Hi Bruno,

We have planned a meeting for next friday to discuss it with Loic and Damien.

We will be able to restart discussions about it soon.


De : Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org>
Envoyé : lundi 26 août 2024 11:32
À : dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
Objet : [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1034: Dead letter queue in Kafka Streams

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unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.

Hi Loïc, Sebastien, and Damien,

Now that KIP-1033 is going to be released in 3.9, what is the plan to
progress with this KIP?

Is the KIP up-to-date, so that we can restart discussion?


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On 6/13/24 6:16 PM, Damien Gasparina wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> We focused our effort (well, mostly Seb and Loic :)) on KIP-1033,
> that's why not much progress has been made on this one yet.
> Regarding your points:
> B1: It is up to the user to specify the DLQ topic name and to
> implement a potential differentiation. I tend to think that having one
> DLQ per application ID is the wisest, but I encountered cases and
> applications that preferred having a shared DLQ topic between multiple
> applications, e.g. to reduce the number of partitions, or to ease
> monitoring
> B2 : Goot catch, it should be
> prefix during the discussion, looks like I forgot to update all
> occurrences in the KIP.
> B3 :The trigger for sending to the DLQ would be if
> implemented a custom exception handler that returns DLQ records.
> behavior of the default handler, thus custom exception handlers will
> completely ignore this parameter.
> I think it's a good trade-off between providing a production-ready
> default implementation, yet providing sufficient flexibility for
> complex use-cases.
> This behavior definitely needs to be documented, but I guess it's safe
> to push the responsibility of the DLQ records to the user if they
> implement custom handlers.
> Cheers,
> Damien
> On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 17:00, Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> since there was not too much activity in this thread recently, I was
>> wondering what the status of this discussion is.
>> I cannot find the examples in the KIP Sébastien mentioned in the last
>> message to this thread. I can also not find the corresponding definition
>> of the following method call in the KIP:
>> FAIL.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic")
>> I have also some comments:
>> B1
>> Did you consider to prefix the dead letter queue topic names with the
>> application ID to distinguish the topics between Streams apps? Or is the
>> user responsible for the differentiation? If the user is responsible, we
>> risk that faulty records of different Streams apps end up in the same
>> dead letter queue.
>> B2
>> Is the name of the dead letter queue topic config
>> B3
>> What is exactly the trigger to send a record to the dead letter queue?
>> record to the return value of the exception handler?
>> not add a record to the return value of the handler? What happens if I
>> do not set ERRORS_DEADLETTERQUEUE_TOPIC_NAME_CONFIG but add a record to
>> the return value of the handler?
>> Best,
>> Bruno
>> On 4/22/24 10:19 PM, Sebastien Viale wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Thanks for your remarks
>>> L1. I would say "who can do the most can do the least", even though most 
>>> people will fail and stop, we found it interesting to offer the possibility 
>>> to fail-and-send-to-DLQ
>>> L2: We did not consider extending the TimestampExtractor because we 
>>> estimate it out of scope for this KIP. Perhaps it will be possible to 
>>> include it in an ExceptionHandler later.
>>> L3: we will include an example in the KIP, but as we mentioned earlier, the 
>>> DLQ topic can be different in each custom Exception Handler:
>>> When providing custom handlers, users would have the possibility to return:
>>> * FAIL
>>> * FAIL.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic")
>>> * CONTINUE.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic")
>>> cheers !
>>> Sébastien
>>> ________________________________
>>> De : Lucas Brutschy <lbruts...@confluent.io.INVALID>
>>> Envoyé : lundi 22 avril 2024 14:36
>>> À : dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
>>> Objet : [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1034: Dead letter queue in Kafka Streams
>>> Warning External sender Do not click on any links or open any attachments 
>>> unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
>>> Hi!
>>> Thanks for the KIP, great stuff.
>>> L1. I was a bit confused that the default configuration (once you set
>>> a DLQ topic) is going to be fail-and-send-to-DLQ, if I understood
>>> correctly. Is this something that will be a common use-case, and is it
>>> a configuration that we want to encourage? It expected that you either
>>> want to fail or skip-and-send-to-DLQ.
>>> L2. Have you considered extending the `TimestampExtractor` interface
>>> so that it can also produce to DLQ? AFAIK it's not covered by any of
>>> the existing exception handlers, but it can cause similar failures
>>> (potentially custom logic, depends on validity input record). There
>>> could also be a default implementation as a subclass of
>>> `ExtractRecordMetadataTimestamp`.
>>> L3. It would be nice to include an example of how to produce to
>>> multiple topics in the KIP, as I can imagine that this will be a
>>> common use-case. I wasn't sure how much code would be involved to make
>>> it work. If a lot of code is required, we may want to consider
>>> exposing some utils that make it easier.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Lucas
>>> This email was screened for spam and malicious content but exercise caution 
>>> anyway.
>>> On Sun, Apr 21, 2024 at 7:58 PM Damien Gasparina <d.gaspar...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Following all the discussion on this KIP and KIP-1033, we introduced a
>>>> new container class containing only processing context metadata:
>>>> ProcessingMetadata. This new container class is actually part of
>>>> KIP-1033, thus, I added a hard dependency for this KIP on KIP-1033, I
>>>> think it's the wisest implementation wise.
>>>> I also clarified the interface of the enums:
>>>> withDeadLetterQueueRecords(Iterable<org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord<byte[],
>>>> byte[]>> deadLetterQueueRecords) . Very likely most users would just
>>>> send one DLQ record, but there might be specific use-cases and what
>>>> can do more can do less, so I added an Iterable.
>>>> I took some time to think about the impact of storing the
>>>> ProcessingMetadata on the ProductionExceptionHandler. I think storing
>>>> the topic/offset/partition should be fine, but I am concerned about
>>>> storing the rawSourceKey/Value. I think it could impact some specific
>>>> use-cases, for example, a high-throughput Kafka Streams application
>>>> "counting" messages could have huge source input messages, and very
>>>> small sink messages, here, I assume storing the rawSourceKey/Value
>>>> could significantly require more memory than the actual Kafka Producer
>>>> buffer.
>>>> I think the safest approach is actually to only store the fixed-size
>>>> metadata for the ProductionExceptionHandler.handle:
>>>> topic/partition/offset/processorNodeId/taskId, it might be confusing
>>>> for the user, but 1) it is still better than nowaday where there are
>>>> no context information at all, 2) it would be clearly stated in the
>>>> javadoc, 3) the rawSourceKey/Value are already nullable (e.g. the
>>>> punctuate case). .
>>>> Do you think it would be a suitable design Sophie?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Damien
>>>> On Sun, 14 Apr 2024 at 21:30, Loic Greffier <loic.greff...@michelin.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Sophie,
>>>>> Thanks for your feedback.
>>>>> Completing the Damien's comments here for points S1 and S5B.
>>>>> S1:
>>>>>> I'm confused -- are you saying that we're introducing a new kind of 
>>>>>> ProducerRecord class for this?
>>>>> I am wondering if it makes sense to alter the ProducerRecord from Clients 
>>>>> API with a "deadLetterQueueTopicName" attribute dedicated to Kafka 
>>>>> Streams DLQ.
>>>>> Adding "deadLetterQueueTopicName" as an additional parameter to 
>>>>> "withDeadLetterQueueRecord" is a good option, and may allow users to send 
>>>>> records to different DLQ topics depending on conditions:
>>>>> @Override
>>>>> public ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse handle(final ProcessingContext 
>>>>> context,
>>>>> ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record,
>>>>> Exception exception) {
>>>>> if (condition1) {
>>>>> return ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse.CONTINUE
>>>>> .withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic-a");
>>>>> }
>>>>> if (condition2) {
>>>>> return ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse.CONTINUE
>>>>> .withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic-b");
>>>>> }
>>>>> return ProductionExceptionHandlerResponse.CONTINUE
>>>>> .withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic-c");
>>>>> }
>>>>> S5B:
>>>>>> I was having a bit of trouble understanding what the behavior would be 
>>>>>> if someone configured a "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name" but didn't 
>>>>>> implement the handlers.
>>>>> The provided LogAndContinueExceptionHandler, LogAndFailExceptionHandler 
>>>>> and DefaultProductionExceptionHandler should be able to tell if records 
>>>>> should be sent to DLQ or not.
>>>>> The "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name" takes place to:
>>>>> * Specifying if the provided handlers should or should not send records 
>>>>> to DLQ.
>>>>> * If the value is empty, the handlers should not send records to DLQ.
>>>>> * If the value is not empty, the handlers should send records to DLQ.
>>>>> * Define the name of the DLQ topic that should be used by the provided 
>>>>> handlers.
>>>>> Thus, if "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name" is defined, the provided 
>>>>> handlers should return either:
>>>>> * CONTINUE.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, defaultDeadLetterQueue)
>>>>> * FAIL.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, defaultDeadLetterQueue).
>>>>> If "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name" is defined but neither 
>>>>> DeserializationExceptionHandler nor ProductionExceptionHandler classes 
>>>>> are defined in the configuration, then nothing should happen as sending 
>>>>> to DLQ is based on handlers’ response.
>>>>> When providing custom handlers, users would have the possibility to 
>>>>> return:
>>>>> * FAIL
>>>>> * CONTINUE
>>>>> * FAIL.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic")
>>>>> * CONTINUE.withDeadLetterQueueRecord(record, "dlq-topic")
>>>>> A DLQ topic name is currently required using the two last response types.
>>>>> I am wondering if it could benefit users to ease the use of the default 
>>>>> DLQ topic "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name" when implementing custom 
>>>>> handlers, with such kind of implementation:
>>>>> * FAIL.withDefaultDeadLetterQueueRecord(record)
>>>>> * CONTINUE.withDefaultDeadLetterQueueRecord(record)
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Loïc
>>>>> De : Damien Gasparina <d.gaspar...@gmail.com>
>>>>> Envoyé : dimanche 14 avril 2024 20:24
>>>>> À : dev@kafka.apache.org
>>>>> Objet : [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1034: Dead letter queue in Kafka Streams
>>>>> Warning External sender Do not click on any links or open any attachments 
>>>>> unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>> Hi Sophie,
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your feedback and your detailed comments.
>>>>> S1.
>>>>>> I'm confused -- are you saying that we're introducing a new kind of
>>>>> ProducerRecord class for this?
>>>>> Sorry for the poor wording, that's not what I meant. While writing the
>>>>> KIP, I was hesitating between 1. leveraging the Kafka Producer
>>>>> ProducerRecord, 2. the Kafka Streams ProducerRecord + a topic name in
>>>>> a separate parameter, 3. a new custom interface (e.g.
>>>>> DeadLetterQueueRecord).
>>>>> As the KafkaProducer ProducerRecord is not used in the Kafka Streams
>>>>> API (except ProductionExceptionHandler) and I would like to avoid a
>>>>> new interface if not strictly required, I leaned toward option 2.
>>>>> Thinking about it, maybe option 1. would be best, but I assume it
>>>>> could create confusion with KafkaStreams ProducerRecord. Let me sleep
>>>>> on it.
>>>>> S2. I agree. Following the discussion in KIP-1033 and KIP-1034 and
>>>>> your point in S4, it seems more and more likely that we will create a
>>>>> new container class containing only the metadata for the exception
>>>>> handlers. To be consistent, I think we should use this new
>>>>> implementation in all exception handlers.
>>>>> The only issue I could think off is that the new interface would
>>>>> expose less data than the current ProcessorContext in the
>>>>> DeserializationException(e.g. stateDir(), metrics(), getStateStore()),
>>>>> thus it could be hard for some users to migrate to the new interface.
>>>>> I do expect that only a few users would be impacted as the javadoc is
>>>>> very clear: `Note, that the passed in {@link ProcessorContext} only
>>>>> allows access to metadata like the task ID.`
>>>>> S3. I completely agree with you, it is something that might not be
>>>>> trivial and should be thoroughly covered by unit tests during the
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> S4. Good point, I did not notice that the ProductionExceptionHandler
>>>>> is also invoked in the producer.send() callback.
>>>>> Capturing the ProcessingContext for each in-flight message is probably
>>>>> not possible. I think there is no other way to write a custom
>>>>> container class holding only the metadata that are essentials, I am
>>>>> thinking of storing the following attributes: source topic, partition,
>>>>> offset, rawKey, rawValue and taskId.
>>>>> Those metadata should be relatively small, but I assume that there
>>>>> could be a high number of in-flight messages, especially with at least
>>>>> once processing guarantee. Do you think it would be fine memory wise?
>>>>> S5. As many exceptions are only accessible in exception handlers, and
>>>>> we wanted to 1) allow users to customize the DLQ records and 2) have a
>>>>> suitable DLQ out of the box implementation, we felt it natural to rely
>>>>> on exception handlers, that's also why we created KIP-1033.
>>>>> Piggybacking on the enum response was the cleanest way we could think
>>>>> off, but we are completely open to suggestions.
>>>>> S5a. Completely agree with you on this point, for this DLQ approach to
>>>>> be complete, the ProcessingExceptionHandler introduced in KIP-1033 is
>>>>> required. KIP-1033 is definitely our first priority. We decided to
>>>>> kick-off the KIP-1034 discussion as we expected the discussions to be
>>>>> dynamic and could potentially impact some choices of KIP-1033.
>>>>> S5b. In this KIP, we wanted to 1. provide as much flexibility to the
>>>>> user as possible; 2. provide a good default implementation
>>>>> for the DLQ without having to write custom exception handlers.
>>>>> For the default implementation, we introduced a new configuration:
>>>>> errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name.
>>>>> If this configuration is set, it changes the behavior of the provided
>>>>> exception handlers to return a DLQ record containing the raw key/value
>>>>> + headers + exception metadata in headers.
>>>>> If the out of the box implementation is not suitable for a user, e.g.
>>>>> the payload needs to be masked in the DLQ, it could implement their
>>>>> own exception handlers. The errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name would
>>>>> only impact Kafka Streams bundled exception handlers (e.g.
>>>>> org.apache.kafka.streams.errors;.LogAndContinueExceptionHandler)
>>>>> Let me update the KIP to make it clear and also provide examples.
>>>>> S6/S7. Good point, mea culpa for the camel case, it must have been a
>>>>> sugar rush :)
>>>>> Thanks again for your detailed comments and pointing out S4
>>>>> (production exception & Processing Context)!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Damien
>>>>> This email was screened for spam and malicious content but exercise 
>>>>> caution anyway.
>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 22:04, Sophie Blee-Goldman 
>>>>> <sop...@responsive.dev<mailto:sop...@responsive.dev>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks for the KIP, this will make a lot of people very happy.
>>>>>> Wanted to chime in on a few points that have been raised so far and add
>>>>>> some of my own (numbering with an S to distinguish my points from the
>>>>>> previous ones)
>>>>>> S1.
>>>>>>> 1.a I really meant ProducerRecord, that's the class used to forward to
>>>>>>> downstream processors in the PAPI. The only information missing in
>>>>>>> this class is the topic name. I also considered relying on the Kafka
>>>>>>> Producer ProducerRecord, but I assume it would not be consistent with
>>>>>>> the KafkaStreams API.
>>>>>> I'm confused -- are you saying that we're introducing a new kind of
>>>>>> ProducerRecord class for this? Why not just use the existing one, ie the
>>>>>> o.a.k.clients.producer.ProducerRecord class? This is what the
>>>>>> ProductionExceptionHandler uses, so it's definitely "consistent". In 
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> words, we can remove the "String deadLetterQueueTopicName"
>>>>>> S2.
>>>>>> I think this would be a good opportunity to also deprecate the existing
>>>>>> #handle method of the DeserializationExceptionHandler, and replace it 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> one that uses a ProcessingContext instead of the ProcessorContext. Partly
>>>>>> for the same reasons about guarding access to the #forward methods, 
>>>>>> partly
>>>>>> because this method needs to be migrated to the new PAPI interface
>>>>>> anyways, and ProcessingContext is part of the new one.
>>>>>> S3.
>>>>>> Regarding 2a. -- I'm inclined to agree that records which a Punctuator
>>>>>> failed to produce should also be sent to the DLQ via the
>>>>>> ProductionExceptionHandler. Users will just need to be careful about
>>>>>> accessing certain fields of the ProcessingContext that aren't available 
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> the punctuator, and need to check the Optional returned by the
>>>>>> ProcessingContext#recordMetadata API.
>>>>>> Also, from an implementation standpoint, it will be really hard to
>>>>>> distinguish between a record created by a punctuator vs a processor from
>>>>>> within the RecordCollector, which is the class that actually handles
>>>>>> sending records to the Streams Producer and invoking the
>>>>>> ProductionExceptionHandler. This is because the RecordCollector is at the
>>>>>> "end" of the topology graph and doesn't have any context about which of 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> upstream processors actually attempted to forward a record.
>>>>>> This in itself is at least theoretically solvable, but it leads into my
>>>>>> first major new point:
>>>>>> S4:
>>>>>> I'm deeply worried about passing the ProcessingContext in as a means of
>>>>>> forwarding metadata. The problem is that the processing/processor context
>>>>>> is a mutable class and is inherently meaningless outside the context of a
>>>>>> specific task. And when I said earlier that the RecordCollector sits at
>>>>>> the "end" of the topology, I meant that it's literally outside the task's
>>>>>> subtopology and is used/shared by all tasks on that StreamThread. So to
>>>>>> begin with, there's no guarantee what will actually be returned for
>>>>>> essential methods such as the new #rawSourceKey/Value or the existing
>>>>>> #recordMetadata
>>>>>> For serialization exceptions it'll probably be correct, but for general
>>>>>> send errors it almost definitely won't be. In short, this is because we
>>>>>> send records to the producer after the sink node, but don't check for 
>>>>>> send
>>>>>> errors right away since obviously it takes some time for the producer to
>>>>>> actually send. In other words, sending/producing records is actually done
>>>>>> asynchronously with processing, and we simply check for errors on any
>>>>>> previously-sent records
>>>>>> during the send on a new record in a sink node. This means the context we
>>>>>> would be passing in to a (non-serialization) exception would pretty much
>>>>>> always correspond not the the record that experienced the error, but the
>>>>>> random record that happened to be being sent when we checked and saw the
>>>>>> error for the failed record.
>>>>>> This discrepancy, in addition to the whole "sourceRawKey/Value and
>>>>>> recordMetadata are null for punctuators" issue, seems like an
>>>>>> insurmountable inconsistency that is more likely to cause users confusion
>>>>>> or problems than be helpful.
>>>>>> We could create a new metadata object and copy over the relevant info 
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> the ProcessingContext, but I worry that has the potential to explode 
>>>>>> memory
>>>>>> since we'd need to hold on to it for all in-flight records up until they
>>>>>> are either successfully sent or failed and passed in to the
>>>>>> ProductionExceptionHandler. But if the metadata is relatively small, it's
>>>>>> probably fine. Especially if it's just the raw source key/value. Are
>>>>>> there any other parts of the ProcessingContext you think should be made
>>>>>> available?
>>>>>> Note that this only applies to the ProductionExceptionHandler, as the
>>>>>> DeserializationExceptionHandler (and the newly proposed
>>>>>> ProcessingExceptionHandler) would both be invoked immediately and 
>>>>>> therefore
>>>>>> with the failed record's context. However, I'm also a bit uncomfortable
>>>>>> with adding the rawSourceKey/rawSourceValue to the ProcessingContext. So
>>>>>> I'd propose to just wrap those (and any other metadata you might want) 
>>>>>> in a
>>>>>> container class and pass that in instead of the ProcessingContext, to all
>>>>>> of the exception handlers.
>>>>>> S5:
>>>>>> For some reason I'm finding the proposed API a little bit awkward, 
>>>>>> although
>>>>>> it's entirely possible that the problem is with me, not the proposal :)
>>>>>> Specifically I'm struggling with the approach of piggybacking on the
>>>>>> exception handlers and their response enums to dictate how records are
>>>>>> forwarded to the DLQ. I think this comes down to two things, though 
>>>>>> again,
>>>>>> these aren't necessarily problems with the API and probably just need to 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> hashed out:
>>>>>> S5a.
>>>>>> When I envision a DLQ, to me, the most common use case would be to 
>>>>>> forward
>>>>>> input records that failed somewhere along the processing graph. But it
>>>>>> seems like all the focus here is on the two far ends of the subtopology 
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> the input/consumer, and the output/producer. I get that
>>>>>> the ProcessingExceptionHandler is really the missing piece here, and it's
>>>>>> hard to say anything specific since it's not yet accepted, but maybe a
>>>>>> somewhat more concrete example would help. FWIW I think/hope to get that
>>>>>> KIP accepted and implementation ASAP, so I'm not worried about the "what 
>>>>>> if
>>>>>> it doesn't happen" case -- more just want to know what it will look like
>>>>>> when it does. Imo it's fine to build KIPs on top of future ones, it feels
>>>>>> clear that this part will just have to wait for that KIP to actually be
>>>>>> added.
>>>>>> S5b:
>>>>>> Why do users have to define the entire ProducerRecord -- shouldn't 
>>>>>> Streams
>>>>>> handle all this for them? Or will we just automatically send every record
>>>>>> on failure to the default global DLQ, and users only have to implement 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> handlers if they want to change the headers or send to a different 
>>>>>> topic? I
>>>>>> was having a bit of trouble understanding what the behavior would be if
>>>>>> someone configured a "errors.deadletterqueue.topic.name" but didn't
>>>>>> implement the handlers. Apologies if it's somewhere in the KIP and I
>>>>>> happened to miss it!
>>>>>> Either way, I really think an example would help me to better imagine 
>>>>>> what
>>>>>> this will look like in practice, and evaluate whether it actually 
>>>>>> involves
>>>>>> as much overhead as I'm worried it will. Can you add a section that
>>>>>> includes a basic implementation of all the features here? Nothing too
>>>>>> complicated, just the most bare-bones code needed to actually implement
>>>>>> forwarding to a dead-letter-queue via the handlers.
>>>>>> Lastly, two super small things:
>>>>>> S6:
>>>>>> We use camel case in Streams, so it should be rawSourceKey/Value rather
>>>>>> than raw_source_key/value
>>>>>> S7:
>>>>>> Can you add javadocs for the #withDeadLetterQueueRecord? For example, it
>>>>>> seems to me that if the topic to be sent to here is different than the
>>>>>> default/global DLQ, then the user will need to make sure to have created
>>>>>> this themselves up front.
>>>>>> That's it from me...sorry for the long response, it's just because I'm
>>>>>> excited for this feature and have been waiting on a KIP for this for 
>>>>>> years.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Sophie
>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 11:10 AM Damien Gasparina 
>>>>>> <d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Andrew,
>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your review, plenty of good points!
>>>>>>> 11. Typo fixed, good cach.
>>>>>>> 12. I do agree with you and Nick also mentioned it, I updated the KIP
>>>>>>> to mention that context headers should be forwarded.
>>>>>>> 13. Good catch, to be consistent with KIP-298, and without a strong
>>>>>>> opinion from my side, I updated the KIP with your prefix proposal.
>>>>>>> 14. I am not sure about this point, a big difference between KIP-298
>>>>>>> and this one is that the handlers can easily be overridden, something
>>>>>>> that is not doable in Kafka Connect.
>>>>>>> If someone would like a different behavior, e.g. to mask the payload
>>>>>>> or include further headers, I think we should encourage them to write
>>>>>>> their own exception handlers to build the DLQ Record the way they
>>>>>>> expect.
>>>>>>> 15. Yeah, that's a good point, I was not fully convinced about putting
>>>>>>> a String in it, I do assume that "null" is also a valid value. I do
>>>>>>> assume that the Stacktrace and the Exception in this case are the key
>>>>>>> metadata for the user to troubleshoot the problem.
>>>>>>> I updated the KIP to mention that the value should be null if
>>>>>>> triggered in a punctuate.
>>>>>>> 16. I added a session to mention that Kafka Streams would not try to
>>>>>>> automatically create the topic and the topic should either be
>>>>>>> automatically created, or pre-created.
>>>>>>> 17. If a DLQ record can not be sent, the exception should go to the
>>>>>>> uncaughtExceptionHandler. Let me clearly state it in the KIP.
>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 17:25, Damien Gasparina 
>>>>>>> <d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>>>>>> 1. Good point, that's less impactful than a custom interface, I just
>>>>>>>> updated the KIP with the new signature.
>>>>>>>> 1.a I really meant ProducerRecord, that's the class used to forward to
>>>>>>>> downstream processors in the PAPI. The only information missing in
>>>>>>>> this class is the topic name. I also considered relying on the Kafka
>>>>>>>> Producer ProducerRecord, but I assume it would not be consistent with
>>>>>>>> the KafkaStreams API.
>>>>>>>> 2. Agreed
>>>>>>>> 2.a I do think exceptions occurring during punctuate should be
>>>>>>>> included in the DLQ.
>>>>>>>> Even if building a suitable payload is almost impossible, even with
>>>>>>>> custom code; those exceptions are still fatal for Kafka Streams by
>>>>>>>> default and are something that can not be ignored safely.
>>>>>>>> I do assume that most users would want to be informed if an error
>>>>>>>> happened during a punctuate, even if only the metadata (e.g.
>>>>>>>> stacktrace, exception) is provided.
>>>>>>>> I am only concerned flooding the DLQ topic as, if a scheduled
>>>>>>>> operation failed, very likely it will fails during the next
>>>>>>>> invocation, but
>>>>>>>> 4. Good point, I clarified the wording in the KIP to make it explicit.
>>>>>>>> 5. Good point, I will clearly mention that it is out of scope as part
>>>>>>>> of the KIP and might not be as trivial as people could expect. I will
>>>>>>>> update the KIP once I do have some spare time.
>>>>>>>> 6. Oh yeah, I didn't think about it, but forwarding input headers
>>>>>>>> would definitely make sense. Confluent Schema Registry ID is actually
>>>>>>>> part of the payload, but many correlation ID and technical metadata
>>>>>>>> are passed through headers, it makes sense to forward them, specially
>>>>>>>> as it is the default behavior of Kafka Streams,
>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 15:25, Nick Telford 
>>>>>>>> <nick.telf...@gmail.com<mailto:nick.telf...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Damien and Sebastien,
>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>> I think you can just add a `String topic` argument to the existing
>>>>>>>>> `withDeadLetterQueueRecord(ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>
>>>>>>>>> deadLetterQueueRecord)` method, and then the implementation of the
>>>>>>>>> exception handler could choose the topic to send records to using
>>>>>>> whatever
>>>>>>>>> logic the user desires. You could perhaps provide a built-in
>>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>>>>> that leverages your new config to send all records to an untyped DLQ
>>>>>>> topic?
>>>>>>>>> 1a.
>>>>>>>>> BTW you have a typo: in your DeserializationExceptionHandler, the type
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> your `deadLetterQueueRecord` argument is `ProducerRecord`, when it
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>> probably be `ConsumerRecord`.
>>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>>> Agreed. I think it's a good idea to provide an implementation that
>>>>>>> sends to
>>>>>>>>> a single DLQ by default, but it's important to enable users to
>>>>>>> customize
>>>>>>>>> this with their own exception handlers.
>>>>>>>>> 2a.
>>>>>>>>> I'm not convinced that "errors" (e.g. failed punctuate) should be sent
>>>>>>> to a
>>>>>>>>> DLQ topic like it's a bad record. To me, a DLQ should only contain
>>>>>>> records
>>>>>>>>> that failed to process. I'm not even sure how a user would
>>>>>>>>> re-process/action one of these other errors; it seems like the purview
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>> error logging to me?
>>>>>>>>> 4.
>>>>>>>>> My point here was that I think it would be useful for the KIP to
>>>>>>> contain an
>>>>>>>>> explanation of the behavior both with KIP-1033 and without it. i.e.
>>>>>>> clarify
>>>>>>>>> if/how records that throw an exception in a processor are handled. At
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> moment, I'm assuming that without KIP-1033, processing exceptions
>>>>>>> would not
>>>>>>>>> cause records to be sent to the DLQ, but with KIP-1033, they would. If
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> assumption is correct, I think it should be made explicit in the KIP.
>>>>>>>>> 5.
>>>>>>>>> Understood. You may want to make this explicit in the documentation 
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> users, so they understand the consequences of re-processing data sent
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> their DLQ. The main reason I raised this point is it's something 
>>>>>>>>> that's
>>>>>>>>> tripped me up in numerous KIPs that that committers frequently remind
>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>> of; so I wanted to get ahead of it for once! :D
>>>>>>>>> And one new point:
>>>>>>>>> 6.
>>>>>>>>> The DLQ record schema appears to discard all custom headers set on the
>>>>>>>>> source record. Is there a way these can be included? In particular, 
>>>>>>>>> I'm
>>>>>>>>> concerned with "schema pointer" headers (like those set by Schema
>>>>>>>>> Registry), that may need to be propagated, especially if the records
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> fed back into the source topics for re-processing by the user.
>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 13:20, Damien Gasparina 
>>>>>>>>> <d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Nick,
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot for your review and your useful comments!
>>>>>>>>>> 1. It is a good point, as you mentioned, I think it would make sense
>>>>>>>>>> in some use cases to have potentially multiple DLQ topics, so we
>>>>>>>>>> should provide an API to let users do it.
>>>>>>>>>> Thinking out-loud here, maybe it is a better approach to create a new
>>>>>>>>>> Record class containing the topic name, e.g. DeadLetterQueueRecord
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> changing the signature to
>>>>>>>>>> withDeadLetterQueueRecords(Iteratable<DeadLetterQueueRecord>
>>>>>>>>>> deadLetterQueueRecords) instead of
>>>>>>>>>> withDeadLetterQueueRecord(ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]>
>>>>>>>>>> deadLetterQueueRecord). What do you think? DeadLetterQueueRecord
>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>> be something like "class DeadLetterQueueRecord extends
>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.api;.ProducerRecords { String
>>>>>>>>>> topic; /* + getter/setter + */ } "
>>>>>>>>>> 2. I think the root question here is: should we have one DLQ topic or
>>>>>>>>>> multiple DLQ topics by default. This question highly depends on the
>>>>>>>>>> context, but implementing a default implementation to handle multiple
>>>>>>>>>> DLQ topics would be opinionated, e.g. how to manage errors in a
>>>>>>>>>> punctuate?
>>>>>>>>>> I think it makes sense to have the default implementation writing all
>>>>>>>>>> faulty records to a single DLQ, that's at least the approach I used
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> past applications: one DLQ per Kafka Streams application. Of course
>>>>>>>>>> the message format could change in the DLQ e.g. due to the source
>>>>>>>>>> topic, but those DLQ records will be very likely troubleshooted, and
>>>>>>>>>> maybe replay, manually anyway.
>>>>>>>>>> If a user needs to have multiple DLQ topics or want to enforce a
>>>>>>>>>> specific schema, it's still possible, but they would need to
>>>>>>> implement
>>>>>>>>>> custom Exception Handlers.
>>>>>>>>>> Coming back to 1. I do agree that it would make sense to have the
>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>>>> set the DLQ topic name in the handlers for more flexibility.
>>>>>>>>>> 3. Good point, sorry it was a typo, the ProcessingContext makes much
>>>>>>>>>> more sense here indeed.
>>>>>>>>>> 4. I do assume that we could implement KIP-1033 (Processing exception
>>>>>>>>>> handler) independently from KIP-1034. I do hope that KIP-1033 would
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>> adopted and implemented before KIP-1034, but if that's not the case,
>>>>>>>>>> we could implement KIP-1034 indepantly and update KIP-1033 to include
>>>>>>>>>> the DLQ record afterward (in the same KIP or in a new one if not
>>>>>>>>>> possible).
>>>>>>>>>> 5. I think we should be clear that this KIP only covers the DLQ
>>>>>>> record
>>>>>>>>>> produced.
>>>>>>>>>> Everything related to replay messages or recovery plan should be
>>>>>>>>>> considered out-of-scope as it is use-case and error specific.
>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if that's not clear, there are definitely points that
>>>>>>>>>> highly debatable.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Damien
>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 13:00, Nick Telford 
>>>>>>>>>> <nick.telf...@gmail.com<mailto:nick.telf...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, and one more thing:
>>>>>>>>>>> 5.
>>>>>>>>>>> Whenever you take a record out of the stream, and then potentially
>>>>>>>>>>> re-introduce it at a later date, you introduce the potential for
>>>>>>> record
>>>>>>>>>>> ordering issues. For example, that record could have been destined
>>>>>>> for a
>>>>>>>>>>> Window that has been closed by the time it's re-processed. I'd
>>>>>>> like to
>>>>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>>>>>> a section that considers these consequences, and perhaps make
>>>>>>> those risks
>>>>>>>>>>> clear to users. For the record, this is exactly what sunk KIP-990,
>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>> was an alternative approach to error handling that introduced the
>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>> issues.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 11:54, Nick Telford <nick.telf...@gmail.com
>>>>> <mailto:nick.telf...@gmail.com%0b>> > >
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Damien,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the KIP! Dead-letter queues are something that I
>>>>>>> think a
>>>>>>>>>> lot of
>>>>>>>>>>>> users would like.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I think there are a few points with this KIP that concern me:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It looks like you can only define a single, global DLQ for the
>>>>>>> entire
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kafka Streams application? What about applications that would
>>>>>>> like to
>>>>>>>>>>>> define different DLQs for different data flows? This is
>>>>>>> especially
>>>>>>>>>>>> important when dealing with multiple source topics that have
>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>> record schemas.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Your DLQ payload value can either be the record value that
>>>>>>> failed, or
>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>> error string (such as "error during punctuate"). This is likely
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> cause
>>>>>>>>>>>> problems when users try to process the records from the DLQ, as
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>> can't
>>>>>>>>>>>> guarantee the format of every record value will be the same.
>>>>>>> This is
>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>>> loosely related to point 1. above.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You provide a ProcessorContext to both exception handlers, but
>>>>>>> state
>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be used to forward records. In that case, I believe you
>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>> ProcessingContext instead, which statically guarantees that it
>>>>>>> can't be
>>>>>>>>>>>> used to forward records.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You mention the KIP-1033 ProcessingExceptionHandler, but what's
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> plan
>>>>>>>>>>>> if KIP-1033 is not adopted, or if KIP-1034 lands before 1033?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 11:38, Damien Gasparina <
>>>>>>> d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In a general way, if the user does not configure the right ACL,
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be a security issue, but that's true for any topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This KIP allows users to configure a Dead Letter Queue without
>>>>>>> writing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> custom Java code in Kafka Streams, not at the topic level.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> A lot of applications are already implementing this pattern,
>>>>>>> but the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> required code to do it is quite painful and error prone, for
>>>>>>> example
>>>>>>>>>>>>> most apps I have seen created a new KafkaProducer to send
>>>>>>> records to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> their DLQ.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As it would be disabled by default for backward compatibility,
>>>>>>> I doubt
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it would generate any security concern.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a user explicitly configures a Deal Letter Queue, it would
>>>>>>> be up to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> him to configure the relevant ACLs to ensure that the right
>>>>>>> principal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can access it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is already the case for all internal, input and output Kafka
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Streams topics (e.g. repartition, changelog topics) that also
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>> contain confidential data, so I do not think we should
>>>>>>> implement a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> different behavior for this one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this KIP, we configured the default DLQ record to have the
>>>>>>> initial
>>>>>>>>>>>>> record key/value as we assume that it is the expected and wanted
>>>>>>>>>>>>> behavior for most applications.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a user does not want to have the key/value in the DLQ record
>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> any reason, they could still implement exception handlers to
>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>>>>>> their own DLQ record.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding ACL, maybe something smarter could be done in Kafka
>>>>>>> Streams,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but this is out of scope for this KIP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 11:58, Claude Warren 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cla...@xenei.com<mailto:cla...@xenei.com>>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My concern is that someone would create a dead letter queue
>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sensitive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> topic and not get the ACL correct from the start. Thus
>>>>>>> causing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> potential
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> confidential data leak. Is there anything in the proposal
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevent that from happening? If so I did not recognize it as
>>>>>>> such.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 9:45 AM Damien Gasparina <
>>>>>>>>>> d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Claude,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In this KIP, the Dead Letter Queue is materialized by a
>>>>>>> standard
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> independant topic, thus normal ACL applies to it like any
>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>> topic.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This should not introduce any security issues, obviously,
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACL would need to be provided to write to the DLQ if
>>>>>>> configured.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Damien
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Apr 2024 at 08:59, Claude Warren, Jr
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <claude.war...@aiven.io.invalid<mailto:claude.war...@aiven.io.invalid>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am new to the Kafka codebase so please excuse any
>>>>>>> ignorance
>>>>>>>>>> on my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> part.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When a dead letter queue is established is there a
>>>>>>> process to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensure that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it at least is defined with the same ACL as the original
>>>>>>> queue?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a guarantee at the start it seems that managing dead
>>>>>>> letter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> queues
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be fraught with security issues.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 10:34 AM Damien Gasparina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To continue on our effort to improve Kafka Streams error
>>>>>>>>>>>>> handling, we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> propose a new KIP to add out of the box support for Dead
>>>>>>>>>> Letter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Queue.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The goal of this KIP is to provide a default
>>>>>>> implementation
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be suitable for most applications and allow
>>>>>>> users to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> override
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it if they have specific requirements.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In order to build a suitable payload, some additional
>>>>>>> changes
>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> included in this KIP:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. extend the ProcessingContext to hold, when
>>>>>>> available, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> node raw key/value byte[]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. expose the ProcessingContext to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ProductionExceptionHandler,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it is currently not available in the handle parameters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding point 2., to expose the ProcessingContext to
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ProductionExceptionHandler, we considered two choices:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. exposing the ProcessingContext as a parameter in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> handle()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method. That's the cleanest way IMHO, but we would need
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> deprecate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the old method.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. exposing the ProcessingContext as an attribute in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This way, no method is deprecated, but we would not be
>>>>>>>>>> consistent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other ExceptionHandler.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the KIP, we chose the 1. solution (new handle
>>>>>>> signature
>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one deprecated), but we could use other opinions on
>>>>>>> this part.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More information is available directly on the KIP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KIP link:
>>>>>>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams><https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams>><https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams><https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1034%3A+Dead+letter+queue+in+Kafka+Streams>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Damien, Sebastien and Loic
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren<http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren><http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren<http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren>><http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren<http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren><http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren<http://www.linkedin.com/in/claudewarren>>>

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