Hi Harry,

A colleague of mine opened KIP-1009: Add Broker-level Throttle Configurations, 
which aims to achieve the same goal (although from a different angle).

Can you please take a look and see if this would work for the things you have 
in mind? Maybe we can partner and coalesce around either KIP and try to push it 
to the end line.


From: dev@kafka.apache.org At: 06/13/24 09:22:40 UTC-4:00To:  
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1051 Statically configured log replication throttling

Hi everyone,

Bumping this thread, as I haven't yet had any replies.

Kind regards,

On Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 17:59, Harry Fallows 
<harryfall...@protonmail.com.INVALID> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to propose a change to allow the static configuration of leader 
and follower replication throttling rates.
> These configurations are very useful for preventing client traffic from 
getting throttled by replication traffic during events that cause a spike in 
replication. Currently they are only configurable dynamically, which means they 
are only really useful for throttling replication traffic during planned 
events. By allowing these configurations to be set statically, they can be used 
to prevent client traffic throttling during unplanned events.
> KIP: 
> Best regards,
> Harry Fallows

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