Hi Kamal

Thanks for bringing this up. This is a problem worth solving. We have faced
this in situations where some Kafka clients default to read_committed mode
and end up having high latencies for remote fetches due to this traversal
across all segments.
First some nits to clarify the KIP:
1. The motivation should make it clear that traversal of all segments is
only in the worst case. If I am not mistaken (please correct me if wrong),
the traversal stops when it has found a segment containing LSO.
2. There is nothing like a non-txn topic. A transaction may be started on
any topic. Perhaps, rephrase the statement in the KIP so that it is clear
to the reader.
3. The hyperlink in the "the broker has to traverse all the..." seems
incorrect. Did you want to point to
4. In the testing section, could we add a test plan? For example, I would
list down adding a test which would verify the number of calls made to
RLMM. This test would have a higher number of calls earlier vs. after this

Other thoughts:
4. Potential alternative - Instead of having an algorithm where we traverse
across segment metadata and looking for isTxnIdxEmpty flag, should we
directly introduce a nextSegmentWithTrxInx() function? This would allow
implementers to optimize the otherwise linear scan across metadata for all
segments by using techniques such as skip list etc.
5. Potential alternative#2 - We know that we may want the indexes of
multiple higher segments. Instead of fetching them sequentially, we could
implement a parallel fetch or a pre-fetch for the indexes. This would help
hide the latency of sequentially fetching the trx indexes.
6. Should the proposed API take "segmentId" as a parameter instead of
"topicIdPartition"? Suggesting because isTxnIdEmpty is not a property of a
partition, instead it's a property of a specific segment.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about the alternatives. Let's get
this fixed.

Divij Vaidya

On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 11:40 AM Kamal Chandraprakash <
kamal.chandraprak...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have opened a KIP-1058
> <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1058%3A+Txn+consumer+exerts+pressure+on+remote+storage+when+reading+non-txn+topic
> >
> to reduce the pressure on remote storage when transactional consumers are
> reading non-txn topics from remote storage.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1058%3A+Txn+consumer+exerts+pressure+on+remote+storage+when+reading+non-txn+topic
> Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome.
> Thanks,
> Kamal

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