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Review request for kafka.

Repository: kafka


make the config a bit more "out of the box" for the common case of local 
cluster. This includes:
1. Fix cluster_config.json of migration testsuite, it has hardcoded path that 
prevents it from working out of the box at all.
2. Use JAVA_HOME environment variable if "default" is specified and if 
JAVA_HOME is defined. The current guessing method is a bit broken and using 
JAVA_HOME will allow devs to configure their default java dir without editing 
multiple cluster_config.json files in multiple places.


  system_test/migration_tool_testsuite/cluster_config.json 8353e56 
  system_test/utils/system_test_utils.py 50340f0 

Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/25044/diff/


Running system tests bunch of times :)


Gwen Shapira

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