
In the context of the current migration process from Log4j 1.x/Reload4j to Log4j Core 2.x[1], I believe that the choice of configuration format used by the Kafka binary distribution, should receive a particular attention.

Log4j Core 2.x supports four native configuration formats (XML, JSON, YAML and Java Properties[2]). The version 1.x XML and Java Properties configuration file formats are incompatible with the new formats, but they can be converted at runtime, using the `log4j-1.2-api` artifact[3]. This is of course a transitional option, since the old formats are not extensible and do not offer most of the features of Log4j Core 2.x.

While the 2.x Java Properties configuration format might seem as the natural migration path for the current Apache Kafka configuration, I would strongly advise against this choice. The Log4j Core 2.x runtime has a hierarchical structure, which can be easily reflected by formats like XML, JSON or YAML, but not so much by Java Properties. For this reason the `*.properties` configuration format is:

* very verbose,

* contains a lot of quirks to make it less verbose[4].

If we exclude Java Properties, only three choices remain:

* The default XML format, which has no dependencies (if we exclude the JPMS `java.xml` module) and has a schema[5] that can be used to validate the configurations. This might, however, strongly contrast with the other Kafka configuration files that are maintained as Java Properties.

* The JSON format has a dependency on `jackson-databind`, which is already present in the Kafka binary distribution. It is a matter of personal taste, but I find it even more verbose than the Java Properties format (although it does not have quirks). In Log4j Core 3.x the dependency on `jackson-databind` has been replaced with an in-house parser.

* My favorite would be the YAML format, that would require the addition of `jackson-dataformat-yaml` (and its `snakeyaml` transitive dependency) to the Kafka runtime. The advantage, however, would be that it is probably the less verbose of the available formats.

What do you think, which one of the configuration formats available in Log4j Core 2.x should be used by default by Kafka?


[1] https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/17373

[2] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/configuration.html#configuration-factories

[3] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/migrate-from-log4j1.html#ConfigurationCompatibility

[4] https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/manual/configuration.html#java-properties-features

[5] https://logging.apache.org/xml/ns/

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