Hey all,

I was wondering how often we plan to update LATEST_PRODUCTION metadata
version. Is this something we should do as soon as the feature is complete
or something we do when we are releasing kafka. When is the time we abandon
a MV so that other features can be unblocked?

I am just considering a feature that may end up missing a release. It seems
like maybe that MV would block future metadata versions until we decide the
feature won't make the cut. From that point, all "ready" features should be
able to be released.
I'm also wondering if the KIP should include some information about how a
metadata should be abandoned. Maybe there is a specific message to write in
the file? So folks who were maybe waiting on that version know they can
release their feature?

I am also assuming that we don't shift all the waiting metadata versions
when we abandon a version, but it would be good to clarify and include in
the KIP.



On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 12:44 PM Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Proven,
> Thanks for the KIP. I think there is a need for this capability, for those
> of us who deploy from trunk (or branches dervied from trunk).
> With regard to "unstable.metadata.versions.enable": is this going to be a
> documented configuration, or an internal one? I am guessing we want it to
> be documented, so that users can use it. If we do, we should probably also
> very prominently warn that THIS WILL BREAK UPGRADES FOR YOUR CLUSTER. That
> includes logging an ERROR message on startup, etc.
> It would be good to document if a release can go out that contains "future
> MVs" that are unstable. Like can we make a 3.8 release that contains
> IBP_4_0_IV0 in MetadataVersion.java, as an unstable future MV? Personally I
> think the answer should be "yes," but with the usual caveats. When the
> actual 4.0 comes out, the unstable 4.0 MV that shipped in 3.8 probably
> won't work, and you won't be able to upgrade. (It was unstable, we told you
> not to use it.)
> best,
> Colin
> On Fri, Jan 5, 2024, at 07:32, Proven Provenzano wrote:
> > Hey folks,
> >
> > I am starting a discussion thread for managing unstable metadata
> > versions
> > in Apache Kafka.
> >
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1014%3A+Managing+Unstable+Metadata+Versions+in+Apache+Kafka
> >
> > This KIP is actually already implemented in 3.7 with PR
> > https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/14860.
> > I have created this KIP to explain the motivation and how managing
> Metadata
> > Versions is expected to work.
> > Comments are greatly appreciated as this process can always be improved.
> >
> > --
> > --Proven

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