Hi Fan,

Thanks for the feedback.

In some ways, that takes us a step towards the behaviour of a schema registry 
converter such as io.confluent.connect.json.JsonSchemaConverter - with the 
converter able to fetch a schema hosted at a central location, which is an 
interesting idea.

My preference would be to start with file config as the most commonly used way 
of providing config, and the simplest first step to implement. It avoids the 
potential need to include options such as credentials, SSL/TLS truststores, 
etc. in the scope of this KIP. That doesn’t rule out a future enhancement for 
other ways of providing the config if there is demand for this.

I do agree that renaming the config option to schema.location to make future 
enhancements cleaner is a sensible change - so I will update the KIP with that.


From: Fan Yang <fan...@hotmail.com>
Date: Friday, 7 June 2024 at 9:10 PM
To: dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1054: Support external schemas in 
Hi Priyanka,

My suggestion is that the we can place schema file at any location, such as 
file location, network location, etc. So, the new option could be just 

From: Priyanka K U <priyanka....@ibm.com.INVALID>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2024 16:22
To: dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
Subject: [DISCUSS] KIP-1054: Support external schemas in JSONConverter

Hi everyone,

I'd like to start a discussion of KIP-1054, which aims to Support external 
schemas in JSONConverter  to Kafka Connect: 

Looking forward for your feedback.


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