You are right, it will simplify types.
We update the KIP
Sébastien *VIALE***
*Technical Expert Kafka*
Carmes / Bâtiment A17 4e / 63100 Clermont-Ferrand
*De :* Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org>
*Envoyé :* mercredi 10 avril 2024 10:38
*À :* dev@kafka.apache.org <dev@kafka.apache.org>
*Objet :* [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1033: Add Kafka Streams exception
handler for exceptions occuring during processing
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Hi Loïc, Damien, and Sébastien,
Great that we are converging!
Damien and Loïc, I think in your examples the handler will receive
Record<Object, Object> because an Record<Object, Object> is passed to
the processor in the following code line:
I see that we do not need to pass into the the handler a Record<byte[],
byte[]> just because we do that for the DeserializationExceptionHandler
and the ProductionExceptionHandler. When those two handlers are called,
the record is already serialized. This is not the case for the
ProcessingExceptionHandler. However, I would propose to use Record<?, ?>
for the record that is passed to the ProcessingExceptionHandler because
it makes the handler API more flexible.
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On 4/9/24 9:09 PM, Loic Greffier wrote:
> Hi Bruno and Bill,
> To complete the Damien's purposes about the point 3.
> Processing errors are caught and handled by the
ProcessingErrorHandler, at the precise moment when records are processed
by processor nodes. The handling will be performed in the "process"
method of the ProcessorNode, such as:
> public void process(final Record<KIn, VIn> record) {
> ...
> try {
> ...
> } catch (final ClassCastException e) {
> ...
> } catch (Exception e) {
> ProcessingExceptionHandler.ProcessingHandlerResponse response =
> .handle(internalProcessorContext, (Record<Object, Object>) record, e);
> if (response ==
ProcessingExceptionHandler.ProcessingHandlerResponse.FAIL) {
> throw new StreamsException("Processing exception handler is set to
fail upon" +
> " a processing error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline" +
> " continue after a processing error, please set the " +
> e);
> }
> }
> }
> As you can see, the record is transmitted to the
ProcessingExceptionHandler as a Record<Object,Object>, as we are dealing
with the input record of the processor at this point. It can be any
type, including non-serializable types, as suggested by the Damien's
example. As the ProcessingErrorHandler is not intended to perform any
serialization, there should be no issue for the users to handle a
> I follow Damien on the other points.
> For point 6, underlying public interfaces are renamed as well:
> - The ProcessingHandlerResponse
> - The
> Regards,
> Loïc
> De : Damien Gasparina <d.gaspar...@gmail.com>
> Envoyé : mardi 9 avril 2024 20:08
> À : dev@kafka.apache.org
> Objet : Re: [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1033: Add Kafka Streams exception
handler for exceptions occuring during processing
> Warning External sender Do not click on any links or open any
attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
> Hi Bruno, Bill,
> First of all, thanks a lot for all your useful comments.
>> 1. and 2.
>> I am wondering whether we should expose the processor node ID -- which
>> basically is the processor node name -- in the ProcessingContext
>> interface. I think the processor node ID fits well in the
>> ProcessingContext interface since it already contains application ID and
>> task ID and it would make the API for the handler cleaner.
> That's a good point, the actual ProcessorContextImpl is already
holding the
> current node in an attribute (currentNode), thus exposing the node ID
> not be a problem. Let me sleep on it and get back to you regarding this
> point.
>> 3.
>> Could you elaborate -- maybe with an example -- when a record is in a
>> state in which it cannot be serialized? This is not completely clear to
> me.
> The Record passed to the handler is the input record to the processor. In
> the Kafka Streams API, it could be any POJO.
> e.g. with the following topology `
> streamsBuilder.stream("x")
> .map((k, v) -> new KeyValue("foo", Pair.of("hello",
> "world")))
> .forEach((k, v) -> throw new RuntimeException())
> I would expect the handler to receive a Record<String, Pair<String,
> String>>.
>> 4.
>> Regarding the metrics, it is not entirely clear to me what the metric
>> measures. Is it the number of calls to the process handler or is it the
>> number of calls to process handler that returned FAIL?
>> If it is the former, I was also wondering whether it would be better to
>> put the task-level metrics to INFO reporting level and remove the
>> thread-level metric, similar to the dropped-records metric. You can
>> always roll-up the metrics to the thread level in your preferred
>> monitoring system. Or do you think we end up with to many metrics?
> We were thinking of the former, measuring the number of calls to the
> process handler. That's a good point, having the information at the task
> level could be beneficial. I updated the KIP to change the metric level
> and to clarify the wording.
>> 5.
>> What do you think about naming the handler ProcessingExceptionHandler
>> instead of ProcessExceptionHandler?
>> The DeserializationExceptionHanlder and the ProductionExceptionHandler
>> also use the noun of the action in their name and not the verb.
> Good catch, I updated the KIP to rename it ProcessingExceptionHandler.
>> 6.
>> What record is exactly passed to the handler?
>> Is it the input record to the task? Is it the input record to the
>> processor node? Is it the input record to the processor?
> The input record of the processor. I assume that is the most user
> friendly record in this context.
>> 7.
>> Could you please add the packages of the Java classes/interfaces/enums
>> you want to add?
> Done, without any surprises: package org.apache.kafka.streams.errors;
> Thanks a lot for your reviews! Cheers,
> Damien
> This email was screened for spam and malicious content but exercise
caution anyway.
> On Tue, 9 Apr 2024 at 18:04, Bill Bejeck
<bbej...@gmail.com<mailto:bbej...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Damien, Sebastien and Loic,
>> Thanks for the KIP, this is a much-needed addition.
>> I like the approach of getting the plumbing in for handling processor
>> errors, allowing users to implement more complex solutions as needed.
>> Overall how where the KIP Is now LGTM, modulo outstanding comments. I
>> think adding the example you included in this thread to the KIP is a
>> idea.
>> Regarding the metrics, I'm thinking along the same lines as Bruno. I'm
>> wondering if we can make do with a task-level metric at the INFO
level and
>> the processor metric at DEBUG. IMHO, when it comes to tracking
>> in processing, these two areas are where users will want to focus,
>> level metrics wouldn't be as useful in this case.
>> Thanks,
>> Bill
>> On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 6:54 AM Bruno Cadonna
<cado...@apache.org<mailto:cado...@apache.org>> wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I have additional questions/comments.
>>> 6.
>>> What record is exactly passed to the handler?
>>> Is it the input record to the task? Is it the input record to the
>>> processor node? Is it the input record to the processor?
>>> 7.
>>> Could you please add the packages of the Java classes/interfaces/enums
>>> you want to add?
>>> Best,
>>> Bruno
>>> On 4/9/24 10:17 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
>>>> Hi Loïc, Damien, and Sébastien,
>>>> Thanks for the KIP!
>>>> I find it really great that you contribute back to Kafka Streams
>>>> concepts you developed for kstreamplify so that everybody can take
>>>> advantage from your improvements.
>>>> I have a couple of questions/comments:
>>>> 1. and 2.
>>>> I am wondering whether we should expose the processor node ID -- which
>>>> basically is the processor node name -- in the ProcessingContext
>>>> interface. I think the processor node ID fits well in the
>>>> ProcessingContext interface since it already contains application ID
>> and
>>>> task ID and it would make the API for the handler cleaner.
>>>> 3.
>>>> Could you elaborate -- maybe with an example -- when a record is in a
>>>> state in which it cannot be serialized? This is not completely
clear to
>>> me.
>>>> 4.
>>>> Regarding the metrics, it is not entirely clear to me what the metric
>>>> measures. Is it the number of calls to the process handler or is
it the
>>>> number of calls to process handler that returned FAIL?
>>>> If it is the former, I was also wondering whether it would be
better to
>>>> put the task-level metrics to INFO reporting level and remove the
>>>> thread-level metric, similar to the dropped-records metric. You can
>>>> always roll-up the metrics to the thread level in your preferred
>>>> monitoring system. Or do you think we end up with to many metrics?
>>>> 5.
>>>> What do you think about naming the handler ProcessingExceptionHandler
>>>> instead of ProcessExceptionHandler?
>>>> The DeserializationExceptionHanlder and the ProductionExceptionHandler
>>>> also use the noun of the action in their name and not the verb.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Bruno
>>>> On 4/8/24 3:48 PM, Sebastien Viale wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for your review!
>>>>> All the points make sense for us!
>>>>> We updated the KIP for points 1 and 4.
>>>>> 2/ We followed the DeserializationExceptionHandler interface
>>>>> signature, it was not on our mind that the record be forwarded with
>>>>> the ProcessorContext.
>>>>> The ProcessingContext is sufficient, we do expect that most people
>>>>> would need to access the RecordMetadata.
>>>>> 3/ The use of Record<Object, Object> is required, as the error could
>>>>> occurred in the middle of a processor where records could be non
>>>>> serializable objects
>>>>> As it is a global error catching, the user may need little
>>>>> information about the faulty record.
>>>>> Assuming that users want to make some specific treatments to the
>>>>> record, they can add a try / catch block in the topology.
>>>>> It is up to users to cast record value and key in the implementation
>>>>> of the ProcessorExceptionHandler.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Loïc, Damien and Sébastien
>>>>> ________________________________
>>>>> De : Sophie Blee-Goldman
>>>>> Envoyé : samedi 6 avril 2024 01:08
>>>>> À : dev@kafka.apache.org<mailto:dev@kafka.apache.org>
>>>>> Objet : [EXT] Re: [DISCUSS] KIP-1033: Add Kafka Streams exception
>>>>> handler for exceptions occuring during processing
>>>>> Warning External sender Do not click on any links or open any
>>>>> attachments unless you trust the sender and know the content is safe.
>>>>> Hi Damien,
>>>>> First off thanks for the KIP, this is definitely a much needed
>>>>> feature. On
>>>>> the
>>>>> whole it seems pretty straightforward and I am in favor of the
>> proposal.
>>>>> Just
>>>>> a few questions and suggestions here and there:
>>>>> 1. One of the #handle method's parameters is "ProcessorNode
node", but
>>>>> ProcessorNode is an internal class (and would expose a lot of
>> internals
>>>>> that we probably don't want to pass in to an exception handler).
>>> it
>>>>> be sufficient to just make this a String and pass in the processor
>> name?
>>>>> 2. Another of the parameters in the ProcessorContext. This would
>> enable
>>>>> the handler to potentially forward records, which imo should not be
>> done
>>>>> from the handler since it could only ever call #forward but not
>>>>> where
>>>>> the record is actually forwarded to, and could cause confusion if
>> users
>>>>> aren't aware that the handler is effectively calling from the context
>>>>> of the
>>>>> processor that threw the exception.
>>>>> 2a. If you don't explicitly want the ability to forward records, I
>> would
>>>>> suggest changing the type of this parameter to ProcessingContext,
>> which
>>>>> has all the metadata and useful info of the ProcessorContext but
>> without
>>>>> the
>>>>> forwarding APIs. This would also lets us sidestep the following
>>>>> 2b. If you *do* want the ability to forward records, setting aside
>>>>> whether
>>>>> that
>>>>> in of itself makes sense to do, we would need to pass in either a
>>> regular
>>>>> ProcessorContext or a FixedKeyProcessorContext, depending on what
>>>>> of processor it is. I'm not quite sure how we could design a
clean API
>>>>> here,
>>>>> so I'll hold off until you clarify whether you even want
forwarding or
>>>>> not.
>>>>> We would also need to split the input record into a Record vs
>>>>> FixedKeyRecord
>>>>> 3. One notable difference between this handler and the existing ones
>> you
>>>>> pointed out, the Deserialization/ProductionExceptionHandler, is that
>> the
>>>>> records passed in to those are in serialized bytes, whereas the
>>>>> here would be POJOs. You account for this by making the parameter
>>>>> type a Record<Object, Object>, but I just wonder how users would be
>>>>> able to read the key/value and figure out what type it should be. For
>>>>> example, would they need to maintain a map from processor name to
>>>>> input record types?
>>>>> If you could provide an example of this new feature in the KIP, it
>>>>> would be
>>>>> very helpful in understanding whether we could do something to
make it
>>>>> easier for users to use, for if it would be fine as-is
>>>>> 4. We should include all the relevant info for a new metric, such as
>> the
>>>>> metric
>>>>> group and recording level. You can look at other metrics KIPs like
>>>>> KIP-444
>>>>> and KIP-613 for an example. I suspect you intend for this to be
in the
>>>>> processor group and at the INFO level?
>>>>> Hope that all makes sense! Thanks again for the KIP
>>>>> -Sophie
>>>>> On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 6:16 AM Damien Gasparina <
>> d.gaspar...@gmail.com<mailto:d.gaspar...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>> After writing quite a few Kafka Streams applications, me and my
>>>>>> colleagues
>>>>>> just created KIP-1033 to introduce a new Exception Handler in Kafka
>>>>>> Streams
>>>>>> to simplify error handling.
>>>>>> This feature would allow defining an exception handler to
>> automatically
>>>>>> catch exceptions occurring during the processing of a message.
>>>>>> KIP link:
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing><https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing>>
>>> <
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing><https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1033%3A+Add+Kafka+Streams+exception+handler+for+exceptions+occuring+during+processing>>
>>>>>> Feedbacks and suggestions are welcome,
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Damien, Sebastien and Loic
>>>>> This email was screened for spam and malicious content but exercise
>>>>> caution anyway.