Hi Alieh,
Thanks for the KIP.

I *really* don’t like adding a config which changes the behaviour of the
flush() method. We already have too many configs. But I totally understand
the problem that you’re trying to solve and some of the other suggestions
in this thread seem neater.

Personally, I would add another method to KafkaProducer. Not an overload
on flush() because this is not flush() at all. Using Matthias’s options,
I prefer (3).


> On 20 Jun 2024, at 15:08, Lianet M. <liane...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all, thanks for the KIP Alieh!
> LM1. Totally agree with Artem's point about the config not being the most
> explicit/flexible way to express this capability. Getting then to Matthias
> 4 options, what I don't like about 3 and 4 is that it seems they might not
> age very well? Aren't we going to be wanting some other twist to the flush
> semantics that will have us adding yet another param to it, or another
> overloaded method? I truly don't have the context to answer that, but if it
> feels like a realistic future maybe adding some kind FlushOptions params to
> the flush would be better from an extensibility point of view. It would
> only have the clearErrors option available for now but could accept any
> other we may need. I find that this would remove the "ugliness" Matthias
> pointed out for 3. and 4.
> LM2. No matter how we end up expressing the different semantics for flush,
> let's make sure we update the KIP on the flush and commitTransaction java
> docs. It currently states that  flush "clears the last exception" and
> commitTransaction "will NOT throw" if called after flush, but it really all
> depends on the config/options/method used.
> LM3. I find it would be helpful to include an example to show the new flow
> that we're unblocking (I see this as the great gain here): flush with clear
> error option enabled -> catch and do whatever error handling we want ->
> commitTransaction successfully
> Thanks!
> Lianet
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 11:26 PM Chris Egerton <fearthecel...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Matthias,
>> I like the alternatives you've listed. One more that might help is if,
>> instead of overloading flush(), we overloaded commitTransaction() to
>> something like commitTransaction(boolean tolerateRecordErrors). This seems
>> slightly cleaner in that it takes the behavioral change we want, which only
>> applies to transactional producers, to an API method that is only used for
>> transactional producers. It would also avoid the issue of whether or not
>> flush() (or a new variant of it with altered semantics) should throw or
>> not. Thoughts?
>> Hi Alieh,
>> Thanks for the KIP, I like this direction a lot more than the pluggable
>> handler!
>> I share Artem's concerns that enabling this behavior via configuration
>> doesn't seem like a great fit. It's likely that application code will be
>> written in a style that only works with one type of behavior from
>> transactional producers, so requiring that application code to declare its
>> expectations for the behavior of its producer seems more appropriate than,
>> e.g., allowing users deploying that application to tweak a configuration
>> file that gets fed to producers spun up inside it.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 10:32 PM Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the KIP Alieh. I actually like the KIP as-is, but think
>>> Arthem raises very good points...
>>> Seems we have four options on how to move forward?
>>>  1. add config to allow "silent error clearance" as the KIP proposes
>>>  2. change flush() to clear error and let it throw
>>>  3. add new flushAndThrow()` (or better name) which clears error and
>>> throws
>>>  4. add `flush(boolean clearAndThrow)` and let user pick (and deprecate
>>> existing `flush()`)
>>> For (2), given that it would be a behavior change, we might also need a
>>> public "feature flag" config.
>>> It seems, both (1) and (2) have the issue Artem mentioned. (3) and (4)
>>> would be safer to this end, however, for both we kinda get an ugly API?
>>> Not sure right now if I have any preference. Seems we need to pick some
>>> evil and that there is no clear best solution? Would be good to her from
>>> others what they think
>>> -Matthias
>>> On 6/18/24 8:39 PM, Artem Livshits wrote:
>>>> Hi Alieh,
>>>> Thank you for the KIP.  I have a couple of suggestions:
>>>> AL1.  We should throw an error from flush after we clear it.  This
>> would
>>>> make it so that both "send + commit" and "send + flush + commit" (the
>>>> latter looks like just a more verbose way to express the former, and it
>>>> would be intuitive if it behaves the same) would throw if the
>> transaction
>>>> has an error (so if the code is written either way it's going be
>>> correct).
>>>> At the same time, the latter could be extended by the caller to
>> intercept
>>>> exceptions from flush, ignore as needed, and commit the transaction.
>>> This
>>>> solution would keep basic things simple (if someone has code that
>> doesn't
>>>> require advanced error handling, then basic "send + flush + commit"
>> would
>>>> do the right thing) and advanced things possible, an application can
>> add
>>>> try + catch around flush and ignore some errors.
>>>> AL2.  I'm not sure if config is the best way to express the
>> modification
>>> of
>>>> the "flush" semantics -- the application logic that calls "flush" needs
>>> to
>>>> match the "flush" semantics and configuring semantics in a detached
>> place
>>>> creates a room for bugs due to discrepancies.  This can be especially
>> bad
>>>> if the producer loads configuration from a file at run time, in that
>>> case a
>>>> mistake in configuration could break the application because it was
>>> written
>>>> to expect one "flush" semantics but the semantics is switched.  Given
>>> that
>>>> the "flush" semantics needs to match the caller's expectation, a way to
>>>> accomplish that would be to pass the caller's expectation to the
>> "flush"
>>>> call by either have a method with a different name or have an overload
>>> with
>>>> a Boolen flag that would configure the semantics (the current method
>>> could
>>>> just redirect to the new one).
>>>> -Artem
>>>> On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 9:09 AM Alieh Saeedi
>>> <asae...@confluent.io.invalid>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I'd like to kick off a discussion for KIP-1059 that suggests adding a
>>> new
>>>>> feature to the Producer flush() method.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1059%3A+Enable+the+Producer+flush%28%29+method+to+clear+the+latest+send%28%29+error
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Alieh

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