Dear all,

> only support upgrades between 2 major version, and also 
limit client-broker compatibility to two major version.

I wholeheartedly support this concept due to its inherent simplicity. However, 
a primary concern arises regarding third-party client libraries implemented in 
other languages. These libraries serve as the primary reference for KIP-896, as 
I understand it.

Furthermore, I propose expanding the definition of 'compatibility' to encompass 
the following aspects:

1) Client-Broker Protocol Compatibility: Ensure seamless interoperability 
between 5.x clients and brokers, as well as with clients and brokers in the 
[4.x, 6.x] range.

2) Upgrade Path: Guarantee a smooth upgrade path from 4.x clients and brokers 
to the 5.x version.

The following points require further consideration:

1) Removal of Old Protocols: Should we remove protocols prior to 4.0 in the 5.0 
release? This action could streamline the codebase, but we should carefully 
weigh the potential benefits against the need to accommodate users running 
Kafka with older releases (even if there is no official guarantee)

2) Hybrid Broker-Broker Scenarios: How will the system behave in hybrid 
environments where 4.x, 5.x, and 6.x brokers coexist? Specifically, what 
happens when a 6.x broker is introduced into a 5.x cluster that includes 4.x 
brokers? If we intend to remove older protocols in major releases, such hybrid 
configurations might need to be disallowed.

3) Downgrade Path: Supporting downgrades from 5.x clients and brokers to 4.x 
versions may pose challenges, particularly when considering the introduction of 
new records.

To Kuan-Po

I recommend reorganizing KIP-1124 to include a dedicated section for discussing 
the proposed new compatibility policy. Given that we anticipate a series of 
discussions on this topic within this thread, incorporating a summary of the 
current discussion within the KIP itself would be highly beneficial.


On 2025/01/16 11:31:15 Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> Thanks for the KIP!
> I have to admit that all these different aspects of compatibility are 
> really confusing. When we talk about compatibility, we should try to be 
> precise about what kind of compatibility we talk about so that for users 
> and developers it is clear.
> Basically, we have Java/Scala API compatibility and protocol API (i.e. 
> client and inter-broker RPC) compatibility.
> Java/Scala APIs:
> "Any incompatible changes should be ultimately settled in the KIP design 
> process, where the usual strategy is to retain the old APIs, mark them 
> as deprecated and potentially remove them in some next major release."[1]
> At the moment, as far as I understand, this KIP proposes to document 
> what KIP-896 proposes and what was accordingly implemented. I do not 
> believe, we need a KIP for that. The intent of this KIP should be to 
> agree on a general policy when to remove old client protocol versions 
> (as Matthias pointed out). I found the following in [1]:
> "Our policy is that the Kafka protocols and data formats should support 
> backwards compatibility for as many releases to enable no-downtime 
> upgrades (unless there is a very compelling counter-argument). This 
> means the server MUST be able to support requests from both old and new 
> clients simultaneously. This compatibility needs to be retained for at 
> least one major release (e.g. 2.0 must accept requests from 1.0 
> clients). A typical upgrade sequence for binary format changes would be 
> (1) upgrade server to handle the new message format, (2) upgrade clients 
> to use the new message format."
> It says "at least one major release (e.g. 2.0 must accept requests from 
> 1.0 clients)". I understand that Matthias wants to change "at least" to 
> "exactly". I guess, there might always be the option to write a KIP to 
> retain compatibility with older versions of certain protocols.
> So the question seems to be whether
> 1. we want to make the removal of old protocol versions automatically 
> (or at least not guarantee the existence) and write KIPs for retaining 
> certain old versions of protocols
> OR
> 2. we want to write KIPs to remove old protocol version (e.g. KIP-896).
> IMO, from a code maintenance perspective the former is preferable, from 
> a user perspective maybe the latter. However, I am not sure it is really 
> preferable for users of clients to be able to postpone upgrades for too 
> long.
> So, I am in favor of 1.
> Best,
> Bruno
> [1]
> On 16.01.25 00:31, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> > Thanks for starting this. It's overdue that we define a public contract 
> > how far back we want do guarantee for direct upgrades.
> > 
> > In general, a lot of information is in the docs (https:// 
> > but the 
> > information is hard to extract. And it's not documented "how far back" 
> > on could actually go.
> > 
> > About Sophie's point: while important, it seems to be orthogonal to the 
> > question on hand? Also, the requirement of a two-round rolling bounce 
> > upgrade is not unique to the rebalance protocol.
> > 
> > While it's great to define this for already release versions, to me it's 
> > actually more important to look into the future, to set expectations 
> > right. (For the past, it's not really possible to just "drop" guarantees 
> > suddenly...)
> > 
> > Historically, we did support backward compatibility across multiple 
> > major versions (as long as no APIs are use which might have been 
> > removed). However, it think we should cut this down to two major 
> > versions going forward. Ie, we won't guarantee that a 3.x app can be 
> > upgraded to 5.x, but only 4.x can be upgrade to 5.x.
> > 
> > It's really painful to maintain a longer compatibility window, and 
> > testing it is also very expensive.
> > 
> > Furthermore, and this is an even broader question, we guarantee client- 
> > broker backward/forward compatibility across multiple major version, 
> > too. I think we should also limit client-broker compatibility to two 
> > major versions only. For 4.0 brokers, we already drop support for 2.0 
> > and older clients (and reverse, 4.0 client require 2.1+ brokers), what 
> > is still a larger window.
> > 
> > But I think for 5.0 brokers, we should only guarantee support for 4.0+ 
> > clients and drop 2.x and 3.x... -- And in revers, if upgrading client to 
> > 5.x, they would require broker 4.0, and we don't guarantee that 5.x 
> > clients work against 3.x/2.x brokers any longer.
> > 
> > Given that we did 3 years of release with 2.x and 3.x each, I would 
> > expect that 5.x will also be like 3 years in the future, and 3 years is 
> > already a very long compatibility guarantee, and with two major version, 
> > 6 year old clients can still connect to the latest broker and vice-versa.
> > 
> > Of course, if it would really happen that we bump the major version 
> > quicker (like we did for 1.0/1.1 to 2.0), we can always add an exception 
> > to the rule and document it accordingly. But IMHO, the general rule 
> > should be, to only support upgrades between 2 major version, and also 
> > limit client-broker compatibility to two major version.
> > 
> > Having a public contract like this, should also avoid that we need to do 
> > KIP to drop older RPC from the implementation when a new  major release 
> > comes along streamlining the development process.
> > 
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> > 
> > 
> > -Matthias
> > 
> > 
> > On 1/15/25 3:00 PM, Sophie Blee-Goldman wrote:
> >> Thanks for the KIP. I'm all for documenting the upgrade path like this.
> >> Just want to chime in on the Streams side of things, since there is (at
> >> least) one nuance which is probably worth accounting for:
> >>
> >> Because of the introduction of cooperative rebalancing in 2.4 which was
> >> enabled by default for Kafka Streams, it is not possible to directly
> >> upgrade a Streams app from pre-2.4 to 2.4 or higher. Instead the user 
> >> must
> >> follow a specific two-phase upgrade path, with the first rolling bounce
> >> setting the UPGRADE_FROM config and upgraded the bytecode, and the second
> >> rolling bounce simply removing the UPGRADE_FROM config.
> >>
> >> I mention this here because this means if a user needs to upgrade a 
> >> Streams
> >> app from, say, version 1.0 to version 4.0 with 2.3 as a bridge release,
> >> they would have to go through 3 total upgrades instead of just 2. For 
> >> this
> >> reason I'm wondering if we should recommend a slightly different upgrade
> >> path for Kafka Streams specifically: *[0.11.x - 2.3.x] → [2.4.x - 
> >> 3.9.x] →
> >> 4.x*
> >>
> >> We should also call out the special upgrade path as part of the
> >> documentation here, that is, for all Kafka Streams users:
> >>
> >> 1. Set the UPGRADE_FROM config to the starting version and perform the 
> >> *[0.11.x
> >> - 2.3.x] → [2.4.x - 3.9.x]* upgrade
> >> 2. Remove the UPGRADE_FROM config and perform the *[2.4.x - 3.9.x] → 
> >> 4.x *
> >> upgrade
> >>
> >> Thoughts?
> >>
> >> On Wed, Jan 15, 2025 at 7:57 AM Chia-Ping Tsai <> 
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> hi Kuan-Po
> >>>
> >>> thanks for raising this discussion. Some questions are listed below.
> >>>
> >>> chia00:
> >>>
> >>> in the `Upgrade Example`, could you pleas remind that the bridge version
> >>> must be compatible to server's version?
> >>>
> >>> chia01:
> >>>
> >>> could you please add link of KIP-896 in the "Proposed Changes"?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Chia-Ping
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Kuan Po Tseng <> 於 2025年1月15日 週三 下午9:46寫道:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>> I'd like to initiate a discussion thread on *KIP-1124,* which 
> >>>> proposes a
> >>>> clear upgrade path for Kafka Client, including Kafka Streams.
> >>>> You can find the details here:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>> 
> >>> KIP-1124%3A+Providing+a+clear+Kafka+Client+upgrade+path
> >>>> I’d appreciate it if you could take a look and share your thoughts or
> >>>> feedback.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best regards,
> >>>> Kuan-Po Tseng
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>
> > 

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