It seems this is related to KAFKA-14273, there is already a pr for this 
problem, but it’s not merged.


> On Sep 6, 2023, at 07:25, Greg Harris <> wrote:
> Hey Sumanshu,
> Thanks for trying out Kraft! I hope that you can get it working :)
> I am not familiar with Kraft or Windows, but the error appears to
> mention that the file is already in use by another process so maybe we
> can start there.
> 1. Have you verified that no other Kafka processes are running, such
> as in the background or in another terminal?
> 2. Are you setting up multiple Kafka brokers on the same machine in your test?
> 3. Do you see the error if you restart your machine before starting Kafka?
> 4. Do you see the error if you delete the log directory and format it
> again before starting Kafka?
> 5. Have you made any changes to the ``, such as
> changing the log directories? (I see that the default is
> `/tmp/kraft-combined-logs`, I don't know if that is a valid path for
> Windows).
> Thanks,
> Greg
> On Mon, Sep 4, 2023 at 2:21 PM Sumanshu Nankana
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Team,
>> I am following the steps mentioned here 
>> to Install the Kafka.
>> Windows 11
>> Kafka Version 
>> 64 Bit Operating System
>> Step1: Generate the Cluster UUID
>> $KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID=.\bin\windows\kafka-storage.bat random-uuid
>> Step2: Format Log Directories
>> .\bin\windows\kafka-storage.bat format -t $KAFKA_CLUSTER_ID -c 
>> .\config\kraft\
>> Step3: Start the Kafka Server
>> .\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat .\config\kraft\
>> I am getting the error. Logs are attached
>> Could you please help me to sort this error.
>> Kindly let me know, if you need any more information.
>> -
>> Best
>> Sumanshu Nankana

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