Hi all,
Thank you for the feedback and the interesting solutions you suggested.

The KIP and the corresponding PR are updated as follows:

   - Snapshot semantics is implemented in the `get(key, fromTime, toTime)`
   method to guarantee consistency.
   - The `ValueIterator` interface is replaced with
   `VersionedRecordIterator<V> implements Iterator<VersionedRecord<V>>`.
   Consequently, the `MultiVersionedKeyQuery` class is modified to `
   MultiVersionedKeyQuery<K, V> implements Query<VersionedRecordIterator<V
   - The former `get(key,ts)` method is updated so that it returns records
   with their `validTo` timestamps as well. I still kept the old constructor
   of the `VersionedRecord` class with only two parameters. The `validTo`
   field is initialized by `MAX` as default, but I think the default value for
   the `validTo` field must be `*PUT_RETURN_CODE_VALID_TO_UNDEFINED*` which
   is defined in the `VersionedKeyValueStore` interface and is actually
   `-1`. Am I right?

Open question:

   - It seems like we do not have a conclusion about the default ordering


On Thu, Nov 16, 2023 at 9:56 AM Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> 80)
> We do not keep backwards compatibility with IQv1, right? I would even
> say that currently we do not need to keep backwards compatibility among
> IQv2 versions since we marked the API "Evolving" (do we only mean code
> compatibility here or also behavioral compatibility?). I propose to try
> to not limit ourselves for backwards compatibility that we explicitly
> marked as evolving.
> I re-read the discussion on KIP-985. In that discussion, we were quite
> focused on what the state store provides. I see that for range queries,
> we have methods on the state store interface that specify the order, but
> that should be kind of orthogonal to the IQv2 query type. Let's assume
> somebody in the future adds a state store implementation that is not
> order based. To account for use cases where the order does not matter,
> this person might also add a method to the state store interface that
> does not guarantee any order. However, our range query type is specified
> to guarantee order by default. So we need to add something like
> withNoOrder() to the query type to allow the use cases that does not
> need order and has the better performance in IQ. That does not look very
> nice to me. Having the no-order-guaranteed option does not cost us
> anything and it keeps the IQv2 interface flexible. I assume we want to
> drop the Evolving annotation at some point.
> Sorry for not having brought this up in the discussion about KIP-985.
> Best,
> Bruno
> On 11/15/23 6:56 AM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> > Just catching up on this one.
> >
> >
> > 50) I am also in favor of setting `validTo` in VersionedRecord for
> > single-key single-ts lookup; it seems better to return the proper
> > timestamp. The timestamp is already in the store and it's cheap to
> > extract it and add to the result, and it might be valuable information
> > for the user. Not sure though if we should deprecate the existing
> > constructor though, because for "latest" it's convenient to have?
> >
> >
> > 60) Yes, I meant `VersionedRecord`. Sorry for the mixup.
> >
> >
> > 80) We did discuss this question on KIP-985 (maybe you missed it Bruno).
> > It's kinda tricky.
> >
> > Historically, it seems that IQv1, ie, the `ReadOnlyXxx` interfaces
> > provide a clear contract that `range()` is ascending and
> > `reverseRange()` is descending.
> >
> > For `RangeQuery`, the question is, if we did implicitly inherit this
> > contract? Our conclusion on KIP-985 discussion was, that we did inherit
> > it. If this holds true, changing the contract would be a breaking change
> > (what might still be acceptable, given that the interface is annotated
> > as unstable, and that IQv2 is not widely adopted yet). I am happy to go
> > with the 3-option contract, but just want to ensure we all agree it's
> > the right way to go, and we are potentially willing to pay the price of
> > backward incompatibility.
> >
> >
> >
> >> Do we need a snapshot semantic or can we specify a weaker but still
> >> useful semantic?
> >
> > I don't think we necessarily need it, but as pointed out by Lucas, all
> > existing queries provide it. Overall, my main point is really about not
> > implementing something "random", but defining a proper binding contract
> > that allows users to reason about it.
> >
> > I general, I agree that weaker semantics might be sufficient, but I am
> > not sure if we can implement anything weaker in a reasonable way? Happy
> > to be convinced otherwise. (I have some example, that I will omit for
> > now, as I hope we can actually go with snapshot semantics.)
> >
> > The RocksDB Snaptshot idea from Lucas sounds very promising. I was not
> > aware that we could do this with RocksDB (otherwise I might have
> > suggested it on the PR right away). I guess the only open question
> > remaining would be, if we can provide the same guarantees for a future
> > in-memory implementation for VersionedStores? It sounds possible to do,
> > but we should have some level of confidence about it?
> >
> >
> > -Matthias
> >
> > On 11/14/23 6:33 AM, Lucas Brutschy wrote:
> >> Hi Alieh,
> >>
> >> I agree with Bruno that a weaker guarantee could be useful already,
> >> and it's anyway possible to strengthen the guarantees later on. On the
> >> other hand, it would be nice to provide a consistent view across all
> >> segments if it doesn't come with major downsides, because until now IQ
> >> does provide a consistent view (via iterators), and this would be the
> >> first feature that diverges from that guarantee.
> >>
> >> I think a consistent could be achieved relatively easily by creating a
> >> snapshot (https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/Snapshot) that will
> >> ensure a consistent view on a single DB and using
> >> `ReadOptions.setSnapshot` for the gets. Since versioned state stores
> >> segments seem to be backed by a single RocksDB instance (that was
> >> unclear to me during our earlier discussion), a single snapshot should
> >> be enough to guarantee a consistent view - we just need to make sure
> >> to clean up the snapshots after use, similar to iterators. If we
> >> instead need a consistent view across multiple RocksDB instances, we
> >> may have to acquire a write lock on all of those (could use the
> >> current object monitors of our `RocksDB` interface) for the duration
> >> of creating snapshots across all instances - which I think would also
> >> be permissible performance-wise. Snapshots are just a sequence number
> >> and should be pretty lightweight to create (they have, however,
> >> downside when it comes to compaction just like iterators).
> >>
> >> With that in mind, I would be in favor of at least exploring the
> >> option of using snapshots for a consistent view here, before dropping
> >> this useful guarantee.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Lucas
> >>
> >> On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 2:20 PM Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Alieh,
> >>>
> >>> Regarding the semantics/guarantees of the query type:
> >>>
> >>> Do we need a snapshot semantic or can we specify a weaker but still
> >>> useful semantic?
> >>>
> >>> An option could be to guarantee that:
> >>> 1. the query returns the latest version when the query arrived at the
> >>> state store
> >>> 2. the query returns a valid history, i.e., versions with adjacent and
> >>> non-overlapping validity intervals.
> >>>
> >>> I think guarantee 1 is quite obvious. Guarantee 2 maybe needs some
> >>> explanation. If we do not avoid writes to the state store during the
> >>> processing of interactive queries, it might for example happen that the
> >>> latest version in the state store moves to data structures that are
> >>> responsible for older versions. In our RocksDB implementation that are
> >>> the segments. Thus, it could be that during query processing Kafka
> >>> Streams reads the latest value x and encounters again x in a segment
> >>> because a processor put a newer version of x in the versioned state
> >>> store. A similar scenario might also happen to earlier versions. If
> >>> Streams does not account for such cases it could return invalid
> >>> histories.
> >>>
> >>> Maybe such weaker guarantees are enough for most use cases.
> >>>
> >>> You could consider implementing weaker guarantees as I described and if
> >>> there is demand propose stricter guarantees in a follow-up KIP.
> >>>
> >>> Maybe there are also other simpler guarantees that make sense.
> >>>
> >>> Best,
> >>> Bruno
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On 11/9/23 12:30 PM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks for the updates!
> >>>>
> >>>> First my take on previous comments:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 50)
> >>>> I am in favor of deprecating the constructor that does not take the
> >>>> validTo parameter. That implies that I am in favor of modifying
> >>>> get(key,
> >>>> asOf) to set the correct validTo.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 60)
> >>>> I am in favor of renaming ValueIterator to VersionedRecordIterator and
> >>>> define it as:
> >>>>
> >>>> public interface VersionedRecordIterator<V> extends
> >>>> Iterator<VersionedRecord<V>>
> >>>>
> >>>> (Matthias, you mixed up ValueAndTimestamp with VersionedRecord in your
> >>>> last e-mail, didn't you? Just double-checking if I understood what you
> >>>> are proposing.)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 70)
> >>>> I agree with Matthias that adding a new method on the
> >>>> VersionedKeyValueStore interface defeats the purpose of one of the
> >>>> goals
> >>>> of IQv2, i.e., not to need to extend the state store interface for
> >>>> IQ. I
> >>>> would say if we do not need the method in normal processing, we should
> >>>> not extend the public state store interface. BTW, nobody forces you to
> >>>> StoreQueryUtils. I think that internal utils class was introduced for
> >>>> convenience to leverage existing methods on the state store interface.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> 80)
> >>>> Why do we limit ourselves by specifying a default order on the result?
> >>>> Different state store implementation might have different strategies
> to
> >>>> store the records which affects the order in which the records are
> >>>> returned if they are not sorted before they are returned to the user.
> >>>> Some users might not be interested in an order of the result and so
> >>>> there is no reason those users pay the cost for sorting. I propose to
> >>>> not specify a default order but sort the results (if needed) when
> >>>> withDescendingX() and withAscendingX() is specified on the query
> >>>> object.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Regarding the snapshot guarantees for the iterators, I need to think a
> >>>> bit more about it. I will come back to this thread in the next days.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Best,
> >>>> Bruno
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 11/8/23 5:30 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
> >>>>> Thank you, Bruno and Matthias, for keeping the discussion going and
> >>>>> for
> >>>>> reviewing the PR.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Here are the KIP updates:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>      - I removed the `peek()` from the `ValueIterator` interface
> since
> >>>>> we do
> >>>>>      not need it.
> >>>>>      - Yes, Bruno, the `validTo` field in the `VersionedRecod`
> >>>>> class is
> >>>>>      exclusive. I updated the javadocs for that.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Very important critical open questions. I list them here based on
> >>>>> priority
> >>>>> (descendingly).
> >>>>>
> >>>>>      - I implemented the `get(key, fromtime, totime)` method here
> >>>>>
> >>>>> <
> https://github.com/aliehsaeedii/kafka/blob/9578b7cb7cdade22cc63f671693f5aeb993937ca/streams/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/streams/state/internals/RocksDBVersionedStore.java#L262
> >:
> >>>>>      the problem is that this implementation does not guarantee
> >>>>> consistency
> >>>>>      because processing might continue interleaved (no snapshot
> >>>>> semantics is
> >>>>>      implemented). More over, it materializes all results in memory.
> >>>>>         - Solution 1: Use a lock and release it after retrieving all
> >>>>> desired
> >>>>>         records from all segments.
> >>>>>            - positive point: snapshot semantics is implemented
> >>>>>            - negative points: 1) It is expensive since iterating
> >>>>> over all
> >>>>>            segments may take a long time. 2) It still requires
> >>>>> materializing results
> >>>>>            on memory
> >>>>>         - Solution 2: use `RocksDbIterator`.
> >>>>>            - positive points: 1) It guarantees snapshot segments.
> >>>>> 2) It
> >>>>> does
> >>>>>            not require materializing results in memory.
> >>>>>            - negative points: it is expensive because, anyway, we
> >>>>> need to
> >>>>>            iterate over all (many) segments.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>              Do you have any thoughts on this issue? (ref: Matthias's
> >>>>> comment
> >>>>> <
> https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/14626#pullrequestreview-1709280589>)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>      - I added the field `validTo` in `VersionedRecord`. Its default
> >>>>> value is
> >>>>>      MAX. But as Matthias mentioned, for the single-key single-ts
> >>>>>      (`VersionedKeyQuery` in KIP-960), it may not always be true.
> >>>>> If the
> >>>>>      returned record belongs to an old segment, maybe it is not valid
> >>>>> any more.
> >>>>>      So MAX is not the correct value for `ValidTo`. Two solutions
> come
> >>>>> to mind:
> >>>>>         - Solution 1: make the `ValidTo` as an `Optional` and set
> >>>>> it to
> >>>>>         `empty` for the retuned result of `get(key, asOfTimestamp)`.
> >>>>>         - Solution 2: change the implementation of `get(key,
> >>>>> asOfTimestamp)`
> >>>>>         so that it finds the correct `validTo` for the returned
> >>>>> versionedRecord.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>         - In this KIP and the next one, even though the default
> >>>>> ordering is
> >>>>>      with ascending ts, I added the method
> `withAscendingTimestamps()`
> >>>>> to have
> >>>>>      more user readibility (as Bruno suggested), while Hanyu did
> >>>>> only add
> >>>>>      `withDescending...` methods (he did not need ascending because
> >>>>> that's the
> >>>>>      default anyway). Matthias believes that we should not have
> >>>>>      inconsistencies (he actually hates them:D). Shall I change my
> >>>>> or Hanyu?
> >>>>>      Thoughts?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> That would be maybe helpful to look into the PR
> >>>>> <https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/14626> for more clarity and
> even
> >>>>> review that ;-)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>> Alieh
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 7:13 PM Bruno Cadonna <cado...@apache.org>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi Alieh,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> First of all, I like the examples.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Is validTo in VersionedRecord exclusive or inclusive?
> >>>>>> In the javadocs you write:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> "@param validTo    the latest timestamp that value is valid"
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I think that is not true because the validity is defined by the
> start
> >>>>>> time of the new version. The new and the old version cannot both be
> >>>>>> valid at that same time.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Theoretically, you could set validTo to the start time of the new
> >>>>>> version - 1. However, what is the unit of the 1? Is it nanoseconds?
> >>>>>> Milliseconds? Seconds? Sure we could agree on one, but I think it is
> >>>>>> more elegant to just make the validTo exclusive. Actually, you
> >>>>>> used it
> >>>>>> as exclusive in your examples.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks for the KIP!
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On 11/1/23 9:01 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
> >>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>> @Matthias: I think Victoria was right. I must add the method
> >>>>>>> `get(key,
> >>>>>>> fromTime, toTime)` to the interface `VersionedKeyValueStore`. Right
> >>>>>>> now,
> >>>>>>> having the method only in `RocksDBVersionedStore`, made me to
> >>>>>>> have an
> >>>>>>> instance of `RocksDBVersionedStore` (instead of
> >>>>>>> `VersionedKeyValueStore`)
> >>>>>>> in `StoreQueryUtils.runMultiVersionedKeyQuery()` method. In
> >>>>>>> future, we
> >>>>>> are
> >>>>>>> going to use the same method for In-memory/SPDB/blaBla versioned
> >>>>>>> stores.
> >>>>>>> Then either this method won't work any more, or we have to add
> >>>>>>> code (if
> >>>>>>> clauses) for each type of versioned stores. What do you think about
> >>>>>>> that?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Bests,
> >>>>>>> Alieh
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 24, 2023 at 10:01 PM Alieh Saeedi <
> asae...@confluent.io>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thank you, Matthias, Bruno, and Guozhang for keeping the
> discussion
> >>>>>> going.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Here is the list of changes I made:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       1. I enriched the "Example" section as Bruno suggested. Do
> >>>>>>>> you
> >>>>>> please
> >>>>>>>>       have a look at that section? I think I devised an
> >>>>>>>> interesting one
> >>>>>> ;-)
> >>>>>>>>       2. As Matthias and Guozhang suggested, I renamed variables
> >>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>> methods
> >>>>>>>>       as follows:
> >>>>>>>>          - "fromTimestamp" -> "fromTime"
> >>>>>>>>          - "asOfTimestamp" -> "toTime"
> >>>>>>>>          - "from(Instant fromTime)" -> "fromTime(Instant
> fromTime)"
> >>>>>>>>          - "asOf(Instant toTime)" -> "toTime(Instant toTime)"
> >>>>>>>>       3.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       About throwing an NPE when time bounds are `null`: Ok,
> >>>>>>>> Matthias, I
> >>>>>> am
> >>>>>>>>       convinced by your idea. I consider a null timestamp as "no
> >>>>>>>> bound".
> >>>>>> But I
> >>>>>>>>       had to change KIP-960 and the corresponding PR to be
> >>>>>>>> consistent as
> >>>>>> well.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Answering questions and some more discussion points:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       1.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       For now, I keep the class names as they are.
> >>>>>>>>       2.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       About the new field "validTo" in VersionedRecord. Yes
> >>>>>>>> Matthias I
> >>>>>> keep
> >>>>>>>>       the old constructor, which does not have `validTo` as an
> >>>>>>>> input
> >>>>>> parameter.
> >>>>>>>>       But in the body of the old constructor, I consider the
> >>>>>>>> default
> >>>>>> value MAX
> >>>>>>>>       for the validTo field. I think MAX must be the default
> >>>>>>>> value for
> >>>>>> `validTo`
> >>>>>>>>       since before inserting a tombstone or a new value for the
> >>>>>>>> same
> >>>>>>>> key,
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>       value must be valid till iternity.
> >>>>>>>>       3.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       Regarding changing the ValueIterator interface from `public
> >>>>>> interface
> >>>>>>>>       ValueIterator<V> extends Iterator<V>` to `public interface
> >>>>>>>>       ValueIterator<V> extends Iterator<VersionedRecord<V>>`:
> >>>>>>>> Matthias, I
> >>>>>> do not
> >>>>>>>>       know how it improves type safety because the
> >>>>>>>> MultiVersionedKeyQuery
> >>>>>> class
> >>>>>>>>       returns a ValueIterator of VersionedRecord any way. But if
> we
> >>>>>>>> want
> >>>>>> to be
> >>>>>>>>       consistent with KeyValueIterator, we must apply the
> >>>>>>>> changes you
> >>>>>> suggested.
> >>>>>>>>       4.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>       Regarding adding the new `get(key, fromTime, toTime)` method
> >>>>>>>> to the
> >>>>>>>>       public interface `VersionedKeyValueStore` or only adding
> >>>>>>>> it to
> >>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>       class `RocksDBVersionedStore`: In the KIP, I changed the
> >>>>>>>> interface
> >>>>>> as
> >>>>>>>>       Victoria suggested. But still, I am not convinced why we
> >>>>>>>> do that.
> >>>>>> @Victoria:
> >>>>>>>>       Do you please clarify why we have to define it in the
> >>>>>>>> interface?
> >>>>>> More
> >>>>>>>>       specifically, why do we need to use generic
> >>>>>>>> VersionedKeyValueStore
> >>>>>>>>       instead of simply using the implementing classes?
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>> Alieh
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 3:35 AM Guozhang Wang <
> >>>>>> guozhang.wang...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Thanks Alieh for the KIP, as well as a nice summary of all the
> >>>>>>>>> discussions! Just my 2c regarding your open questions:
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> 1. I just checked KIP-889
> >>>>>>>>> (
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-889%3A+Versioned+State+Stores
> >>>>>>>>> )
> >>>>>>>>> and we used "VersionedRecord<V> get(K key, long asOfTimestamp);",
> >>>>>>>>> so I
> >>>>>>>>> feel to be consistent with this API is better compared with being
> >>>>>>>>> consistent with "WindowKeyQuery"?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> 3. I agree with Matthias that naming is always tricky, and I also
> >>>>>>>>> tend
> >>>>>>>>> to be consistent with what we already have (even if in retro it
> >>>>>>>>> may
> >>>>>>>>> not be the best idea :P and if that was really becoming a
> >>>>>>>>> complaint,
> >>>>>>>>> we would change it across the board in one shot as well later).
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> Guozhang
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 9:12 PM Matthias J. Sax <
> mj...@apache.org>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the update!
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Some thoughts about changes you made and open questions you
> >>>>>>>>>> raised:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 10) About asOf vs until: I was just looking into
> >>>>>>>>>> `WindowKeyQuery`,
> >>>>>>>>>> `WindowRangeQuery` and also `ReadOnlyWindowStore` interfaces.
> For
> >>>>>> those,
> >>>>>>>>>> we use "timeFrom" and "timeTo", so it seems best to actually use
> >>>>>>>>>> `to(Instant toTime)` to keep the naming consistent across the
> >>>>>>>>>> board?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> If yes, we should also do `from (Instant fromTime)` and use
> >>>>>>>>>> getters
> >>>>>>>>>> `fromTime()` and `toTime()` -- given that it's range bounds it
> >>>>>>>>>> seems
> >>>>>>>>>> acceptable to me, to diverge a little bit from KIP-960
> >>>>>> `asOfTimestamp()`
> >>>>>>>>>> -- but we could also rename it to `asOfTime()`? -- Given that we
> >>>>>>>>>> strongly type with `Instant` I am not worried about semantic
> >>>>>> ambiguity.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 20) About throwing a NPE when time bounds are `null` -- why?
> (For
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> key it makes sense as is mandatory to have a key.) Could we not
> >>>>>>>>>> interpret `null` as "no bound". We did KIP-941 to add `null` for
> >>>>>>>>>> open-ended `RangeQueries`, so I am wondering if we should just
> >>>>>>>>>> stick
> >>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> the same semantics?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Cf
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-941%3A+Range+queries+to+accept+null+lower+and+upper+bounds
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 30) About the class naming. That's always tricky, and I am not
> >>>>>>>>>> married
> >>>>>>>>>> to my proposal. I agree with Bruno that the other suggested
> names
> >>>>>>>>>> are
> >>>>>>>>>> not really better. -- The underlying idea was, to get some
> >>>>>> "consistent"
> >>>>>>>>>> naming across the board.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Existing `KeyQuery`
> >>>>>>>>>> New `VersionedKeyQuery` (KIP-960; we add a prefix)
> >>>>>>>>>> New `MultiVersionKeyQuery` (this KIP; extend the prefix with a
> >>>>>>>>> pre-prefix)
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Existing `RangeQuery`
> >>>>>>>>>> New `MultiVersionRangeQuery` (KIP-969; add same prefix as above)
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 40) I am fine with not adding `range(from, to)` -- it was just
> an
> >>>>>> idea.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Some more follow up question:
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 50) You propose to add a new constructor and getter to
> >>>>>> `VersionedRecord`
> >>>>>>>>>> -- I am wondering if this implies that `validTo` is optional
> >>>>>>>>>> because
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> existing constructor is not deprecated? -- Also, what happens if
> >>>>>>>>>> `validTo` is not set and `valueTo()` is called? Or do we
> >>>>>>>>>> intent to
> >>>>>> make
> >>>>>>>>>> `validTo` mandatory?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Maybe this question can only be answered when working on the
> >>>>>>>>>> code,
> >>>>>> but I
> >>>>>>>>>> am wondering if we should make `validTo` mandatory or not... And
> >>>>>>>>>> what
> >>>>>>>>>> the "blast radius" of changing `VersionedRecord` will be in
> >>>>>>>>>> general.
> >>>>>> Do
> >>>>>>>>>> you have already some POC PR that we could look at to get some
> >>>>>>>>>> signals
> >>>>>>>>>> about this?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 60) The new query class is defined to return
> >>>>>>>>>> `ValueIterator<VersionedRecord<V>>` -- while I like the idea
> >>>>>>>>>> to add
> >>>>>>>>>> `ValueIterator<V>` in a generic way on the one hand, I am
> >>>>>>>>>> wondering if
> >>>>>>>>>> it might be better to change it, and enforce its usage (ie,
> >>>>>>>>>> return
> >>>>>> type)
> >>>>>>>>>> of `VersionedRecord` to improve type safety (type erasure is
> >>>>>>>>>> often a
> >>>>>>>>>> pain, and we could mitigate it this way).
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Btw: We actually do a similar thing for `KeyValueIterator`.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Ie,
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> public interface ValueIterator<V> extends
> >>>>>> Iterator<ValueAndTimestamp<V>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> ValueAndTimestamp<V> peek();
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> This would imply that the return type of the new query is
> >>>>>>>>>> `ValueIterator<V>` on the interface what seems simpler and more
> >>>>>> elegant?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> If we go with the change, I am also wondering if we need to
> >>>>>>>>>> find a
> >>>>>>>>>> better name for the new iterator class? Maybe
> >>>>>>>>>> `VersionIterator` or
> >>>>>>>>>> something like this?
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Of course it might limit the use of `ValueIterator` for other
> >>>>>>>>>> value
> >>>>>>>>>> types -- not sure if this a limitation that is prohibitive? My
> >>>>>>>>>> gut
> >>>>>>>>>> feeling is, that is should not be too limiting.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> 70) Do we really need the change in `VersionedKeyValueStore` and
> >>>>>>>>>> add a
> >>>>>>>>>> new method? In the end, the idea of IQv2 is to avoid exactly
> >>>>>>>>>> this...
> >>>>>> It
> >>>>>>>>>> was the main issue for IQv1, that the base interface of the
> store
> >>>>>> needed
> >>>>>>>>>> an update and thus all classed implementing the base interface,
> >>>>>>>>>> making
> >>>>>>>>>> it very cumbersome to add new query types. -- Of course, we need
> >>>>>>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>> new method on the actually implementation (as private method)
> >>>>>>>>>> that can
> >>>>>>>>>> be called from `query()` method, but adding it to the interface
> >>>>>>>>>> seems
> >>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>> defeat the purpose of IQv2.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Note, for existing IQv2 queries types that go against others
> >>>>>>>>>> stores,
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> public methods already existed when IQv2 was introduces, and
> thus
> >>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>> implementation of these query types just pragmatically re-used
> >>>>>> existing
> >>>>>>>>>> methods -- but it does not imply that new public method should
> be
> >>>>>> added.
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> -Matthias
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> On 10/11/23 5:11 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the updates, Alieh!
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> The example in the KIP uses the allVersions() method which we
> >>>>>>>>>>> agreed
> >>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>> remove.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Regarding your questions:
> >>>>>>>>>>> 1. asOf vs. until: I am fine with both but slightly prefer
> >>>>>>>>>>> until.
> >>>>>>>>>>> 2. What about KeyMultiVersionsQuery, KeyVersionsQuery (KIP-960
> >>>>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>>>> then be KeyVersionQuery). However, I am also fine with
> >>>>>>>>>>> MultiVersionedKeyQuery since none of the names sounds better or
> >>>>>>>>>>> worse
> >>>>>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>> me.
> >>>>>>>>>>> 3. I agree with you not to introduce the method with the two
> >>>>>>>>>>> bounds
> >>>>>> to
> >>>>>>>>>>> keep things simple.
> >>>>>>>>>>> 4. Forget about fromTime() an asOfTime(), from() and asOf() is
> >>>>>>>>>>> fine.
> >>>>>>>>>>> 5. The main purpose is to show how to use the API. Maybe make
> an
> >>>>>>>>> example
> >>>>>>>>>>> with just the key to distinguish this query from the single
> >>>>>>>>>>> value
> >>>>>>>>> query
> >>>>>>>>>>> of KIP-960 and then one with a key and a time range. When you
> >>>>>>>>>>> iterate
> >>>>>>>>>>> over the results you could also call validTo(). Maybe add some
> >>>>>>>>>>> actual
> >>>>>>>>>>> records in the comments to show what the result might look
> like.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the test plan, I hope you also plan to add unit
> >>>>>>>>>>> tests in
> >>>>>> all
> >>>>>>>>>>> of your KIPs. Maybe you could also explain why system tests
> >>>>>>>>>>> are not
> >>>>>>>>>>> needed here.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>> On 10/10/23 5:36 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you all for the very exact and constructive comments. I
> >>>>>>>>>>>> really
> >>>>>>>>>>>> enjoyed reading your ideas and all the important points you
> >>>>>>>>>>>> made me
> >>>>>>>>> aware
> >>>>>>>>>>>> of. I updated KIP-968 as follows:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        1. If the key or time bounds are null, the method
> >>>>>>>>>>>> returns
> >>>>>>>>>>>> NPE.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        2. The "valid" word: I removed the sentence "all the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> records
> >>>>>>>>> that are
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        valid..." and replaced it with an exact explanation.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> More
> >>>>>> over, I
> >>>>>>>>>>>> explained
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        it with an example in the KIP but not in the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> javadocs. Do I
> >>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>>>>>> to add the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        example to the javadocs as well?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        3. Since I followed Bruno's suggestion and removed the
> >>>>>>>>> allVersions()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        method, the problem of meaningless combinations is
> >>>>>>>>>>>> solved, and
> >>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>>>> do not
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        need any IllegalArgumentException or something like
> >>>>>>>>>>>> that.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        change is that if no time bound is specified, the query
> >>>>>>>>>>>> returns
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the records
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        with the specified key for all timestamps (all
> >>>>>>>>>>>> versions).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        4. As Victoria suggested, adding a method to the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> *VersionedKeyValueStore
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        *interface is essential. So I did that. I had this
> >>>>>>>>>>>> method
> >>>>>>>>>>>> only
> >>>>>>>>> in the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        RocksDBVersionedStore class, which was not enough.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        5. I added the *validTo* field to the VersionedRecord
> >>>>>>>>>>>> class to
> >>>>>> be
> >>>>>>>>>>>> able
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        to represent the tombstones. As you suggested, we
> >>>>>>>>>>>> postpone
> >>>>>>>>> solving
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        problem of retrieving consecutive tombstones for later.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        6. I added the "Test Plan" section to all KIPs. I hope
> >>>>>>>>>>>> what I
> >>>>>>>>>>>> wrote is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        convincing.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        7. I added the *withAscendingTimestamp()* method to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> provide
> >>>>>> more
> >>>>>>>>>>>> code readability
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        for the user.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        8. I removed the evil word "get" from all getter
> >>>>>>>>>>>> methods.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> There have also been some more suggestions which I am still
> not
> >>>>>>>>> convinced
> >>>>>>>>>>>> or clear about them:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        1. Regarding asOf vs until: reading all comments, my
> >>>>>>>>>>>> conclusion
> >>>>>>>>>>>> was that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        I keep it as "asOf" (following Walker's idea as the
> >>>>>>>>>>>> native
> >>>>>>>>> speaker
> >>>>>>>>>>>> as well
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        as Bruno's suggestion to be consistent with
> >>>>>> single-key_single_ts
> >>>>>>>>>>>> queries).
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        But I do not have a personal preference. If you
> >>>>>>>>>>>> insist on
> >>>>>>>>> "until",
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I change
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        it.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        2. Bruno suggested renaming the class
> >>>>>>>>>>>> "MultiVersionedKeyQuery"
> >>>>>>>>> to sth
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        else. We already had a long discussion about the name
> >>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Matthias. I am
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        open to renaming it to something else, but do you
> >>>>>>>>>>>> have any
> >>>>>> ideas?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        3. Matthias suggested having a method with two input
> >>>>>>>>>>>> parameters
> >>>>>>>>> that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        enables the user to specify both time bounds in the
> same
> >>>>>> method.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Isn't it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        introducing redundancy? It is somehow disrespectful to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> the idea
> >>>>>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>> having
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        composable methods.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        4. Bruno suggested renaming the methods "asOf" and
> >>>>>>>>>>>> "from" to
> >>>>>>>>>>>> "asOfTime"
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        and "fromTime". If I do that, then it is not
> >>>>>>>>>>>> consistent with
> >>>>>>>>> KIP-960.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        Moreover, the input parameter is clearly a timestamp,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> which
> >>>>>>>>> explains
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        enough. What do you think about that?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        5. I was asked to add more examples to the example
> >>>>>>>>>>>> section. My
> >>>>>>>>>>>> question
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        is, what is the main purpose of that? If I know it
> >>>>>>>>>>>> clearly,
> >>>>>> then
> >>>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>>>> can add
> >>>>>>>>>>>>        what you mean.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Alieh
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 1:13 AM Matthias J. Sax
> >>>>>>>>>>>> <mj...@apache.org>
> >>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno and I had some background conversation about the `get`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> prefix
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> question including a few other committers.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> The official policy was never changed, and we should not
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> add the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> `get`-prefix. It's a slip on our side in previous KIPs to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> add the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> `get`-prefix and we should actually clean it up doing a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> follow up
> >>>>>>>>> KIP.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matthias
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/5/23 5:26 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Matthias,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Given all the IQv2 KIPs that use getX and given recent PRs
> >>>>>>>>> (internal
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> interfaces mainly) that got merged, I was under the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> impression
> >>>>>>>>> that we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> moved away from the strict no-getX policy.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not think it was an accident using getX in the IQv2
> KIPs
> >>>>>> since
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> somebody would have brought it up, otherwise.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am fine with both types of getters.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we think, we need to discuss this in a broader context,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> let's
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> start a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> separate thread.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/5/23 7:44 AM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I agree to (almost) everything what Bruno said.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In general, we tend to move away from using getters
> without
> >>>>>>>>> "get",
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recently. So I would keep the "get".
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is new to me? Can you elaborate on this point? Why
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do you
> >>>>>>>>> think
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's the case?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I actually did realize (after Walker mentioned it) that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing
> >>>>>>>>> query
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types use `get` prefix, but to me it seems that it was by
> >>>>>>>>> accident and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we should consider correcting it? Thus, I would actually
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prefer
> >>>>>>>>> to not
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add the `get` prefix for new methods query types.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMHO, we should do a follow up KIP to deprecate all methods
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
> >>>>>>>>> `get`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prefix and replace them with new ones without `get` --
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's of
> >>>>>>>>> course
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> always kinda "unnecessary" noise, but if we don't do it, we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might
> >>>>>>>>> get
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into more and more inconsistent naming what would result
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a
> >>>>>>>>> "bad"
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> API.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we indeed want to change the convention and use the
> `get`
> >>>>>>>>> prefix, I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would strongly advocate to bit the bullet and do KIP to
> >>>>>>>>> pro-actively
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add the `get` "everywhere" it's missing... But overall, it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems
> >>>>>>>>> to be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a much broader decision, and we should get buy in from many
> >>>>>>>>> committers
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about it -- as long as there is no broad consensus to add
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `get`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everywhere, I would strongly prefer not to diverge from the
> >>>>>>>>> current
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> agreement to omit `get`.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matthias
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/4/23 2:36 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding tombstones:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I understand, we need to add either a validTo
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> field to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VersionedRecord or we need to return tombstones,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise the
> >>>>>>>>> result
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not complete, because users could never know a record
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
> >>>>>>>>> deleted
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at some point before the second non-null value was put.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like more adding the validTo field since it makes the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> result
> >>>>>>>>> more
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concise and easier interpretable.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Extending on Victoria's example, with the following puts
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put(k, v1, time=0)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put(k, null, time=5)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put(k, null, time=10)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put(k, null, time=15)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put(k, v2, time=20)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the result with tombstones would be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value, timestamp
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (v1, 0)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (null, 5)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (null, 10)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (null, 15)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (v2, 20)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value, timestamp, validTo
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (v1, 0, 5)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (v2, 20, null)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The benefit of conciseness would already apply to one
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> single
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tombstone.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On the other hand, why would somebody write consecutive
> >>>>>>>>> tombstones
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into a versioned state store? I guess if somebody does
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that on
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose, then there should be a way to retrieve each of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> those
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tombstones, right?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So maybe we need both -- validTo field and the option to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tombstones. The latter might be moved to a future KIP in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case we
> >>>>>>>>> see
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the need.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding .within(fromTs, toTs):
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would keep it simple with .from() and .asOfTimestamp()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (or
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .until()). If we go with .within(), I would opt for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .withinTimeRange(fromTs, toTs), because the query
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> becomes more
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> readable:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiVersionedKeyQuery
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        .withKey(1)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .withinTimeRange(Instant.parse(2023-08-03T10:37:30.00Z),
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instant.parse(2023-08-04T10:37:30.00Z))
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we stay with .from() and .until(), we should consider
> >>>>>>>>> .fromTime()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and .untilTime() (or .toTime()):
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiVersionedKeyQuery
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .withKey(1)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .fromTime(Instant.parse(2023-08-03T10:37:30.00Z))
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       .untilTime(Instant.parse(2023-08-04T10:37:30.00Z))
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding asOf vs. until:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think asOf() is more used in point in time queries as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Walker
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned where this KIP specifies a time range. IMO
> asOf()
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fits
> >>>>>>>>> very
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well with KIP-960 where one version is queried, but here I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .until() fits better. That might just be a matter of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> taste and
> >>>>>>>>> in the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end I am fine with both as long as it is well documented.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding getters without "get":
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the other IQv2 classes we used getters with "get". In
> >>>>>>>>> general, we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tend to move away from using getters without "get",
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recently. So
> >>>>>>>>> I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would keep the "get".
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 10/3/23 7:49 PM, Walker Carlson wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hey Alieh thanks for the KIP,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Weighing in on the AsOf vs Until debate I think either is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> natural language perspective. Personally AsOf makes more
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense
> >>>>>>>>> to me
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until gives me the idea that the query is making a
> change.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> totally a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connotative difference and not that important. I think as
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> frequently used in point of time queries.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also for these methods it makes sense to drop the "get"
> We
> >>>>>> don't
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> normally use that in getters
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         * The key that was specified for this query.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         */
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        public K getKey();
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        /**
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         * The starting time point of the query, if
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specified
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         */
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        public Optional<Instant> getFromTimestamp();
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        /**
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         * The ending time point of the query, if
> specified
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>         */
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>        public Optional<Instant> getAsOfTimestamp();
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other than that I didn't have too much to add. Overall
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I like
> >>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> direction
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the KIP and think the funcatinlyt is all there!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Walker
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 2, 2023 at 10:46 PM Matthias J. Sax <
> >>>>>>>>> mj...@apache.org>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the updated KIP. Overall I like it.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Victoria raises a very good point, and I personally
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tend to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prefer (I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe so does Victoria, but it's not totally clear
> from
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email) if
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a range query would not return any tombstones, ie,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only two
> >>>>>>>>> records
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> in
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Victoria's example. Thus, it seems best to include a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `validTo`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ts-field
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to `VersionedRecord` -- otherwise, the retrieved result
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot
> >>>>>>>>> be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interpreted correctly.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure what others think about it.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would also be open to actually add a
> `includeDeletes()`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (or
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `includeTombstones()`) method/flag (disabled by
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default) to
> >>>>>>>>> allow
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get all tombstone: this would only be helpful if
> there
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are
> >>>>>>>>> two
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> consecutive tombstone though (if I got it right), so not
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure
> >>>>>>>>> if we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to add it or not -- it seems also possible to add it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> later if
> >>>>>>>>> there
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user demand for it, so it might be a premature
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> addition as
> >>>>>> this
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> point?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nit:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the public interface ValueIterator is used
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "is used" -> "is added" (otherwise it sounds like as if
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `ValueIterator`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exist already)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we also add a `.within(fromTs, toTs)` (or maybe
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
> >>>>>>>>> better
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name?) to allow specifying both bounds at once? The
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> existing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `RangeQuery` does the same for specifying the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> key-range, so
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good to add for time-range too?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matthias
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/6/23 5:01 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In my last e-mail I missed to finish a sentence.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I think from a KIP"
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I think the KIP looks good!"
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/6/23 1:59 PM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alieh,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the KIP!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think from a KIP
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I propose to throw an IllegalArgumentException or an
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IllegalStateException for meaningless combinations.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In any
> >>>>>>>>> case,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KIP should specify what exception is thrown.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why does not specifying a range return the latest
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version? I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expect that it returns all versions since an empty
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lower or
> >>>>>>>>> upper
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> limit is interpreted as no limit.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I second Matthias comment about replacing "asOf" with
> >>>>>>>>> "until" or
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "to".
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do we need "allVersions()"? As I said above I would
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return
> >>>>>>>>> all
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versions if no limits are specified. I think if we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get rid
> >>>>>> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allVersions() there might not be any meaningless
> >>>>>> combinations
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anymore.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a user applies twice the same limit like for
> example
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MultiVersionedKeyQuery.with(key).from(t1).from(t2) the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last
> >>>>>>>>> one
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wins.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you add some more examples with time ranges to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>> example
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> section?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The KIP misses the test plan section.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I propose to rename the class to
> "MultiVersionKeyQuery"
> >>>>>>>>> since we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> are
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> querying multiple versions of the same key.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you also add withAscendingTimestamps()? IMO it
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gives
> >>>>>>>>> users
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibility to make their code more readable instead
> of
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> relying
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the default.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bruno
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/17/23 4:13 AM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for splitting this part into a separate KIP!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For `withKey()` we should be explicit that `null`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allowed.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Looking into existing `KeyQuery` it seems the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JavaDocs
> >>>>>>>>> don't
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> cover
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this either -- would you like to do a tiny cleanup
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PR for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this, or
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fix on-the-side in one of your PRs?)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The key query returns all the records that are
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> valid in
> >>>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> range starting from the timestamp {@code
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fromTimestamp}.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the JavaDocs you use the phrase `are valid` -- I
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> think
> >>>>>> we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explain what "valid" means? It might even be worth
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to add
> >>>>>>>>> some
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> examples. It's annoying, but being precise if kinda
> >>>>>>>>> important.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With regard to KIP-962, should we allow `null` for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time
> >>>>>>>>> bounds ?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JavaDocs should also be explicit if `null` is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> allowed or
> >>>>>>>>> not and
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the semantics are if allowed.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are using `asOf()` however, because we are doing
> >>>>>>>>> time-range
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queries, to me using `until()` to describe the upper
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bound
> >>>>>>>>> would
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sound better (I am not a native speaker though, so
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> maybe I
> >>>>>>>>> am
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> off?)
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The key query returns all the records that have
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp
> >>>>>>>>> <=
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {@code
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asOfTimestamp}.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is only correct if not lower-bound is set,
> right?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In your reply to KIP-960 you mentioned:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the meaningless combinations are prevented by
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> throwing
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> exceptions.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We should add corresponding JavaDocs like:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fromTimestamp} is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> equal or
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                           larger than
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {@code
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> untilTimestamp}
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or something similar.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With regard to KIP-960: if we need to introduce a
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> `VersionedKeyQuery`
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class for single-key-single-ts lookup, would we
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to
> >>>>>> find
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a new
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name for the query class of this KIP, given that the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> return
> >>>>>>>>> type
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Matthias
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 8/16/23 10:57 AM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I splitted KIP-960
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-960%3A+Support+single-key_single-timestamp+interactive+queries+%28IQv2%29+for+versioned+state+stores
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into three separate KIPs. Therefore, please continue
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discussions
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> about single-key, multi-timestamp interactive
> queries
> >>>>>>>>> here. You
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see all
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the addressed reviews on the following page.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in
> >>>>>>>>> advance.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> KIP-968: Support single-key_multi-timestamp
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interactive
> >>>>>>>>> queries
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (IQv2) for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> versioned state stores
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-968%3A+Support+single-key_multi-timestamp+interactive+queries+%28IQv2%29+for+versioned+state+stores
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I look forward to your feedback!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alieh
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>

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