I'd like to propose one more rule:

3. The PR should update `upgrade.html` (
https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/docs/upgrade.html#L25) if it
brings a breaking change.


Divij Vaidya <divijvaidy...@gmail.com> 於 2024年11月6日 週三 上午12:04寫道:

> Hi folks
> We would be making many breaking changes in 4.0 such as removal of
> deprecated metrics, removal of configs etc.
> It would be nice if we can document all such backward incompatible
> behaviour in our documentation. The alternative is to leave the user with
> trying to figure out which changes are breaking from the release notes,
> which is quite challenging since not all users may be familiar with
> details.
> Hence, I propose the following:
> 1. Add a label "breaking" to the JIRAs scheduled for release in 4.0 which
> contain backward incompatible changes to public interfaces.
> 2. During the release process, we will document a "guidance for upgrade"
> which will call out breaking changes per component.
> For this proposal to be successful, all committers should be mindful of
> adding the "breaking" label when closing a JIRA as resolved.
> Thoughts?
> --
> Divij Vaidya

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