Thanks for the KIP. Overall I like the idea to close this gap.

However, I am wondering if we should close others gaps first? In particular, IIRC, we have a few cases for which we only have a RocksDB implementation for a store, and thus, adding an in-memory version for these stores first, to make the current `IN_MEMORY` parameter work, might be the first step?

In particular, this holds for the new versioned-store (but I actually believe the is some other internal store with no in-memory implementation). -- For `suppress()` it's actually other way around we we only have an in-memory implementation. Do you aim to allow custom stores for `suppress()`, too?

Btw: Should versioned stores also be covered by the KIP (ie, `StoreTypeSpec`)? We did consider to add a new option `VERSIONED` to the existing `` config, but opted out for various reasons.

Last, I am not sure if the new parameter replacing the existing one is the best way to go? Did you put the idea to add `CUSTOM` to the existing config into rejected alternative. Personally, I would prefer to add `CUSTOM` as I would like to optimize to easy of use for the majority of users (which don't implement a custom store), but only switch to in-memory sometimes. -- As an alternative, you would also just extend `` (it's just a String) and allow to pass in anything. If it's matches existing `ROCKS_DB` or `IN_MEMORY` we just process it as we do know, and if know we assume it's a fully qualified class name and try to instantiate it? -- Given that we plan to keep the store-enum, is seems cleaner to keep the existing config and keep both the config and enum aligned to each other?

It's just preliminary thought. I will need to go back an take a more detailed look into the code to grok how the propose `StoreTypeSpec` falls into place. Also wondering how it would related to the existing `Stores` factory?


On 7/21/23 6:45 AM, Colt McNealy wrote:

Thanks for chiming in here. +1 to the idea of specifying the ordering
guarantees that we make in the StorageTypeSpec javadocs.

Quick question then. Is the javadoc that says:

Order is not guaranteed as bytes lexicographical ordering might not
represent key order.

no longer correct, and should say:

Order guarantees depend on the underlying implementation of the
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore. For more information, please consult the
[StorageTypeSpec javadocs](....)

Colt McNealy


On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 9:28 PM Sophie Blee-Goldman <>

Hey Almog, first off, thanks for the KIP! I (and others) raised concerns
over how restrictive the config would be if not
extendable to custom store types, especially given that this seems to be
the primary userbase of such a feature. At the time we didn't really have
any better ideas for a clean way to achieve that, but what you proposed
makes a lot of sense to me. Happy to see a good solution to this, and
hopefully others will share my satisfaction :P

I did have one quick piece of feedback which arose from an unrelated
question posed to the dev mailing list w/ subject line
<>. I
recommend checking out the full thread for context, but it made me think
about how we can leverage the new StoreTypeSpec concept as an answer to the
long-standing question in Streams: where can we put guarantees of the
public contract for RocksDB (or other store implementations) when all the
RocksDB stuff is technically internal.

Basically, I'm suggesting two things: first, call out in some way (perhaps
the StoreTypeSpec javadocs) that each StoreTypeSpec is considered a public
contract in itself and should outline any semantic guarantees it does, or
does not, make. Second, we should add a note on ordering guarantees in the
two OOTB specs: for RocksDB we assert that range queries will honor
serialized byte ordering, whereas the InMemory flavor gives no ordering
guarantee whatsoever at this time.



On Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 4:28 PM Almog Gavra <> wrote:

Hi All,

I would like to propose a KIP to expand support for default store types
(KIP-591) to encompass custom store implementations:

Looking forward to your feedback!


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