Hi Sophie,

Thanks for the KIP!

I am always a bit skeptical of contracts that are defined in the Java docs, but not enforced programmatically. I am talking about the contract that requires the wrapper to return the same processor supplier instance.

Have you considered to add an interface that instead of wrapping a processor adds methods for pre-processing and post-processing to the processor?

Or do you want to reconsider the contract?

Lucas and discussed it yesterday and Lucas noted that returning a no-op processor instead of the original processor might be useful for debugging.


On 19.11.24 13:03, Lucas Brutschy wrote:

I'm a bit confused since the motivation promises a cleanup of
topologyconfig/streams config, but this doesn't seem to be part of this
kip. But on the whole, this change looks fine for me.

Thanks for the KIP!


Sophie Blee-Goldman <sop...@responsive.dev> schrieb am Di., 19. Nov. 2024,

One more small change -- originally I proposed to only add this config to
the TopologyConfig, and not to the StreamsConfig. However while
implementing a POC I noticed that TopologyConfig does not have a
constructor that accepts a plain properties or config map, and only one
that takes in a StreamsConfig. Rather than adding a new constructor for
TopologyConfig I think it makes sense to just add this new config to both
StreamsConfig and TopologyConfig, as most people will generally want to
create their TopologyConfig from a shared global StreamsConfig, rather than
instantiating separate sets of configs.

I have made this change in the KIP so please take a look and let me know if
you have any concerns. Happy to discuss alternatives

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 3:27 PM Sophie Blee-Goldman <sop...@responsive.dev


Thanks Almog! That makes sense to me, I've updated the KIP so that the
ProcessorWrapper will extend Configurable but gave it a default no-op
implementation so that it's optional.

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 1:57 PM Almog Gavra <almog.ga...@gmail.com>

Thanks Sophie! This KIP will certainly make it easier to implement any
of custom functionality across all processors in the DSL, I can imagine
quite a few use cases for this.

One suggestion, we should consider including a configure() method that
takes in Map<String, ?> configs, so that it can be configured based on
things like application.id (e.g. for emitting custom metrics per

- Almog

On Fri, Nov 15, 2024 at 10:16 PM Sophie Blee-Goldman <

Hey all,

We have a short KIP we'd like to propose which will allow injecting
code modules around the processors of Kafka Streams applications,
DSL-built topologies.

Please let us know if you have any thoughts or concerns




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