Hi, Igor
I’m +1(binding) for this, looking forward the PR.


> On Jul 26, 2023, at 01:13, Igor Soarez <soa...@apple.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Following a face-to-face discussion with Ron and Colin,
> I have just made further improvements to this KIP:
> 1. Every log directory gets a random UUID assigned, even if just one
>   log dir is configured in the Broker.
> 2. All online log directories are registered, even if just one if configured.
> 3. Partition-to-directory assignments are only performed if more than
>   one log directory is configured/registered.
> 4. A successful reply from the Controller to a AssignReplicasToDirsRequest
>   is taken as a guarantee that the metadata changes are
>   successfully persisted.
> 5. Replica assignments that refer log directories pending a failure
>   notification are prioritized to guarantee the Controller and Broker
>   agree on the assignments before acting on the failure notification.
> 6. The transition from one log directory to multiple log directories
>   relies on a logical update to efficiently update directory assignments
>   to the previously registered single log directory when that's possible.
> I have also introduced a configuration for the maximum time the broker
> will keep trying to send a log directory notification before shutting down.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-858%3A+Handle+JBOD+broker+disk+failure+in+KRaft
> Best,
> --
> Igor

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