Hi Andrew,

> On Jun 13, 2023, at 8:06 AM, Andrew Schofield 
> <andrew_schofield_j...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to start a new discussion thread on KIP-714: Client metrics and 
> observability.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-714%3A+Client+metrics+and+observability
> I have edited the proposal significantly to reduce the scope. The overall 
> mechanism for client metric subscriptions is unchanged, but the
> KIP is now based on the existing client metrics, rather than introducing new 
> metrics. The purpose remains helping cluster operators
> investigate performance problems experienced by clients without requiring 
> changes to the client application code or configuration.
> Thanks,
> Andrew

Thanks for the KIP updates. A few questions:

1. The concept of a client instance ID is somewhat similar to the unique 
producer ID that is created for transactional producers. Can we augment the 
name or somehow clarify that this client instance ID is only for use by 
telemetry? The pandora’s box alternative is to make the creation, management, 
etc. of a unique, per-client instance ID a first-class construct. I assume 
that’s something we don’t want to bite off in this KIP ;)

2. I’m having trouble understanding where this provision for the terminating 
flag would be useful:

> The Terminating flag may be reused upon the next expiry of PushIntervalMs.

In the happy path, the terminating flag is set once at time of application 
shutdown by the close() method of a client. A buggy/nefarious client may send 
multiple push telemetry requests with the terminating flag set to skirt 
throttling. What’s the use case where an application would want to send a 
second request with the terminating flag set after PushInteralMs?

3. KIP-848 introduces a new flavor of regex for topic subscriptions. Is that 
what we plan to adopt for the regex used by the subscription match?

4. What’s the benefit of having the broker specify the delta temporality if 
it’s (for now) always delta, besides API protocol bumping?

5. What is gained by the existence of the ClientTelemetry interface? Why not 
let interested parties implement ClientTelemetryReceiver directly?


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