Hi Alieh,

I like the examples!

Some terms like `asOf` in the descriptions still need to be replaced in the KIP.

In your last e-mail you state:

"How can a user retrieve the latest value? We have the same issue with kip-968 as well."

Why do we have the same issue in KIP-968?
If users need to retrieve the latest value for a specific key, they should use KIP-960.

Regarding querying the latest version (or an asOf version) of records in a given key range, that is exactly why I proposed to split the query class. One class would return the latest and the asOf versions (i.e. a single version) of records in a key range and the other class would return all versions in a given time range (i.e. multiple versions) of the records in a given key range. The splitting in two classes avoids to specify a time range and latest or a time range and asOf on a given key range.

Alternatively, you could keep one class and you could specify that the last call wins as you specified for fromTime() and toTime(). For example, for


latest() wins. However, how would you interpret


Is it [t1, t2] or [-INF, t2]?
(I would say the latter, but somebody else would say differently)

The two class solution seems cleaner to me since we do not need to consider those edge cases.
You could propose both classes in this KIP.

Why do we need orderByKey() and orderByTimestamp()?
Aren't withAscendingKeys(), withDescendingKeys(), withAscendingTimestamps(), and withDescendingTimestamps() sufficient?

In example 2, why is

key,value: 2,20, timestamp: 2023-01-10T10:00:00.00Z, valid till: 2023-01-25T10:00:00.00Z

not part of the result?
It is valid from 2023-01-10T10:00:00.00Z to 2023-01-25T10:00:00.00Z which overlaps with the time range [2023-01-17T10:00:00.00Z, 2023-01-30T10:00:00.00Z] of the query.

(BTW, in the second example, you forgot to add "key" to the output.)


On 10/25/23 4:01 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
Thanks, Matthias and Bruno.
Here is a list of updates:

    1. I changed the variable and method names as I did for KIP-968, as
       - "fromTimestamp" -> fromTime
       - "asOfTimestamp"-> toTime
       - "from(instant)" -> fromTime(instant)"
       - asOf(instant)"->toTime(instant)
    2. As Bruno suggested for KIP-968, I added `orderByKey()`,
    `withAscendingKeys()`, and `withAscendingTimestamps()` methods for user
    3. I updated the "Example" section as well.

Some points:

    1. Even though the kip suggests adding the `get(k lowerkeybound, k
    upperkeybound, long fromtime, long totime)` method to the interface, I
    added this method to the `rocksdbversionedstore` class for now.
    2. Matthias, you mentioned a very important point. How can a user
    retrieve the latest value? We have the same issue with kip-968 as well.
    Asking a user to call `toTime(max)` violates the API design rules, as you
    mentioned. So I think we must have a `latest()` method for both KIP-968 and
    KIP-969. What do you think about that?


On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 6:33 AM Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> wrote:

Thanks for the update.

To retrieve
     the latest value(s), the user must call just the asOf method with
the MAX
     value (asOf(MAX)). The same applies to KIP-968. Do you think it is

Well, in KIP-968 calling `asOf` and passing in a timestamp is optional,
and default is "latest", right? So while `asOf(MAX)` does the same
thing, practically users would never call `asOf` for a "latest" query?

In this KIP, we enforce that users give us a key range (we have the 4
static entry point methods to define a query for this), and we say we
default to "no bounds" for time range by default.

The existing `RangeQuery` allows to query a range of keys for existing
stores. It seems to be a common pattern to query a key-range on latest.
-- in the current proposal, users would need to do:

MultiVersionedRangeQuery.withKeyRange(startKey, endKey).asOf(MAX);

Would like to hear from others if we think that's good user experience?
If we agree to accept this, I think we should explain how to do this in
the JavaDocs (and also regular docs... --- otherwise, I can already
anticipate user question on all question-asking-channels how to do a
"normal key range query". IMHO, the problem is not that the code itself
it too clumsy, but that it's totally not obvious to uses how to express
it without actually explaining it to them. It basically violated the API
design rule "make it easy to use / simple things should be easy".

Btw: We could also re-use `RangeQuery` and add am implementation to
`VersionedStateStore` to just accept this query type, with "key range
over latest" semantics. -- The issue is of course, that uses need to
know that the query would return `ValueAndTimestamp` and not plain `V`
(or we add a translation step to unwrap the value, but we would lose the
"validFrom" timestamp -- validTo would be `null`). Because type safety
is a general issue in IQv2 it would not make it worse (in the strict
sense), but I am also not sure if we want to dig an even deeper hole...


On 10/10/23 11:55 AM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
Thanks, Matthias and Bruno, for the feedback on KIP-969. Here is a
of the updates I made to the KIP:

     1.  I liked the idea of renaming methods as Matthias suggested.
     2. I removed the allversions() method as I did in KIP-968. To
     the latest value(s), the user must call just the asOf method with
the MAX
     value (asOf(MAX)). The same applies to KIP-968. Do you think it is
     3. I added a method to the *VersionedKeyValueStore *interface, as I
     for KIP-968.
     4. Matthias: I do not get what you mean by your second comment. Isn't
     the KIP already explicit about that?

     > I assume, results are returned by timestamp for each key. The KIP
     should be explicit about it.


On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 6:07 AM Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> wrote:

Thanks for updating the KIP.

Not sure if I agree or not with Bruno's idea to split the query types
further? In the end, we split them only because there is three different
return types: single value, value-iterator, key-value-iterator.

What do we gain by splitting out single-ts-range-key? In the end, for
range-ts-range-key the proposed class is necessary and is a superset
(one can set both timestamps to the same value, for single-ts lookup).

The mentioned simplification might apply to "single-ts-range-key" but I
don't see a simplification for the proposed (and necessary) query type?

On the other hand, I see an advantage of a single-ts-range-key for
querying over the "latest version" with a range of keys. For a
single-ts-range-key query, this it would be the default (similar to
VersionedKeyQuery with not asOf-timestamped defined).

In the current version of the KIP, (if we agree that default should
actually return "all versions" not "latest" -- this default was
suggested by Bruno on KIP-968 and makes sense to me, so we would need to
have the same default here to stay consistent), users would need to pass
in `from(Long.MAX).to(Long.MAX)` (if I got this right) to query the
latest point in time only, what seems to be clumsy? Or we could add a
`lastestKeyOnly` option to `MultiVersionedRangeQuery`, but it does seems
a little clumsy, too.

The overall order of the returned records is by Key

I assume, results are returned by timestamp for each key. The KIP should
be explicit about it.

To be very explicit, should we rename the methods to specify the key

    - withRange -> withKeyRange
    - withLowerBound -> withLowerKeyBound
    - withUpperBound -> withUpperKeyBound
    - withNoBounds -> allKeys (or withNoKeyBounds, but we use
`allVersions` and not `noTimeBound` and should align the naming?)


On 9/6/23 5:25 AM, Bruno Cadonna wrote:
Hi Alieh,

Thanks for the KIP!

One high level comment/question:

I assume you separated single key queries into two classes because
versioned key queries return a single value and multi version key
queries return iterators. Although, range queries always return
iterators, it would make sense to also separate range queries for
versioned state stores into range queries that return one single
of the keys within a range and range queries that return multiple
version of the keys within a range, IMO. That would reduce the
meaningless combinations.


On 8/16/23 8:01 PM, Alieh Saeedi wrote:
Hi all,

I splitted KIP-960


three separate KIPs. Therefore, please continue discussions about
interactive queries here. You can see all the addressed reviews on the
following page. Thanks in advance.

KIP-969: Support range interactive queries (IQv2) for versioned state


I look forward to your feedback!


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