We (Trino project) started testing JDK 24 compatibility recently and got
blocked for testing Kafka connector due to a Security Manager removal in
JDK 24 build 22 for which there is no workaround.

We'd love to continue supporting the Kafka connector, but forcing users to
upgrade to 4.0+ compatible cluster is a major limitation.

Alternatively we could patch Kafka client on our end but it's usually a
last resort if other options are ruled out.

Hence asking for backporting JDK23+ compatibility fixes to the 3.9 branch.

On 2024/11/20 17:21:05 Greg Harris wrote:
> Hi all,
> Now that 3.9.0 is released and 4.0.x is progressing, I'd like to
> everyone's expectations about the 3.9.x branch, and ask for a specific
> consensus on Java 23 support.
> Some context that I think is relevant to the discussion:
> * KIP-1006 [1] proposes a backwards-compatible strategy for handling the
> ongoing removal of the SecurityManager, which is merged and due to release
> in 4.0.0 [2].
> * KIP-1012 [3] rejected ongoing parallel feature development on a 3.x
> branch while having trunk on 4.x.
> * During the 3.9.0 release, the patch [2] was rejected [4] due to being a
> new feature which did not meet the feature freeze deadline.
> * Other than the SecurityManager removal, there are additional PRs which
> would also need to be backported for full Java 23 support [5] including a
> Scala patch upgrade.
> * Downstream users are asking for a backport [6] because adding support
> Java 23 would obligate them to also include the 4.0 breaking changes.
> So while adding Java version support in the past has been a KIP-less
> feature and normally only appears in the next version, it happens to align
> with a major version bump this time. This will cause additional pain for
> users if we do not elect to backport this.
> Thanks,
> Greg
> [1]
> [2] https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16522
> [3]
> [4] https://lists.apache.org/thread/xy5rwd1w274qgpwf3qxxnzlqpoly5d4p
> [5] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17638
> [6] https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16522#issuecomment-2488340682

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