Hello Kafka users, developers, and client-developers, This is the first candidate for release of Apache Kafka 3.7.0.
Note it's named "RC2" because I had a few "failed" RCs that I had cut/uploaded but ultimately had to scrap prior to announcing due to new blockers arriving before I could even announce them. Further - I haven't yet been able to set up the system tests successfully. And the integration/unit tests do have a few failures that I have to spend time triaging. I would appreciate any help in case anyone notices any tests failing that they're subject matters experts in. Expect me to follow up in a day or two with more detailed analysis. Major changes include: - Early Access to KIP-848 - the next generation of the consumer rebalance protocol - KIP-858: Adding JBOD support to KRaft - KIP-714: Observability into Client metrics via a standardized interface Check more information in the WIP blog post: https://github.com/apache/kafka-site/pull/578 Release notes for the 3.7.0 release: https://home.apache.org/~stanislavkozlovski/kafka-3.7.0-rc2/RELEASE_NOTES.html *** Please download, test and vote by Thursday, January 18, 9am PT *** Usually these deadlines tend to be 2-3 days, but due to this being the first RC and the tests not having ran yet, I am giving it a bit more time. Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release: https://kafka.apache.org/KEYS * Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary): https://home.apache.org/~stanislavkozlovski/kafka-3.7.0-rc2/ * Docker release artifact to be voted upon: apache/kafka:3.7.0-rc2 * Maven artifacts to be voted upon: https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/kafka/ * Javadoc: https://home.apache.org/~stanislavkozlovski/kafka-3.7.0-rc2/javadoc/ * Tag to be voted upon (off 3.7 branch) is the 3.7.0 tag: https://github.com/apache/kafka/releases/tag/3.7.0-rc2 * Documentation: https://kafka.apache.org/37/documentation.html * Protocol: https://kafka.apache.org/37/protocol.html * Successful Jenkins builds for the 3.7 branch: Unit/integration tests: https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Kafka/job/kafka/job/3.7/58/ There are failing tests here. I have to follow up with triaging some of the failures and figuring out if they're actual problems or simply flakes. System tests: https://jenkins.confluent.io/job/system-test-kafka/job/3.7/ No successful system test runs yet. I am working on getting the job to run. * Successful Docker Image Github Actions Pipeline for 3.7 branch: Attached are the scan_report and report_jvm output files from the Docker Build run: https://github.com/apache/kafka/actions/runs/7486094960/job/20375761673 And the final docker image build job - Docker Build Test Pipeline: https://github.com/apache/kafka/actions/runs/7486178277 The image is apache/kafka:3.7.0-rc2 - https://hub.docker.com/layers/apache/kafka/3.7.0-rc2/images/sha256-5b4707c08170d39549fbb6e2a3dbb83936a50f987c0c097f23cb26b4c210c226?context=explore /************************************** Thanks, Stanislav Kozlovski
kafka/test:test (alpine 3.18.5) =============================== Total: 0 (HIGH: 0, CRITICAL: 0)