Hi TengYao,
Thanks for the KIP. From my point of view, calling Producer#flush in a callback 
is a
bad idea and it would be better to disallow it.

AS1: If we are tightening up the rules about which Producer methods can be 
in the callback, I wonder whether some other methods should be treated in the
same way. It seems to me that it is unwise to change the transactional state of 
producer in a callback, so I would also prohibit Producer#initTransactions.

I wonder what others think about begin/commit/abortTransaction also.

From: TengYao Chi <kiting...@gmail.com>
Sent: 02 December 2024 02:51
To: dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: [DISCUSS] KIP-1118: Add Deadlock Protection on Producer Network Thread

Hello everyone,

I would like to start a discussion thread on KIP-1118, which proposes
adding deadlock protection on producer network thread.

Here is the KIP Link: KIP-1118
Please take a look and let me know what you think, and I would appreciate
any suggestions and feedback.

Best regards,

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