

[...truncated 2630 lines...]
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] 14 warnings found
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:classes
[2025-01-15T15:50:53.852Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:checkstyleMain 
[2025-01-15T15:50:54.971Z] > Task :core:compileScala
[2025-01-15T15:50:54.971Z] [Warn] 
 private object MemberMetadata in package group is never used
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:03.263Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:09.128Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:51:10.922Z] > Task :clients:compileTestJava
[2025-01-15T15:51:10.922Z] 1 error
[2025-01-15T15:51:10.922Z] > Task :clients:compileTestJava FAILED
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] > Task :core:compileScala
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] [Warn] 
 Usage of named or default arguments transformed this annotation
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] constructor call into a block. The corresponding 
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] will contain references to local values and default 
getters instead
[2025-01-15T15:51:12.301Z] of the actual argument trees
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] [Warn] 
 higher-kinded type should be enabled
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] by making the implicit value 
scala.language.higherKinds visible.
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] ----
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 
'import scala.language.higherKinds'
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] or by setting the compiler option 
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] See the Scaladoc for value 
scala.language.higherKinds for a discussion
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] why the feature should be explicitly enabled.
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] [Warn] 
 higher-kinded type should be enabled
[2025-01-15T15:51:13.422Z] by making the implicit value 
scala.language.higherKinds visible.
[2025-01-15T15:51:15.143Z] > Task :clients:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:51:34.134Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:classes
[2025-01-15T15:51:34.134Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:checkstyleMain 
[2025-01-15T15:51:39.607Z] > Task :clients:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:51:45.303Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:classes
[2025-01-15T15:51:45.303Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:checkstyleMain 
[2025-01-15T15:51:54.525Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:52:06.518Z] [Warn] 
 @nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings
[2025-01-15T15:52:06.518Z] [Warn] 
 @nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings
[2025-01-15T15:52:06.518Z] [Warn] 
 @nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings
[2025-01-15T15:52:06.518Z] [Warn] 
 @nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings
[2025-01-15T15:52:06.518Z] [Warn] 
 @nowarn annotation does not suppress any warnings
[2025-01-15T15:52:06.518Z] 18 warnings found
[2025-01-15T15:52:07.443Z] > Task :streams:streams-scala:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:52:09.855Z] > Task :core:classes
[2025-01-15T15:52:11.970Z] > Task :core:checkstyleMain
[2025-01-15T15:52:11.970Z] > Task :shell:compileJava
[2025-01-15T15:52:11.970Z] > Task :shell:classes
[2025-01-15T15:52:13.088Z] > Task :shell:checkstyleMain
[2025-01-15T15:52:21.703Z] > Task :shell:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:52:40.766Z] > Task :core:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] > Task :core:compileScala
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] Unexpected javac output: warning: [options] 
bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] warning: [options] source value 8 is obsolete and 
will be removed in a future release
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] warning: [options] target value 8 is obsolete and 
will be removed in a future release
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about 
obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated 
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] Note: 
 uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[2025-01-15T15:53:07.598Z] 4 warnings.
[2025-01-15T15:53:08.705Z] > Task :core:classes
[2025-01-15T15:53:10.795Z] > Task :shell:compileJava
[2025-01-15T15:53:10.795Z] > Task :shell:classes
[2025-01-15T15:53:10.795Z] > Task :core:checkstyleMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:12.161Z] > Task :shell:checkstyleMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] > Task :core:compileScala
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] Unexpected javac output: warning: [options] 
bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated 
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] Note: 
 uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
[2025-01-15T15:53:21.694Z] 1 warning.
[2025-01-15T15:53:24.200Z] > Task :shell:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:25.375Z] > Task :core:classes
[2025-01-15T15:53:27.415Z] > Task :shell:compileJava
[2025-01-15T15:53:27.415Z] > Task :shell:classes
[2025-01-15T15:53:27.415Z] > Task :core:checkstyleMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:28.770Z] > Task :shell:checkstyleMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:40.594Z] > Task :core:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] * What went wrong:
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] Execution failed for task ':clients:compileTestJava'.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output 
for details.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] * Try:
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] > Run with --info option to get more log output.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] BUILD FAILED in 6m 45s
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] 243 actionable tasks: 186 executed, 57 up-to-date
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] See the profiling report at: 
[2025-01-15T15:53:41.990Z] A fine-grained performance profile is available: use 
the --scan option.
[2025-01-15T15:53:42.238Z] > Task :shell:spotbugsMain
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch JDK 8 and Scala 2.12
[2025-01-15T15:53:55.969Z] > Task :core:spotbugsMain
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] * What went wrong:
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] Execution failed for task ':clients:compileTestJava'.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output 
for details.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] * Try:
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] > Run with --info option to get more log output.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.841Z] For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.842Z] BUILD FAILED in 8m 11s
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.842Z] 246 actionable tasks: 190 executed, 56 up-to-date
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.842Z] See the profiling report at: 
[2025-01-15T15:55:19.842Z] A fine-grained performance profile is available: use 
the --scan option.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch JDK 21 and Scala 2.13
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.326Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.326Z] * What went wrong:
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.326Z] Execution failed for task ':clients:compileTestJava'.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.326Z] > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output 
for details.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.326Z] * Try:
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.326Z] > Run with --info option to get more log output.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, 
making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the 
individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own 
scripts or plugins.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] BUILD FAILED in 8m 33s
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] 246 actionable tasks: 190 executed, 56 up-to-date
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] See the profiling report at: 
[2025-01-15T15:55:38.327Z] A fine-grained performance profile is available: use 
the --scan option.
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withEnv
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timestamps
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
Failed in branch JDK 11 and Scala 2.13
[Pipeline] // parallel
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
[Pipeline] script
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] node
Running on builds58 in /home/jenkins/jenkins-agent/workspace/Kafka_kafka_3.8
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] step

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