hi Bruno

> My assumption was that public APIs are about how to use Kafka, not about
how to build it.

I've seen many CI pipelines for Kafka-related systems relying on Kafka's
Gradle commands, so I'm hesitant to break the build command abruptly. This
is also why we didn't remove ./gradlewAll (

> Isn't the build system an "implementation detail" that
can be swapped out without a formal deprecation process, i.e., without
waiting for a major release?

Sorry, I shouldn't have used the term 'public API' - of course, we can
change them without waiting for a major release. However, it's always
better to provide a way (or script) to reduce the inconvenience for users
(like gradlewAll)

> Said that, if we decide that we want a new build system, I am -- of
course -- in favor of having both build systems for a while.

Yes, and we could add appropriate warning messages to notify users about
the deprecated build commands.


Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org> 於 2024年11月23日 週六 下午11:30寫道:

> Hi Chia-Ping,
> I have a question regarding the following comment:
>  > CP1: Gradle commands are part of the public API, so in which Kafka
> version should we announce the deprecation of Gradle commands?
> It is the first time I hear that Gradle commands are part of the public
> API.
> Could you elaborate on this?
> Where is this documented?
> My assumption was that public APIs are about how to use Kafka, not about
> how to build it. Isn't the build system an "implementation detail" that
> can be swapped out without a formal deprecation process, i.e., without
> waiting for a major release?
> Said that, if we decide that we want a new build system, I am -- of
> course -- in favor of having both build systems for a while.
> Best,
> Bruno
> On 22.11.24 04:39, Chia-Ping Tsai wrote:
> > hi Vince
> >
> > Thanks for introducing this interesting KIP! I'm not an expert in Bazel,
> so please be patient with my potentially odd questions:
> >
> > CP0: Can Bazel help simplify build.gradle (currently around 3826 lines)?
> >
> > CP1: Gradle commands are part of the public API, so in which Kafka
> version should we announce the deprecation of Gradle commands?
> >
> > CP2: The example (https://github.com/confluentinc/kafka-bazel) seems to
> modify the folder structure of the entire Kafka project. Is this change
> required? My concern is that such a major change should be done in a major
> release. If restructuring is a requirement for Bazel, does that mean we
> have to accept it after this KIP pass?
> >
> > Best,
> > Chia-Ping
> >
> > On 2024/11/21 21:16:50 Vince Rose wrote:
> >> Hey devs,
> >>
> >> I want to start a discussion about introducing Bazel as a build system
> for
> >> Apache Kafka.
> >>
> >>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1115%3A+Bazel+Builds
> >>
> >> -Vince
> >>

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