Rohit Bobade created KAFKA-17445:

             Summary: Kafka streams keeps rebalancing with the following reasons
                 Key: KAFKA-17445
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: streams
    Affects Versions: 3.8.0
            Reporter: Rohit Bobade

We recently upgraded Kafka streams version to 3.8.0 and are seeing that the 
consumer keeps rebalancing and does not process any events

We have explicitly set the configĀ 

This is what we see on the broker logs:

[GroupCoordinator 2]: Preparing to rebalance group \{consumer-group-name} in 
state PreparingRebalance with old generation 24781 (__consumer_offsets-29) 
(reason: Updating metadata for static member {} with instance id {}; client 
reason: rebalance failed due to UnjoinedGroupException)

We also tried to remove the GROUP_INSTANCE_ID_CONFIG but then see these logs 
and rebalancing and no processing still

sessionTimeoutMs=45000, rebalanceTimeoutMs=1800000, 
supportedProtocols=List(stream)) has left group \{groupId} through explicit 
`LeaveGroup`; client reason: the consumer unsubscribed from all topics 

other logs show:

during Stable; client reason: need to revoke partitions and re-join)

client reason: triggered followup rebalance scheduled for 0

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