Hi Sophie,
Yes the PR should also fix the tests in other class you mentioned. I have 
validated locally and attached details in the PR for successful run on local.
- Regards,
Apoorv Mittal

> On 8 Jun 2024, at 02:24, Sophie Blee-Goldman <sop...@responsive.dev> wrote:
> Thanks for the quick fix!
> By the way, I took a quick look at the output for some aborted builds and
> can confirm that this test is also hanging: SaslClientsWithInvalidCre
> dentialsTest.testKafkaAdminClientWithAuthenticationFailure
> It sounds like it probably has the same root cause as the test we already
> disabled, but just to make sure, Apoorv can you confirm that your fix will
> also address the SaslClientsWithInvalidCredentialsTest?
>> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 6:18 PM Haruki Okada <ocadar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Oh, thank you for identifying the root cause quickly Apoorv.
>> I changed the assignee of KAFKA-16916 to you.
>> Thanks,
>> 2024年6月8日(土) 10:13 Apoorv Mittal <apoorvmitta...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please find the fix for the issue:
>>> https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16249
>>> Regards,
>>> Apoorv Mittal
>>> +44 7721681581
>>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 2:09 AM Sophie Blee-Goldman <
>> sop...@responsive.dev>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for jumping on this guys, and nice find Haruki
>>>> I agree with Luke that we should disable the offending tests ASAP to
>>>> unblock other things, and file a 3.8 blocker to investigate this
>> further.
>>>> Thanks for the PR Haruki and thanks for filing the ticket Luke -- I
>>> marked
>>>> it as a blocker for 3.8.0 so this doesn't slip.
>>>> By the way -- someone else was looking into this on the side and
>>> mentioned
>>>> another test they were suspicious of as well. It's
>> SaslClientsWithInvalidCredentialsTest.testKafkaAdminClientWithAuthenticationFailure
>>>> Does one of you have time to look into this test as well? Don't want to
>>>> have to wait another 8 hours for your PR to hit the timeout and abort
>>>> again. If not, I can spend a minute looking at this other test a bit
>>> later
>>>> tonight
>>>> On Fri, Jun 7, 2024 at 6:05 PM Haruki Okada <ocadar...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>> Opened the PR h(ttps://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/16248)
>>>>> Let's see if CI runs properly.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> 2024年6月8日(土) 10:01 Luke Chen <show...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Let's disable for now to unblock builds, and revert later if we
>>> can't
>>>>>> solve
>>>>>> it until code freeze?
>>>>>> That's exactly what I meant to do.
>>>>>> I've opened KAFKA-16916 <
>>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16916
>>>>>> for this issue and assigned to you.
>>>>>> Welcome to unassign yourselves if you don't have time to fix the
>>>>>> adminClient behavior change issue.
>>>>>> But, let's disable it first.
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Luke
>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 8:55 AM Haruki Okada <ocadar...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Luke,
>>>>>>> I see, but since this is likely due to AdminClient's behavior
>>> change,
>>>>> we
>>>>>>> need to fix it anyways not only disabling test before 3.8
>> release.
>>>>>>> Let's disable for now to unblock builds, and revert later if we
>>> can't
>>>>>> solve
>>>>>>> it until code freeze?
>>>>>>> 2024年6月8日(土) 9:31 Luke Chen <show...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Haruki,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for identifying this blocking test.
>>>>>>>> Could you help quickly open a PR to disable this test to
>> unblock
>>>> the
>>>>> CI
>>>>>>>> build?
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> Luke
>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2024 at 8:20 AM Haruki Okada <
>> ocadar...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>> I found that the hanging can be reproduced locally.
>>>>>>>>> The blocking test is
>> "org.apache.kafka.common.security.authenticator.ClientAuthenticationFailureTest.testAdminClientWithInvalidCredentials".
>>>>>>>>> It started to block after this commit (
>> https://github.com/apache/kafka/commit/c01279b92acefd9135089588319910bac79bfd4c
>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> 2024年6月8日(土) 8:30 Sophie Blee-Goldman <sop...@responsive.dev
>>> :
>>>>>>>>>> Seems like the build is currently broken -- specifically, a
>>>> test
>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> hanging
>>>>>>>>>> and causing it to abort after 7+ hours. There are many
>>> examples
>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> current PRs, such as
>>>>>>>>>> Timed out after almost 8 hours:
>>>>>>>>>> 1.
>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/Kafka%2Fkafka-pr/detail/PR-16238/1/pipeline/
>>>>>>>>>> 2.
>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/Kafka%2Fkafka-pr/detail/PR-16201/15/pipeline
>>>>>>>>>> Still running after 6+ hours:
>>>>>>>>>> 1.
>> https://ci-builds.apache.org/blue/organizations/jenkins/Kafka%2Fkafka-pr/detail/PR-16236/3/pipeline/
>>>>>>>>>> It's pretty difficult to tell which test is hanging but it
>>>> seems
>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>> of the commits in the last 1-2 days is the likely culprit.
>> If
>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>> idea of what may have caused this or is actively
>>> investigating,
>>>>>>> please
>>>>>>>>> let
>>>>>>>>>> everyone know.
>>>>>>>>>> Needless to say, this is rather urgent given the upcoming
>> 3.8
>>>>> code
>>>>>>>>> freeze.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Sophie
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>>>> Okada Haruki
>>>>>>>>> ocadar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>>>> Okada Haruki
>>>>>>> ocadar...@gmail.com
>>>>>>> ========================
>>>>> --
>>>>> ========================
>>>>> Okada Haruki
>>>>> ocadar...@gmail.com
>>>>> ========================
>> --
>> ========================
>> Okada Haruki
>> ocadar...@gmail.com
>> ========================

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