Thanks Yash! This is very useful for migrating connectors from one cluster
to another.

I had the following comments/questions

1. Is the offset read using `GET /offsets` api always guaranteed to be in a
format accepted by `PATCH /offsets` ?
2. I had to tackle a similar migration situation but the two connect
clusters in question were using the same backing Kafka cluster. The
challenge in this case is that when I delete the original connector, I want
to retain offsets and config topics. Do you think we should support
deletion of a connector without removal of these topics as part of this KIP
3. In the case of a downgrade, how will Connect worker handle the optional
“state” field in config topic ?


On Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 11:09 PM Yash Mayya <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to begin discussion on a KIP to allow creating connectors in a
> stopped state -
> Thanks,
> Yash

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