Hi Colin,
I think there is perhaps a difference for the very largest KIPs. "In 
development" means that there's some code merged but there's nothing useful for 
people except those doing the development. "Experimental" means that there's 
enough useful code merged that interested people can experiment with it. For 
KIP-932, we would have been "In development" for 3.9, and we'll be 
"Experimental" for 4.0, assuming this KIP is voted in time. It will not be in 
"Preview" for 4.0 because it's perhaps 80% code complete, the APIs might change 
yet and we have performance optimisation to do before we want widespread use 
apart from people who are not interested in this feature. I know there will be 
some of those keen to try it in 4.0. We'll aim for "Preview" in 4.1.

From: Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org>
Sent: 07 November 2024 23:31
To: dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [VOTE] KIP-1081: Graduation Steps for KIPs

Hi Josep,

Continuing the discussion from the other thread: I'm still not 100% convinced 
that we need a distinction between "in development" and "experimental." In both 
cases, end-users can't make use of the feature. So why not condense them into 
one step?

With regard to "preview", I think "use in production: maybe" doesn't give very 
clear guidance. Is it better to just say no or "not recommended"? Or someone 
otherwise indicate that preview is mostly about testing the feature.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2024, at 02:27, Josep Prat wrote:
> Hi all,
> The discussion about graduation steps for KIPs has now stabilized and I'd
> like to start a vote for it. Here you can find the KIP:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/mYn9Eg
> Thanks,
> --
> [image: Aiven] <https://www.aiven.io/>
> *Josep Prat*
> Open Source Engineering Director, *Aiven*
> josep.p...@aiven.io   |   +491715557497
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> Geschäftsführer: Oskari Saarenmaa, Hannu Valtonen,
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