Thank you for your feedback.
I have numbered the questions to simplify communication.

1. What sort of implementation do you have in mind for this interface? What
> use-case does this interface enable that is not possible with log scraping,
> or implementing a source-connector DLQ to Kafka?

I have a use case where source connectors need to send metrics and logs to
a custom Kafka topic. Although it's possible to use a log reporter to
extract the required information from logs, there are several limitations
to consider:
- It depends on the log format used in `*kafka-runtime*`.
- A pluggable interface provides greater flexibility for defining custom
- The API will have better support in future releases of `*kafka-connect*`.

2. Could you add the ErrorContext class to your public API description? I
> don't think that is an existing interface. Also please specify the
> package/fully qualified names for these classes.

added, thank you!

3. How do you expect this will interact with the existing log and DLQ
> reporters? Will users specifying a custom error reporter be able to turn
> off the other reporters?

In the current implementation, custom reporters are an independent addition
to the runtime reporters.

4. Are error reporters expected to be source/sink agnostic (like the Log
> reporter) or are they permitted to function for just one type (like the DLQ
> reporter?)

Error reporters are expected to be source/sink agnostic.

5. Should reporters be asynchronous/fire-and-forget, or should they have a
> mechanism for propagating errors that kill the task?

I believe that adding a mechanism for propagating errors to the error
handler interface is preferable.

6. Would it make sense for error reporting to also involve error handling:
> i.e. let the plugin decide how to handle errors (drop record, trigger
> retries, fail the task, etc)?

I believe this approach makes sense. I have added new changes to a separate
branch and created a PR https://github.com/anton-liauchuk/kafka/pull/1/files.
I haven’t extended the KIP at this stage, as I would like to discuss some
items first. In this PR, I haven’t prepared all the necessary changes to
support a new mode yet; it's just POC.

It seems we don’t need to add this functionality to the reporter, as it
would be better for the reporter interface to focus solely on reporting. I
have created a new interface called `ErrorHandler`, which provides a way to
handle error responses. I designed this interface to be similar to
`org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.ProcessingExceptionHandler` from the
`kafka-streams` project.

I'm considering extending the tolerance configuration to enable this
handler with the `*errors.tolerance=custom*` setting. When custom tolerance
is selected, the client can specify the class name for the error handler.
Handling the error might result in one of three options:
- *DROP*: Skips the record.
- *FAIL*: Fails the task.
- *ACK*: Skips the message and acknowledges it, applicable for source
The following stages are where error handling might be used (these stages
are part of the `*TOLERABLE_EXCEPTIONS*` in `

I would like some advice on the following items:
6.1. Do we still need to define an error reporter interface if we have the
option to create an error handler? I believe that all necessary reporting
can be managed within the error handler, making the reporter interface seem
6.2. Does it make sense to expand the list of stages where the error
handler can be used? The current list is based on the existing error
handling logic. For instance, it could be beneficial to handle errors from
the `*TASK_POLL*` stage. The current implementation does not support error
handling for errors that are unassigned to any records, but we could
consider how to extend it if needed. Additionally, we might review the `
*KAFKA_PRODUCE*` and `*TASK_PUT*` stages.
6.3. If we begin improvements to error handling, should we also explore the
possibility of supporting error handling for connector or task failures?

On Fri, Oct 25, 2024 at 2:30 AM Greg Harris <greg.har...@aiven.io.invalid>

> Hi Anton,
> Thanks for the KIP! I think that looking at internal APIs as inspiration
> for new external APIs is a good idea, and I'm glad that you found an
> interface close to the problem you're trying to solve.
> What sort of implementation do you have in mind for this interface? What
> use-case does this interface enable that is not possible with log scraping,
> or implementing a source-connector DLQ to Kafka?
> Before we make something pluggable, we should consider if the existing
> framework implementations could be improved directly.
> Could you add the ErrorContext class to your public API description? I
> don't think that is an existing interface. Also please specify the
> package/fully qualified names for these classes.
> How do you expect this will interact with the existing log and DLQ
> reporters?
> Will users specifying a custom error reporter be able to turn off the other
> reporters?
> Are error reporters expected to be source/sink agnostic (like the Log
> reporter) or are they permitted to function for just one type (like the DLQ
> reporter?)
> The runtime interface returns a Future<RecordMetadata>, which is an
> abstraction specific for the DLQ reporter and ignored for the Log reporter,
> and I see that you've omitted it from the new API.
> Should reporters be asynchronous/fire-and-forget, or should they have a
> mechanism for propagating errors that kill the task?
> Would it make sense for error reporting to also involve error handling:
> i.e. let the plugin decide how to handle errors (drop record, trigger
> retries, fail the task, etc)?
> In Connect there's been a longstanding pattern where every connector
> reimplements error handling individually, often hardcoding response
> behaviors to various errors, because the existing errors.tolerance
> configuration is too limiting.
> Maybe making this pluggable leads us towards a solution where there could
> be a pluggable "error handler" that can implement reporting for many
> different errors, but also allow for simple reconfiguration of error
> handling behavior.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 3:57 PM Anton Liauchuk <anton93...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Bumping the thread. Please review this KIP. Thanks!
> >
> > On Sun, Oct 13, 2024 at 11:44 PM Anton Liauchuk <anton93...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > I have opened
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1097+error+record+reporter
> > >
> > > POC: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/17493
> > >
> > > Please review KIP and PR, feedbacks and suggestions are welcome.
> >

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