KS, from an API compatibility POV, upgrading from anything
older than 3.6 might not work any longer (for DSL users; of course,
depending on what APIs they are using). And for PAPI, the old API was
removed too, so only if the new one is use (introduced in 2.7) a seamless
upgrade would work smoothly.

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