Congratulations Yash Mayya

On Thu 21 Sep 2023 at 17:28, Bruno Cadonna <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> The PMC of Apache Kafka is pleased to announce a new Kafka committer
> Yash Mayya.
> Yash's major contributions are around Connect.
> Yash authored the following KIPs:
> KIP-793: Allow sink connectors to be used with topic-mutating SMTs
> KIP-882: Kafka Connect REST API configuration validation timeout
> improvements
> KIP-970: Deprecate and remove Connect's redundant task configurations
> endpoint
> KIP-980: Allow creating connectors in a stopped state
> Overall, Yash is known for insightful and friendly input to discussions
> and his high quality contributions.
> Congratulations, Yash!
> Thanks,
> Bruno (on behalf of the Apache Kafka PMC)

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