Hi there, I seem to be unable to properly pull the 3.9.0 tag, and the Github UI says its commit is not found within the repository (see the screenshot attached).
Invoking any of the below does not work: git fetch -p upstream && git checkout -b scratch upstream/3.9.0 git fetch -p upstream && git checkout -b scratch 84caaa6e9da06435411510a81fa321d4f99c351f Is there something broken in the repository? [image: Skärmavbild 2024-11-14 kl. 17.01.24.png] -- [image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/> *Anton Agestam* (he/him or they/them) Software Engineer, *Aiven* anton.ages...@aiven.io | +46 704 486 289 aiven.io <https://www.aiven.io/> | <https://www.facebook.com/aivencloud> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/aiven/> <https://twitter.com/aiven_io>