Hi Colin,

Unfortunately, we found a bug in Kafka Streams yesterday that make operating a Kafka Streams application challenging.

The bug is described in the following ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-17489

The bug happens when task fail due to consumption issues like OffsetOutOfRangeExceptions.

I am working on a fix and was hoping, we can include the fix in 3.9. Otherwise, I suppose we would need to make a 3.9.1 patch release right after 3.9.0 because this bug might become quite an issue for Streams users.


On 7/30/24 1:01 AM, Colin McCabe wrote:
Hi Kafka developers and friends,

As promised, we now have a release branch for the upcoming 3.9.0 release.
Trunk has been bumped to 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT.

I'll be going over the JIRAs to move every non-blocker from this release to
the next release.

 From this point, most changes should go to trunk.
*Blockers (existing and new that we discover while testing the release)
will be double-committed. *Please discuss with your reviewer whether your
PR should go to trunk or to trunk+release so they can merge accordingly.

*Please help us test the release! *


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